NationStates Jolt Archive

Proposals to improve Recycling and World Environment

Jusma Kullailie
13-09-2005, 07:31
Greetings Fellow UN Members,

Our earlier proposal to repeal resolution #13, Mandatory Recycling failed to achieve a quorum. We truly want better norms enforced when it comes to Recycling and for better world environment.

Some UN delegates disapproved the repeal, stating that a improvised resolution was not in place and the repeal was undermined. Hence as suggested we plan to propose both the repeal as well as the improvised resolution this time around, so that the seriousness and significance of this proposal is know.

We have mentioned the repeal proposal and an improvised resolution below and invite discussions on the same. We also humbly request support from any UN nation in our efforts to improve world environment. Should you approve or like what you see, even a simple gesture would do a lot in motivating our UN team.


The Prime Minister

The repeal proposal below...
Proposal to repeal Resolution #13, Mandatory Recycling
The United Nations,
We feel that resolution #13 is flawed insofar as the scope of what it mandates recycling for is too limited.

NOTING: That UN resolution 13 - "MANDATORY RECYCLING" lacks scope in achieving its desired goals in the present and future generations. In a literal sense, its statement calls for recycling of paper, glass, aluminium and batteries ONLY.
This ignores other recyclable products or by-products that exists today and will exist in future, including but not limited to...
>> Tin and other recyclable metals
>> Cardboard boxes and other packing materials
>> Food, beverage and other plastic containers and other recyclable plastic items
>> Inkjet and Toner cartridges, Magnetic Reels, CD ROMs and other computer media
>> Monitors, computers and other electrical equipment

NOTING FURTHER: That due to these shortcomings, corporations have been found to, without breaching resolution 13, completely neglect ethical practice of recycling recyclable items not covered under resolution 13.

RECOGNIZING: "MANDATORY RECYCLING", proposed by Techno prisoners, as a precedent to improve world's environment.

RECOGNIZING FURTHER: The following major environmental problems on hand:
>> The rapid increase in industrial, bio and general waste in many member nations
>> The lack of space and efforts to dispose off the waste and the practice of dumping garbage in poor nations by other nations
>> The Lack of knowledge or efforts to recycle items those are recyclable at a reasonable cost, by some UN member nations

REPEALS: Resolution 13 - "MANDATORY RECYCLING", implemented: Thu May 8 2003, to make way for a resolution that addresses the above concerns.

The improvised resolution proposal in the next post...
Jusma Kullailie
13-09-2005, 07:34
Improvised proposal: Mandatory Recycling - II


REALIZING: The need for recycling:
>> Recycling makes maximum use of our resources and alleviates the need to use our precious natural resources, thus helps reduce deterioration of world’s environment.
>> Recycling helps reduce cost of waste disposal when done right. More material is diverted form landfill. The set up and maintenance costs are reduced, thereby decreasing the overall cost to local government and in turn the local resident
>> Reduced garbage dumping also means that you get to use landfills for more number of years

REALIZING FURTHER: The need for mandatory recycling:
>> There is a lack of effort or knowledge to recycle in many nations, especially by corporations who try to exploit the environment for monetary gains
>> To gain full benefits from recycling, more and more people have to be encouraged to follow it
>> There is an ever increasing rate of garbage and an errant wastage of resources. There is lack of space to dump garbage and the practice of dumping garbage in other nations is common by many rich nations
>> All the above plays a role in the rapidly deteriorating world environment

MANDATES: All UN member nations to…
>> force business houses to recycle ALL products or by-products recyclable today or in the future, but at a realistic and reasonable cost (RARC). RARC means that the realistic cost of a recycled item is under 105% of a similar non-recycled item
>> force business houses to use recycled inputs where available
>> ban major non-recyclable pollutants for which recyclable substitutes are available

ENCOURAGES: All UN member nations to promote research in the field of recycling technology, with special attention given to develop recycling methods for currently non-recyclable materials.

URGES: All UN member nations to promote awareness on recycling among their citizens, especially children through education, where they should able to…
>> define recycling
>> identify and categorize recyclable items and recycle symbols
>> understand the importance of filtration and recycling

Please give your comments, suggestions or improvisions on either of the proposals or anything you deem needed. We appreciate anything positive or negative.

Thank You