SLI Sector
06-11-2005, 12:42
ARTICLE II: Special Cases
Section A: If a nation is trying to comply with the resolution, but having trouble, it may apply for a time extension, but must demonstrate significant need. Legitimate significant needs are extensive damage to infrastructure or economy because of:
Natural disasters
Severe economic depression
If significant need is established, an appropriate time extension relative to need will be granted.
As per Article II of the Fossil Fuel Reduction Act, a time extension is granted to those who demonstrante a a "significant need". While many nations would love to support the enviorment, it seems that their efforts to support it may cause great harm to their nations in the long run, with many predictions suggesting poverty in 45 years. Poverty is a bad thing, so Article II, Section A provides for time extensions, to give nations time to rebuild before contiuning to reduce pollution.
To streamlime procedures to help nations who have a "significant need" get the time extension needed to help rebuild and get out of the "significant need", a committe has been set up, chaired by me, Vicki-Y, SLI Sector ambassdor to the UN. This committe will examine applications sent to me, and will then vote to accept or decline the application.
1. Name of Country (For Documenation Purposes)
2. Name of "Significant Need" (For reference to the "need")
3. Describe the "Signifcant Need":
a. Type of "Signifcant Need" [A Signifcant Need is defined, as per Resolution #126 as "extensive damage to infrastructure or economy". This damage has to be caused by either natural disasters, war, or severe economic depression]
b. Provide background information (including references to external articles if possible)
c. Describe the present state and condition
4. Time Extension Applied For
Once the application is submitted, we read it and approve or decline the application. Once it is approved, the time extension is granted immeadily, giving you time to repair your nation. We hope this procedure will help out the UN.
The application is renewable, just in case the "signifcant need" has not gone away, despite all attempts to get out.
We also are looking for committe members to join this committe to help alleviate my workload, and help the UN out as well. Currnetly, I'm the only person on the committe, and it will be hard work for me.
You hate the Fossil Fuel Reduction Act? So do us! This is why we did this. This procedure, thought up by Grunberg and me, is to be used in case the repeal efforts for FFRA fails. It did. While repeal efforts are good, how will you avoid damage to your ecomony during the meantime. Noncompliance is the only answer, but you don't want to be caught. This is how you do it. Just say your "signifcant need", fill out the application, and it will be accepted. Everything. Just don't make it silly. I don't want pesky enviromentalists to know about this. They'll just scream.
Also, don't worry about that time waiver nonsenese. Ask for a small, not noticeable number, like 5-10 years. You can always renew the application by resubmitting it and having us accept it again, so what the point of asking for an unreasonable amount of time? ;) You are techincally given an unlimited time waiver.
And with unlimited time, you do not have to worry about fufilling the UN resolution! You have unlimited time ot complete the resolution's goal, and you can procedde as slow as you want (blaming your slowness on the "significant need").
If you do not have a "signifcant need", you can just lie, and we'll accept it. But fear nobody would accept that? Well, I can help manufcature a "signifcant need" for you (know what I mean?). Just call me and lay me a few creds, and I'll see what I can do.
Also, join the committe. Staff it with our supporters, and provide it will legimenancy.
This is our chance to stand up for International Federalism! Let's do it! Nations of the world, unite! We have nothing to lose but our chains!
Section A: If a nation is trying to comply with the resolution, but having trouble, it may apply for a time extension, but must demonstrate significant need. Legitimate significant needs are extensive damage to infrastructure or economy because of:
Natural disasters
Severe economic depression
If significant need is established, an appropriate time extension relative to need will be granted.
As per Article II of the Fossil Fuel Reduction Act, a time extension is granted to those who demonstrante a a "significant need". While many nations would love to support the enviorment, it seems that their efforts to support it may cause great harm to their nations in the long run, with many predictions suggesting poverty in 45 years. Poverty is a bad thing, so Article II, Section A provides for time extensions, to give nations time to rebuild before contiuning to reduce pollution.
To streamlime procedures to help nations who have a "significant need" get the time extension needed to help rebuild and get out of the "significant need", a committe has been set up, chaired by me, Vicki-Y, SLI Sector ambassdor to the UN. This committe will examine applications sent to me, and will then vote to accept or decline the application.
1. Name of Country (For Documenation Purposes)
2. Name of "Significant Need" (For reference to the "need")
3. Describe the "Signifcant Need":
a. Type of "Signifcant Need" [A Signifcant Need is defined, as per Resolution #126 as "extensive damage to infrastructure or economy". This damage has to be caused by either natural disasters, war, or severe economic depression]
b. Provide background information (including references to external articles if possible)
c. Describe the present state and condition
4. Time Extension Applied For
Once the application is submitted, we read it and approve or decline the application. Once it is approved, the time extension is granted immeadily, giving you time to repair your nation. We hope this procedure will help out the UN.
The application is renewable, just in case the "signifcant need" has not gone away, despite all attempts to get out.
We also are looking for committe members to join this committe to help alleviate my workload, and help the UN out as well. Currnetly, I'm the only person on the committe, and it will be hard work for me.
You hate the Fossil Fuel Reduction Act? So do us! This is why we did this. This procedure, thought up by Grunberg and me, is to be used in case the repeal efforts for FFRA fails. It did. While repeal efforts are good, how will you avoid damage to your ecomony during the meantime. Noncompliance is the only answer, but you don't want to be caught. This is how you do it. Just say your "signifcant need", fill out the application, and it will be accepted. Everything. Just don't make it silly. I don't want pesky enviromentalists to know about this. They'll just scream.
Also, don't worry about that time waiver nonsenese. Ask for a small, not noticeable number, like 5-10 years. You can always renew the application by resubmitting it and having us accept it again, so what the point of asking for an unreasonable amount of time? ;) You are techincally given an unlimited time waiver.
And with unlimited time, you do not have to worry about fufilling the UN resolution! You have unlimited time ot complete the resolution's goal, and you can procedde as slow as you want (blaming your slowness on the "significant need").
If you do not have a "signifcant need", you can just lie, and we'll accept it. But fear nobody would accept that? Well, I can help manufcature a "signifcant need" for you (know what I mean?). Just call me and lay me a few creds, and I'll see what I can do.
Also, join the committe. Staff it with our supporters, and provide it will legimenancy.
This is our chance to stand up for International Federalism! Let's do it! Nations of the world, unite! We have nothing to lose but our chains!