NationStates Jolt Archive

UN Protection Act (Proposal)

23-02-2006, 17:18
Here is my proposal, see what you think:

WHEREAS, the UN is a body working for the embetterment of the world community, and

WHEREAS, as a propagator of this principle, the UN should enact authoritative measures of aid towards needy states, and

WHEREAS, that authority requires the help of many nations to input support for these such needy countries,

Therefore, be it RESOLVED that,

The UN, with best interests in helping needy nations, creates a program in which all UN members provide a certain amount of resources collected in a common International Aid Fund, which is to be split up and partitioned equally amongst qualifying nations which require aid.

Also, be it further RESOLVED that,

All UN members agree to invest in an International Emergency Fund, in which a certain amount of money is collected and kept until qualifying emergency needs come to rise.

Respectfully Submitted
The Holy Empire of Rannatia

Footnote: Amendments to this proposal are more than welcome. The more this can be discussed, the better.
23-02-2006, 17:22

A well-intended proposal, but much too vague. There are numerous resolutions that have created these aid functions of which you speak. Perhaps describing a specific problem that needs the UN's consideration would be more appropriate.
23-02-2006, 18:19
What he said. You need to
a) specify the problem you are trying to solve (poverty, disease, fluffy economic policy)
b) explain how the Fund will reduce it
c) describe the fund collection mechanism (I suggest you make it optional, especially for poor nations to contribute)
c) introduce checks to ensure the money ends up doing what it's supposed to do
Palentine UN Office
23-02-2006, 20:52
"Ambiguity is the soul of foreign policy."
-Ceberus the Aardvarrk
The Most Glorious Hack
24-02-2006, 05:59
As written, this is terminally vague.

"We resolve to do something about this problem over here. Somehow."

Granted, being too specific is a problem, but this is way at the other end of the spectrum. Also, the title makes it sound like you're trying to "protect" the UN.
Texan Hotrodders
24-02-2006, 15:18
As written, this is terminally vague.

"We resolve to do something about this problem over here. Somehow."

Granted, being too specific is a problem, but this is way at the other end of the spectrum. Also, the title makes it sound like you're trying to "protect" the UN.

Maybe they're thinking that if we give the "rouge nations" some aid, they'll stop trying to attack the UN. Hell, that could even be true. ;)
24-02-2006, 15:39
Maybe they're thinking that if we give the "rouge nations" some aid, they'll stop trying to attack the UN. Hell, that could even be true. ;)

I would suggest some technological cooperation, in the form of self-propelled, high-speed transfer of nuclear devices to all rouge nations.
Rouge State
24-02-2006, 21:59
Such a move might prove unwise.
25-02-2006, 02:08
to all
thanks for the feedback on my draft. Ill work on it some more, maybe think about it more specifically. I think Ill concentrate more on the emergency fund idea. So, pls be wathcing out for another new thread posted by me.
again, thanks alot
