15-09-2005, 14:39
Fellow representatives,
It would appear that in recent times the biggest problem for the success and failure of international security proposals has been defining what a terrorist or what the act of terrorism actually is.
I drafted an terrorism proposal which attempted to define terrorism, but it failed to achieve a broad consensus. Considering other nations have also failed to resolve this issue, I propose that interested nations seek to contribute to this thread and form a working group to seek to define terrorism for future use. Once a definition is used, I would submit the definition in my international co-operation against terrorism proposal.
Hirota has worked on this issue for sometime, and has reviewed many debates on the matter. Looking at real life examples, we note even the RL UN has failed to reach agreement on a definition (link here (http://www.unodc.org/unodc/terrorism_definitions.html)), although we note an excellent definition from A. Schmid which should be considered for adoption by the NS UN and would work as a suitable starting point for a definition.
Hirota will below place a copy of aforementioned definition and also our own effort. Moreover My government will make available all the reading resources we have applied to our effort towards defining this act.
"Terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons, whereby - in contrast to assassination - the direct targets of violence are not the main targets. The immediate human victims of violence are generally chosen randomly (targets of opportunity) or selectively (representative or symbolic targets) from a target population, and serve as message generators. Threat- and violence-based communication processes between terrorist (organization), (imperilled) victims, and main targets are used to manipulate the main target (audience(s)), turning it into a target of terror, a target of demands, or a target of attention, depending on whether intimidation, coercion, or propaganda is primarily sought" (Schmid, 1988).
“Defining Terrorism as the use of violence or threatened use of violence for the purpose of achieving a political, religious, or ideological goals of groups of induviduals by coerceing or intimidating governments or societies by targetting primarily civilian targets during offensive operations. It may or may not be directed against a particular government, and it may or may not be state-sponsored.” Hirota, July 2005
Sources: United nations office on drugs and crime : http://www.unodc.org/unodc/terrorism_definitions.html
wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism
RL UN draft convention: http://www.un.org/ga/57/sixth/index.html and in particular http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/N02/673/64/PDF/N0267364.pdf?OpenElement
Google also has a lot of additional links, many of which provide similar information repeated endlessly
International prevention and cooperation against terrorism draft: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=432143
It would appear that in recent times the biggest problem for the success and failure of international security proposals has been defining what a terrorist or what the act of terrorism actually is.
I drafted an terrorism proposal which attempted to define terrorism, but it failed to achieve a broad consensus. Considering other nations have also failed to resolve this issue, I propose that interested nations seek to contribute to this thread and form a working group to seek to define terrorism for future use. Once a definition is used, I would submit the definition in my international co-operation against terrorism proposal.
Hirota has worked on this issue for sometime, and has reviewed many debates on the matter. Looking at real life examples, we note even the RL UN has failed to reach agreement on a definition (link here (http://www.unodc.org/unodc/terrorism_definitions.html)), although we note an excellent definition from A. Schmid which should be considered for adoption by the NS UN and would work as a suitable starting point for a definition.
Hirota will below place a copy of aforementioned definition and also our own effort. Moreover My government will make available all the reading resources we have applied to our effort towards defining this act.
"Terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons, whereby - in contrast to assassination - the direct targets of violence are not the main targets. The immediate human victims of violence are generally chosen randomly (targets of opportunity) or selectively (representative or symbolic targets) from a target population, and serve as message generators. Threat- and violence-based communication processes between terrorist (organization), (imperilled) victims, and main targets are used to manipulate the main target (audience(s)), turning it into a target of terror, a target of demands, or a target of attention, depending on whether intimidation, coercion, or propaganda is primarily sought" (Schmid, 1988).
“Defining Terrorism as the use of violence or threatened use of violence for the purpose of achieving a political, religious, or ideological goals of groups of induviduals by coerceing or intimidating governments or societies by targetting primarily civilian targets during offensive operations. It may or may not be directed against a particular government, and it may or may not be state-sponsored.” Hirota, July 2005
Sources: United nations office on drugs and crime : http://www.unodc.org/unodc/terrorism_definitions.html
wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism
RL UN draft convention: http://www.un.org/ga/57/sixth/index.html and in particular http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/N02/673/64/PDF/N0267364.pdf?OpenElement
Google also has a lot of additional links, many of which provide similar information repeated endlessly
International prevention and cooperation against terrorism draft: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=432143