proposal for democracy
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Umvitz
Description: RECOGNIZING that dictators receive only half the power
ESTABLISHING some sort of voting senate, council, or representatives
GIVING power to the council, etc. to vote on laws, rights, and government positions, excluding dictators
PROTECTING the rights and freedoms of the people
GIVING the people the right to vote.
plz give support!
if you are against this, you are probably a dictator. so show your upport and vote! it's on pg. 5 in the list proposals link.
06-12-2005, 04:02
"Citizen Rule Required" already mandates some form of citizen participation in government.
06-12-2005, 04:04
And, also, yes some of us are dictators.
06-12-2005, 06:02
if you are against this, you are probably a dictator. so show your upport and vote! it's on pg. 5 in the list proposals link.
Actually, I'm against this because it shows a one-minded opinion about the world with a frustrating failure to research. What do I mean by that? The assumption that democracy is all-encompasing good while a dictatorship is all-encompasing evil and a failure to have read the UN rules and the full list of passed UN resolutions. Specifically, this resolution breaks either ideological ban or duplication with resolution 5.
My interest in your proposal and the conduct of your representative to the UN fell even further with this blatant statement which shows nothing but contempt for your fellow UN members. It is a "you're either with us or you're against us" opinion - you're either a dictatorship and against this or you're a democracy and you're supporting it. Your insinuation that you seem to understand what goes on in the minds of people and how that relates to their personal form of government, coupled with the evident arrogance means that you have failed to grasp the very nature of politics:
This is not a two-world society. This is not a black or white realm. I have thrown away countless proposals that have been submitted because, if for no other reason, the quality of the proposal was total crap. If I find an author who I try to present arguments to but he refuses to listen, that author can be guaranteed to lose my support. And actually, in your case, if I hadn't flagged it for rules violation, I certainly would've dinged you on extensive issues of quality and failure to address loopholes.
Overall, the comments you have made to the UN have been nothing short of small-minded and demeaning. If you truly wish to succeed here, I would recommend you head my advice and think a bit more thoroughly about what you're going to say.
Welcome to the UN. The expectations are probably a bit higher than you expected.
As the representatives of a Triumvirate that combines democracy, oligarchy and autocracy, we cannot support such a proposal. As individuals, perhaps, but not in our roles as Consuls for Enn.
Stephanie Fulton and Hannah Sikura
We find it absolutely appalling that another nation would attempt to ram through legislation with such utter disregard for the cultural institutions of many of its neighbors. Our Emperor, the Light of Heaven, stands strong in Krioval because the people support him and stand beside him. Assuming that we have abolished the vote or centralized power in the hands of a single individual simply because we have chosen a powerful central authority is beyond ignorant. Please take the time to consider the multiplicity of political systems that exist in our world and how they truly function before telling others how to structure them. Good day.
Yoshi Takahara
06-12-2005, 19:51
As far as _Myopia_ is concerned, it doesn't really matter who's making the laws, as long as those laws are just and respect and uphold the liberties and freedoms we believe in. Sometimes, dictators can be more respectful of individuals' rights than can the general populace.
Thus, we won't support a proposal forcing democratic systems on nations which may have a liberal, benevolent dictatorship.
06-12-2005, 20:43
I abstain from expressing a personal position on this, as these limitations are clearly not allowed.
Intellect and the Arts
06-12-2005, 21:55
I advise the author of this proposal to read the rules for proposal submissions. They will find that using a proposal to force any type of government onto UN member nations is wholly illegal and therefore will not be given any considerable amount of UN support.
Intellect and the Arts
06-12-2005, 22:14
A government's type is determined by its structure and its political characteristics. In other words, the way a government works defines what type of government it is.
I would also appreciate that you refrain from blatantly insulting people on the forums.
06-12-2005, 22:17
I would also appreciate that you refrain from blatantly insulting people on the forums.
No no, let him. It's cute.
Intellect and the Arts
06-12-2005, 22:29
The-Republic']No no, let him. It's cute.
Ah, the sacrifices I make for the sake of cuteness...
Very well, let there be a continuance. Just don't come crying to me when you get in trouble with mods or somesuch for insulting the wrong person (or the right person the wrong way and the wrong number of times). In the words of Foamy: "You have been warned!"
06-12-2005, 23:04
Fonzoland commends the calm behaviour of Intellect and the Arts. However, I would suggest that this issue is allowed to rest peacefully.
The Most Glorious Hack
07-12-2005, 15:26
RECOGNIZING that dictators receive only half the powerMakes no sense. Dictators tend to have full power. That's what makes them dictators.
ESTABLISHING some sort of voting senate, council, or representativesIllegal: Terminally Vague.
GIVING power to the council, etc. to vote on laws, rights, and government positions, excluding dictatorsToo vague.
PROTECTING the rights and freedoms of the peopleIllegal: Terminally Vague. Need to describe what rights and how.
GIVING the people the right to vote.Illegal: Duplication. Citizens already have the right to vote.
plz give support!"plz" has never, and will never be a word.
07-12-2005, 15:40
"plz" has never, and will never be a word.
Shh....I may need to use it in Scrabble...