NationStates Jolt Archive

Kind of rough idea for a proposal

13-10-2005, 20:25
A resolution deal with genetic engineering and eugenics (which I will have to find out how to spell correctly, unless that is correct) in the UN.

Basically it would require that all UN nations stop genetic engineering of sentient beings (humans, elves, dwarves etc) if the purpose is to create a better human, or to allow the "customization" of a child (for want of a better phrase). Curing life threatening diseases would be permittable, but it would be a medical decision as to whether or not it goes ahead, and not a parental one. To clarify that it would be up to the parents to request it, and to let it go ahead, but if there was no medical justification (you can't do surgery to stop a child having blond hair, for example) but you can to cure Platek's Syndrome (a disease that happens sometimes in Pallatium, and that we are trying to cure).

Also possibly prevent Eugenics programs - forced breeding programs (for example) and the genetic tampering to make people stronger, faster, smarter and better.

I can forsee some arguements - I am attempting to force my morals on other nations, I am putting the future of children in the hands of doctors, who might not be trustworthy (not all doctors are required to takes oaths before they start practicing), I am taking the choice about children away from the parents and putting it in the hands of the state, I am screwing over other nations who are already engaged in such practices.

But mostly this is just a "what do people think" type thing. Depending on how it goes, I might scrap it, or do a proper draft (I am not so full of myself to believe I can write and submit a proposal without at least some revisions!).

(Further more I might be moving out of the region I am in, which would lose me the endorsements I have, so this might all become moot any time soon)

So - what do you think?
SLI Sector
13-10-2005, 20:29
Several FT nations totally use genetic engineering and eugenics in production of their offspring. In other words, there is no other way that FT nations could reproduce without gentic enginerring and eugenics.

I am one of those FT nations.

Therefore, I oppose your propositon, becasue if it passes, then our nation will not be able to grow and reproduce and the popluation will slowly die off, destroying my beloved nation.

Prehaps a comprimise, like prohibiting genetic enginerring and eugenics for nations expect when a nation needs it to happen for reproduction (like us?) would be acceptable.
13-10-2005, 20:36
A resolution deal with genetic engineering and eugenics (which I will have to find out how to spell correctly, unless that is correct) in the UN.

Basically it would require that all UN nations stop genetic engineering of sentient beings (humans, elves, dwarves etc) if the purpose is to create a better human, or to allow the "customization" of a child (for want of a better phrase).


While such an endeavour should most certainly be approached with great care and caution there is no inherent reason why utilizing genetic scientific research to enhance the species should be forbidden. Are there potentially harmful effects to such practices? Of course there are... and so they should be sensibly regulated certainly, but we will vehemently oppose any attempt to impose a ban on such endeavours.

Also possibly prevent Eugenics programs - forced breeding programs (for example)

No objection there considering the "forced" qualifier...

and the genetic tampering to make people stronger, faster, smarter and better.

Big, giant objection there. What exactly do you have against making people stronger, smarter, faster and just all-around better? If you can find some legal or ethical objection to some specific method employed that is one thing but to base a ban on whether or not it is an effort to 'improve' a person? Completely unnacceptable.
13-10-2005, 20:37
The nation of Galloism is against this proposal. Our entire military force is genetically engineered, and we are very happy with our results. We do not intend to fall back to a lesser military force simply because some do not agree with the advancement of science.
13-10-2005, 20:40
Gruenberg doesn't genetic engineering. We just think this is plain daft, and will oppose vigorously this egregious assault on national sovereignty.
13-10-2005, 20:44
Wow. 4 objections in 15 minutes.

I really should go ahead with it, simply to piss people off.

But I have better things to do with my time, so....

(Upside - I can move regions now without losing the chance to do good!)
Holyboy and the 666s
13-10-2005, 20:52
A resolution deal with genetic engineering and eugenics (which I will have to find out how to spell correctly, unless that is correct) in the UN.

Seems to be spelt correctly (according to Word's Handy Dandy spell check :))

So - what do you think?

I agree with this idea. Creating a baby that has blonde hair just for the sake of having blonde hair is a bad way to use science. There are better ways to use doctor's and scientist's time then to create a physically good-looking baby.

I hope you write a proposal soon.
13-10-2005, 20:56
He already implied he was going to drop it. Anyway, just because you agree with it doesn't mean the entire UN should be subjected to it. Ban it in your nation; let others meddle as they wish. It doesn't affect you.
13-10-2005, 21:00
Meh, I know it's dead, but I thought I'd just go and annoy you guys a bit more.

I agree with the Genetic Engineering part as stated for various reasons, but Eugenics or whatever....I'd be concerned with the possible issue of "arranged marriages".
13-10-2005, 21:01
Gruenberg doesn't genetic engineering. We just think this is plain daft, and will oppose vigorously this egregious assault on national sovereignty.

The people of Cluichstan agree completely and stand with our Gruenberger friends against this proposed infringement upon national sovereignty.

Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstan's Ambassador to the UN
Regional Delegate from Scybala
Holyboy and the 666s
13-10-2005, 21:04
He already implied he was going to drop it. Anyway, just because you agree with it doesn't mean the entire UN should be subjected to it. Ban it in your nation; let others meddle as they wish. It doesn't affect you.

Sorry, that post took awhile to type (got a little distracted) If you want to drop it, fine by me.

Anyway, just because you agree with it doesn't mean the entire UN should be subjected to it.

If I'm the only one that believes this way, then this proposal will fail. But just because a small minority of posters on the form disagress with it, doesn't mean that this shouldn't be brought up in the UN. I would like to see a resolution like this be brought up, and let the entire UN decide if this should pass or fail.
SLI Sector
13-10-2005, 21:11
Small minority?

My nation needs genetic engineering and eugenics to surivie. If the UN says I can't do that, then my nation will die. The UN is not suppose to kill nations like me, who have done nothing wrong!
13-10-2005, 21:17
If I'm the only one that believes this way, then this proposal will fail. But just because a small minority of posters on the form disagress with it, doesn't mean that this shouldn't be brought up in the UN. I would like to see a resolution like this be brought up, and let the entire UN decide if this should pass or fail.

Right. But I would not care to take that risk. Everyone is entitled to debate in the UN forums: we are no less democratic here than in the General Assembly. As such, we shouldn't simply 'let stuff through'. The whole point of delegacy approval is that the UN only need vote on matters that have been worked on to an acceptable level.

If you're going to write a proposal, so be it. At this point, though, I can't believe there would be a wording of it possible that we would not oppose.
13-10-2005, 21:22
some nations need eugenics and genetic engineering more than others so its reasonable to object.

My governments brief when I was appointed UN Ambassador was to look out and oppose proposals that could damage national sovereignty. If it was proposed it certainly would do this.

A resolution can be proposed but its dosen't mean its going to pass.
13-10-2005, 21:43
Kirisubo : I am not going to propose the proposal (submit the proposal would be better english I guess!), because there is obviously some not inconsiderate support for genetic engineering - some of which I hadn't considered when I voiced my opinions. The fact it would damage national sovereignty is neither here nor there to me - there are very few resolutions that don't do that, and yet somehow they all pass :}

Gruenberg : Technically I am she, but I guess you had no way of knowing that :}

SLI Sector : Whether you have done anything wrong or not depends on your perspective I guess. But i accept your point - it is a part of your culture and I have no desire to destroy it or you.

Holyboy : It is not Gruenberg's proposal, it is mine :}

Everyone : Thank you for your comments, but I really do intend to drop this. While I think that what I am proposing would work well in Pallatium, I accept there are reasons for Genetic Engineering that I hadn't considered, and I am not actually willing or able to wipe out entire nations just to make my nation a better place (I do have some standards!)

That's all folks :}