NationStates Jolt Archive

Submitted: Fantasy Games Use

10-02-2006, 18:06
Description: Full Resolution Title: Destruction of Fantasy Games Restrictions and Implementation of Use in Public Schools

DETERMINED to ensure that citizens of all nations are able to take part in fantasy games (example: NS), without restriction.

CONVINCED that with the current restrictions on the games (including fees and lack of internet access), it is impossible for people to enjoy their basic freedom.

FURTHER CONVINCED that by removing the barriers to fantasy sports, citizens will learn valuable life traits such as wise decision making, socializing with fellow citizens, the art of trade, wise and economical spending.

EVEN FURTHER CONVINCED that by teaching these skills in public classrooms through the use of fantasy games, students will be able to learn and apply the lessons, ultimately creating more efficient and balanced societies.


1. RESOLVES that all nations must recognize the right for every citizen in a UN member nation to be allowed unrestricted access to the internet for use in playing fantasy games.

FURTHER RESOLVES that all UN member nations will use fantasy games to teach their students valuable life lessons.

2. ESTABLISHES the right of all UN member nation's citizens to play fantasy games unrestricted by lack of internet access and playing fees.

3. EXEMPTS from this resolution those who use the internet access for purposes other than fantasy games.

FURTHER EXEMPTS citizens who have a religious reason for avoiding fantasy games from attending the class while the lessons are being taught with the use of the fantasy games.

4. MANDATES that UN member nations must teach valuable life skills in the classroom by using fantasy games. Thus it also mandates that all public schools implement computers with internet access within their classrooms.

5. URGES all national governments to recognize the urgent needs of students for such valuable life traits.

6. AFFIRMS the right of students to have total and unrestricted access to the internet while on public property, for use with fantasy games purposes only.

FURTHER AFFIRMS the right of a teacher to remove a student's internet access if he has used it for reasons other than fantasy games at an inappropriate time.

7. FORBIDS discrimination against those who have beliefs against fantasy games.

FURTHER FORBIDS any restriction whatsoever to fantasy games, except under extraneous circumstances.

8. ABOLISHES the fees to play fantasy games for those under the age of 18.

9. DECLARES that Unions must respect national law, and that national laws shall not be made to impair the guarantees or restrict the abolishment provided for in this resolution.

10-02-2006, 18:09
Five words: Not worth the UN's time.

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
10-02-2006, 19:00
Uh? :confused: Are you a puppet of Optischer as well?
10-02-2006, 19:46[1].jpg
10-02-2006, 19:53
Uh? :confused: Are you a puppet of Optischer as well?
I may be ignorant but I'm not crazy.
The Most Glorious Hack
11-02-2006, 00:30
DETERMINED to ensure that citizens of all nations are able to take part in fantasy games (example: NS), without restriction.Metagaming.
Cleve land
11-02-2006, 07:52[1].jpg

Instead of calling him a noob, I think you need to lighten up and show some respect for being an elderly forum poster
St Edmund
11-02-2006, 11:11
Not worth the UN's time (and inappropriate for past-tech nations), but a very nice example of how to lay out a proposal.
11-02-2006, 11:26
Wouldn't it actually be a RL reference?

Anyway, I'm forced to agree with the representative of St Edmund: not worth the UN's time, but well-presented. Perhaps you might consider a broader international issue - say, increasing telecommunications access, internet data regulation, that sort of thing?
11-02-2006, 13:24
Anyone else noticed the second clause 8?

8. DECLARES that Unions must respect national law, and that national laws shall not be made to impair the guarantees or restrict the abolishment provided for in this resolution.
I think someone's trying to make a point here...
11-02-2006, 14:11
Perhaps it's not the best of proposals... and perhaps it's not worth the UN's time... but I think it is well written, for my very first proposal.

I think broadening it would be a great idea!! Is any other nation willing to help me broaden this proposal... to make it more sensible?
11-02-2006, 14:15
Perhaps it's not the best of proposals... and perhaps it's not worth the UN's time... but I think it is well written, for my very first proposal.

I think broadening it would be a great idea!! Is any other nation willing to help me broaden this proposal... to make it more sensible?
Broadening it to what?
11-02-2006, 15:13
Broadening it to what?

Why, to include game consoles, of course!
St Edmund
11-02-2006, 16:53
Anyone else noticed the second clause 8?

I think someone's trying to make a point here...

I didn't get as far as that line.
Maybe it is worthy of the UN's time, after all... ;)
11-02-2006, 17:04
Sorry... I typed in clause 8 by accident... it should be clause 9.
11-02-2006, 17:06
I have now updated it to make it clause 9. :)
11-02-2006, 19:34
Instead of calling him a noob, I think you need to lighten up and show some respect for being an elderly forum poster

That makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.
The Most Glorious Hack
11-02-2006, 19:57
Still not sure this is really worthy, but it's still got some serious problems regardless.
11-02-2006, 22:13
Imperiux isn't sure about this yet. Although we think the cost should be eliminated for playing fantasy games, maybe the honorouble author could make a proposal extending to all computer games?
Palentine UN Office
11-02-2006, 22:27

Wild Turkey, anyone?
Sen. Horatio Sulla