NationStates Jolt Archive

The rights of a Child [please vote]

11-09-2005, 03:42
Hi everyone this proposed resolution is on the 5th/6th page, we need your votes ! :D

this is what the bill contains .....

The rights of a Child

Description: This bill proposes that all children be given due respect and rights equal to that of an adult.Children are individuals. They have equal status with adults as members of the human family. Children are neither the possessions of parents nor of the state, nor are they mere people-in-the-making. Governments are morally obliged to recognize the full spectrum of human rights for all children. Most children are not considered a full human being until theyve reached the age of 18, making them susceptible to exploitation and abuse.

The bill we propose will give children all over the world rights to:

•clean food and water
•adequate shelter
•suitable clothing
•free education
•the ability to divorece their parents
•protection by the state and from the state
•be able to earn a wage equal to the value of their labor as compared to full adult wages
•to pursue whatever endevour they choose as to the betterment of themseves as long as its not harmfull to themselves and to the rest of society
•to worship as they may any religion they so chose or non at all
•to express their sexuality be it heterosexual or homosexual
•to be allowed to contribute in the building of society in any way they are physically and mentally capable of
•freedom of expression, information and speech

We thank you all in advance for your votes and endorsements.
lets make this world the best one any child can grow up in whatever race, religion or geographical location they are from.
Liliths Vengeance
11-09-2005, 04:01
What you are effectively doing is making them adults. Congrats. That means they can start boot camp and military training in my nation from birth.

Oh, wait, there's a little issue of survivability for people that young... Well, it does solve my population problems.
11-09-2005, 05:56
What you are effectively doing is making them adults. Congrats. That means they can start boot camp and military training in my nation from birth.

Oh, wait, there's a little issue of survivability for people that young... Well, it does solve my population problems.

The provision :

•protection by the state and from the state

means the state cannot force children into military service and also obliges them to provide the utmost protection to children during times of war, so no "human shields". Not properly evacuating children from war zones and other areas of conflict could constitute as a war crime.
Yeldan UN Mission
11-09-2005, 06:05
How do you extrapolate
protection by the state and from the state
means the state cannot force children into military service and also obliges them to provide the utmost protection to children during times of war, so no "human shields". Not properly evacuating children from war zones and other areas of conflict could constitute as a war crime.
Liliths Vengeance
11-09-2005, 06:11
The provision :

•protection by the state and from the state

means the state cannot force children into military service and also obliges them to provide the utmost protection to children during times of war, so no "human shields". Not properly evacuating children from war zones and other areas of conflict could constitute as a war crime.

Which, in turn, contradicts the entirety of it. My nation is a military society. If you're not in the military in some fashion, you're not an adult. "Protection by the state" for us means that you have to also help protect the state in some fashion. Nothing in your proposal changes that, and the direct contradiction it gives to earlier amendments (one regarding child labor) means that it is either illegal or that it gets around those by redefining the age of adulthood.

Want to see my justification? This statement from your own proposal:

They have equal status with adults as members of the human family.

Equal status doesn't just mean equal rights. It also means equal responsibility. And for my nation, adult responsibility includes being part of the military.
11-09-2005, 06:13
Looks pretty clear to me, they have a right to be protected by whatever state they are in and also protection from that state in case the state goes all loopy like lilith's country where apparently they would like to force children into bearing arms. And as to lilith's argument about children's survivability during war, may I point out that a lot of allied WWII veterans confess that some of the fiercest combatants they ever faced during that war where the Hitler youth as they approached Berlin... they where so adept at guerilla warfare that the order was given to shoot them on sight and to treat them far worse than they would an adult soldier.
Liliths Vengeance
11-09-2005, 06:29
Looks pretty clear to me, they have a right to be protected by whatever state they are in and also protection from that state in case the state goes all loopy like lilith's country where apparently they would like to force children into bearing arms.

We don't define people under 16 as adults. They don't get the same rights as adults, but at the same time they don't have the same responsibilities. In order for your resolution to be legal, you have to move the defined age of adulthood down to birth. The problem is that we already have a resolution setting a defined age of adulthood, and another one covering most of these rights. In fact, I see few of the bulleted points covered. All this really does is establish, through wording, that children must also have the same responsibilities as adults.

And as to lilith's argument about children's survivability during war, may I point out that a lot of allied WWII veterans confess that some of the fiercest combatants they ever faced during that war where the Hitler youth as they approached Berlin... they where so adept at guerilla warfare that the order was given to shoot them on sight and to treat them far worse than they would an adult soldier.

Yeah, but those kids are started when they are old enough to walk. In this case, this forces those of us with mandatory military service for adults to start them even younger than that. Besides, I was talking about surviving boot camp.
11-09-2005, 06:46
Fairy nuff
11-09-2005, 06:47
Fairy nuff
yes that is the issue here, children should be afforded rights and protection of an adult from birth
11-09-2005, 07:05
The bill we propose will give children all over the world rights to:

•clean food and water --anyone who disagrees with this one or the next four is idiotic
•adequate shelter -- " " " " " three " " " "
•suitable clothing -- " " " " two " " " "
•free education -- " " " " one " " " "
•play-- " " " " " " " " "
•the ability to divorece their parents-- uhm could just plain dislike their parents, there should be some expansion on that, they may "divorse them" per se, but only if abuse and/or other things of that nature are discovered.
•protection by the state and from the state-- please expand, way to broad
•be able to earn a wage equal to the value of their labor as compared to full adult wages-- ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO!!!! I am only 15 and this summer earned 75 cents, CENTS an hour (i dont know how its legal, dont ask), and i DONT NEED a dime of it. Children dont need money, adults do, NO WAY THEY SHOULD EARN THE SAME AMOUNT.
•to pursue whatever endevour they choose as to the betterment of themseves as long as its not harmfull to themselves and to the rest of society--too broad again, but it sounds alright
•to worship as they may any religion they so chose or non at all--fine
•to express their sexuality be it heterosexual or homosexual--fine
•to be allowed to contribute in the building of society in any way they are physically and mentally capable of--that is way too broad, what if they see "contributing in the building of society" as murdering their neighbor?
•freedom of expression, information and speech--ehhh not quite, children (kids, little ones, non-adults) are STUPID. they need some discipline, if we give them the freedom to "express" whatever they like, they wont be brought up the way that is necessary to have good adults. We'll turn out with a bunch of brat teens and angry adults, like my generation.


like i said above kids are STUPID, theyre not worthy of all freedoms as adults do. if we allow them the freedoms adults have theres a distict possibility we could have another rude, mean, generation like we have now
11-09-2005, 08:51
Hi everyone this proposed resolution is on the 5th/6th page, we need your votes ! :D

Yeah, I saw it. Was debating whether to submit it to silly proposals.

Before I start criticizing it outright, I would like to draw your attention to the following resolutions

Resolution #14: Child Labor
Category: Human Rights

GIVEN that many nation states see fit to employ children under age 12 in manual labor and industry,

GIVEN that these industries and labor are often highly detrimental to a child's body and health,

BELIEVING that it is a fundamental right to be given the chance to grow up educated and free from unneccesary disease, injury, and possible death from industrial work,

ASSERTING that it is immoral and atrocious to force children , by manipulation, authority or raw strength, to work for corporation or state,

Be it hereby resolved that the UN shall guarantee the rights of children to NOT work in any mines, factories, chemical plants or ANY OTHER industrial occupation; moreover, it shall be prohibited for a child to take up labor in such an occupation.

Resolution #25: The Child Protection Act
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant

Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Bearing in mind that the peoples of the United Nations have, in the Charter, reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person, and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and agreed that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,

Recalling that, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance,


For the purposes of the present resolution, a minor means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless, under the law applicable to the minor, majority is attained earlier.


1. States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the minor from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s)d or any other person(s)

2. States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present resolution to each minor within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the minor's or his or her parent's or legal guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.

3. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the minor is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the minor's parents, legal guardians, or family members.


1. In all actions concerning minors, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the minor shall be a primary consideration.

2. States Parties undertake to ensure the minor such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being, taking into account the rights and duties of his or her parents, legal guardians, or other individuals legally responsible for him or her, and, to this end, shall take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures.

3. States Parties shall ensure that the institutions, services and facilities responsible for the care or protection of minors shall conform with the standards established by competent authorities, particularly in the areas of safety, health, in the number and suitability of their staff, as well as competent supervision.


Nothing in the present resolution shall affect any provisions which are more conducive to the realization of the rights of the minor and which may be contained in: (a) The law of a State Party; or (b) International law in force for that State.

Resolution #51: Children in War
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong

The NationStates United Nations,

Noting with regret that thousands of children continue to be abducted to serve as soldiers, spies, messengers, servants and sexual slaves with armed forces and groups,

Realizing that poverty, propaganda and ideology also continue to drive the involvement of children in many conflict areas,

Deeply disturbed by the idea that children make obedient and cheap soldiers capable of instilling terror in civilians and opposing forces alike,

Observing that many of these children are generally poor, illiterate, and from rural regions,

Bearing in mind that many nations have a difficult time in protecting these children,

Convinced that the social and economic viability of the future of all nations lies in the humane treatment of children in general,

1. Bans the practise of conscripting or placing children under 16 years of age into national armed services;
2. Insists nations address the causes of child abduction by non-governmental organizations;
3. Emphasizes the need for nations to prevent cross-border abduction and human trafficking;
4. All parties in armed conflict must adopt special measures to protect children from rape and sexual abuse and gender based violence;
5. Expects nations to take into account the special needs of children throughout the duration of the armed conflict and its aftermath;
6. All UN nations must ensure that international measures be taken to take care of child refugees displaced by conflict;
7. Condemns and bans attacks of any sort on places that have a significant presence of children, such as schools, hospitals, and day care facilities;
8. Deplores and bans the practice of using children as human shields by integrating child care facilities, such as those listed above, with military facilities, and prohibits this practise; and
9. Acknowledges the right of nations to set up military academies and to teach children basic survival and defense skills.

Which pretty much outline all the rights and such of children, and for the most part, make this proposal....well....duplication

this is what the bill contains .....

The rights of a Child

Description: This bill proposes that all children be given due respect and rights equal to that of an adult.Children are individuals. They have equal status with adults as members of the human family.

Actually, no. They have protective status and their opinions should be heavily considered with the fact that they have not fully developed intellectually, and therefore cannot be trusted to be able to fully think for themselves

Children are neither the possessions of parents nor of the state, nor are they mere people-in-the-making.

Well....I kinda just went against that

Governments are morally obliged to recognize the full spectrum of human rights for all children. Most children are not considered a full human being until theyve reached the age of 18, making them susceptible to exploitation and abuse.

False. Look at the previous resolutions to realize that

The bill we propose will give children all over the world rights to:

I'm going to slip stuff into the quote - basically I'll put "#X" where X is the resolution that already covers it

•clean food and water #25
•adequate shelter #25
•suitable clothing #25
•free education #28
•play #36, #53 (to a degree)
•the ability to divorece their parents

Ok, that last one, aside from the typo, I'd automatically refuse to support this resolution on the spot. While I believe the child should have the right to complain and get assistance from child services to check and make sure the child isn't being maltreated, to give them the unquestionable right to choose divorce....I don't believe in that. As I said before, their Intelligence hasn't fully developed. Many children act rashly and without fully considering the consequences of their actions - or even understanding that consequences exist. I can't tell you how many times my brother has tried to run away from home. However, he'll be back the next morning (he'll crash at his best friend's house). It's just because he likes to explode at my parents.

•protection by the state and from the state #25, #51
•be able to earn a wage equal to the value of their labor as compared to full adult wages #99 amongst others
•to pursue whatever endevour they choose as to the betterment of themseves as long as its not harmfull to themselves and to the rest of society #53, #115
•to worship as they may any religion they so chose or non at all #19, #53, #115
•to express their sexuality be it heterosexual or homosexual #7, #53, #115, #12, a hell of a lot of others
•to be allowed to contribute in the building of society in any way they are physically and mentally capable of #99, probably others
•freedom of expression, information and speech #53, #115

We thank you all in advance for your votes and endorsements.

Save your thanks

lets make this world the best one any child can grow up in whatever race, religion or geographical location they are from.
11-09-2005, 08:58
•be able to earn a wage equal to the value of their labor as compared to full adult wages-- ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO!!!! I am only 15 and this summer earned 75 cents, CENTS an hour (i dont know how its legal, dont ask), and i DONT NEED a dime of it. Children dont need money, adults do, NO WAY THEY SHOULD EARN THE SAME AMOUNT.

Actually, there's a lot of reasons to do it this way. There are several incidents of extortion and such of children in particular for societies just entering the industrial revolution, though in present day in many industrialized societies. It's not about whether you need or don't need the money, it's about what you should get paid relative to the work you produced. If you did **** all, you should get paid that much. If you're a better worker than all the other (adult) employees combined......I think you should get paid at a level that considers that.
11-09-2005, 10:03
Children are individuals. They have equal status with adults as members of the human family. Children are neither the possessions of parents nor of the state, nor are they mere people-in-the-making. Governments are morally obliged to recognize the full spectrum of human rights for all children.

I see your point Forgottenlands, I should have read back to what rights children already have in the NS UN. But for your info that bit of text above is from the actual "real" UN rights of a child document. So you disagree with what the nations of the real world have already ratified (doesnt mean they all enforce it though)?
11-09-2005, 21:44
The thing is, real-life UN declarations aren't meant to be enforced literally and as law. Intent is easily established and nations are free to implement what is obviously the intended principle.

In the NSUN, resolutions are implemented literally and absolutely. If we were to do this, children of all ages would literally have all the same rights as adults including (in various nations):

- the right to purchase and consume alcohol, tobacco, and any other legal drugs
- the right to marry
- the right to consent to sex (which would mean that any paedophile who could trick a five-year-old child into consenting to something it doesn't understand could not be punished for rape)
- the right to work (or, more likely, be sent to work by a poor family) in any profession, including dangerous manual labour such as mining
- the right to drive
- the right to refuse medical treatment (we are not going to withdraw our infant immunisation programs just because all babies cry when doctors try to stick needles in them)
- the right to bear arms
- the right to opt-out of education (think about it - just about every five year old would quit school)
- the right to vote (which, for five year olds, could easily be exploited by unscrupulous parents by telling their impressionable children who to vote for)
11-09-2005, 22:46
I certainly agree with Myopia and would also have a problem with this proposal. Despite the fact much of it has been covered in other proposals, the stuff which has been added would just not work.

ALthough agree that at a certain age (e.g. 14) children should be able to divorce their parent's, there should be sufficient proof of neglect, abuse etc.

The idea of children actually working AT ALL is wrong and will lead to child labour etc. If we just take this to mean children over 15 then that would make more sense, but this would prevent many teenagers from getting part-time jobs as businesses would just hire an adult, who is likely to be more experienced, qualified and responsible.

Equal rights with adults! Surely you would not have a child of 5 facing the same legal system as an adult if they broke the law. Small children have little sense of right or wrong and many do not understand the concept of death or personal belongings. This would mean many children in jail for crimes they are incapable of understanding they have committed.

Overall, this is a ridiculous proposal and I would be extremely surprised if it made it to the UN.
11-09-2005, 22:54
I see your point Forgottenlands, I should have read back to what rights children already have in the NS UN. But for your info that bit of text above is from the actual "real" UN rights of a child document. So you disagree with what the nations of the real world have already ratified (doesnt mean they all enforce it though)?

As Myopia said, there are significant problems with putting that wording in place. Children are far from equal - intellectually, mentally, physically, etc. However, that means they deserve a special, rather than equal, status: one where they have fewer rights of what they can do, but a lot more protections and a lot more provided to them. We don't expect children to work so they can earn enough to pay for housing and food. We expect nations to - through their own pockets or by levying this responsibility on the parents - provide for the children instead. The reason the RL UN passed the text in question is because some children were being treated as second class. That is disgraceful. But that doesn't mean they are equal to adults.


Countless times people have brought forth proposals to the UN that are based upon RL UN or International documents. The response from this forums has, most of the time, been in the form of "this will not work". The very foundation of this United Nations, its role within the context of the NS world at large, the design of how it works and operates, the features and powers granted to it - both in its formation and in the subsequent resolutions that have passed, and the limitations from both a game engine and mod ruling aspects means that MOST RL resolutions, laws, and documents, while in terms of intent are normally good, would fail to work in the context of the NSUN.
The Eternal Kawaii
11-09-2005, 23:39
With all due respect to the esteemed delegate from Equomundo, this proposed resolution is absurd.

Children are children; they are not adults. They should not be burdened with the responsibilities adults must assume; likewise their undeveloped moral sense cannot be trusted with the rights of adults. To treat them as equals is both cruel and foolish.
12-09-2005, 08:06
The nation of Cuation would reject this if it cme to vote. While children need our protection and there are some good idea's, overall this bill would be abused by many people, nations and corparations.
12-09-2005, 14:31
The provision :

•protection by the state and from the state

means the state cannot force children into military service and also obliges them to provide the utmost protection to children during times of war, so no "human shields". Not properly evacuating children from war zones and other areas of conflict could constitute as a war crime.

So if my nations invades yours today and you failed to move your children from the so called war zone then you've committed a war crime. As you didn't protect them and remove them.. from your military bases and the towns where your power sources and radio communications sites might be. As by having them in these areas you could in effect be accused of using them as "human shields". So I'd suggest that you take another look here at just what you are doing.....

Also if kids as young as 13 can take a gun to school and kill somebody then they sure as heck can go into the military to be taught how to properly use a weapon.. Also this would get the real bad ones out of our public schools into something they might be more suited doing.. Solving a need for individuals to serve in the military and defend the nation...
13-09-2005, 16:53
C'mon everyone only 90 or so votes to go !!!!

Lets get this bill over the line together!!

[SIZE=7]We can do it !!!
Yeldan UN Mission
13-09-2005, 17:05
C'mon everyone only 90 or so votes to go !!!!

Lets get this bill over the line together!!

[SIZE=7]We can do it !!!
Let's not.
13-09-2005, 17:17
You appear to have completely ignored all the powerful arguments against your proposal. I can only conclude that you are in favour of lowering the age of consent to 0 rendering us unable to prosecute paedophiles who trick children into consenting to sex, allowing five year olds to inject themselves with heroin, sending toddlers into mines, selling assault rifles to children, allowing prepubescent kids to become prostitutes, allowing bored seven year olds to quit school and letting newborns vote and drive motorbikes.

All of these rights are granted to adults in various UN nations, and your proposal would force us to extend these rights to children too.
Liliths Vengeance
13-09-2005, 18:24
He appears to refuse to listen to reason. But, don't worry. He'll find out when my army of 5 year olds with guns invades his nation. And, since they are technically adults under this proposal, all of those rules about children in warfare don't apply.
13-09-2005, 19:08
I, Jude the ruler of Cuation, will secretly rejoice the child labour, child soldiers and so on without having to teach them in schools. They can learn by expirence, if they don't die. Send them down the mines!

Or I will reject this if it ever comes to vote. Even I have moral trouble with this, children are the future, they are our hopes but they must be nursed through their childhood so they may learn.
13-09-2005, 20:57
C'mon everyone only 90 or so votes to go !!!!

Lets get this bill over the line together!!

[SIZE=7]We can do it !!!

Ok, when the entire forum community responds to your requests with "you must be joking", "this is absurd", and various points of tragic and major flaws within the resolution, not to mention a total debunking of each and every single point of the resolution and taking serious issue with several clauses, asking the forum members to support it is kind of....stupid?
14-09-2005, 01:57
Ok, when the entire forum community responds to your requests with "you must be joking", "this is absurd", and various points of tragic and major flaws within the resolution, not to mention a total debunking of each and every single point of the resolution and taking serious issue with several clauses, asking the forum members to support it is kind of....stupid?

Entire forum community? I think not, there are 4 - 5 of you that object and 40+ people who have endorsed the bill :D
And stupid? Beware of slinging mud around less you get your hands dirty yourselves :P
This is a democracy,you have put forward your arrguments against the bill and I appreciate that, thats your right. But to act so smugly and so superior towards someone following due process of democracy is a prime example why it never works in the real world.
They should find you in contempt of the UN :( wars are started for far lesser things I might add.
You have a good day now y'hear?
14-09-2005, 07:45
Entire forum community? I think not, there are 4 - 5 of you that object and 40+ people who have endorsed the bill :D

Actually, try closer to 15 people on this thread, maybe as high as 50 that actually surf through threads - and believe me, I can't think of a single regular that would actually support this. Those 40 people are 40 of 2000+ delegates. You have 2% of the delegates that have read your proposal and have endorsed it, and not all of them because they actually read the text. I know for a fact that WZForums (I think that's his name) endorses all proposals. Others do the same thing, whenever they get the chance to get around to it. Others have endorsed it merely on the title, not the text.

This forum community does not represent the UN. We are just those that take active interest in it. You will rarely get a resolution to the floor by posting here. You will, however, get helpful advice, and you got a lot (including, this has been done before and this is a bad proposal), and I'm pretty sure it would fail a full moderator review.

And stupid? Beware of slinging mud around less you get your hands dirty yourselves :P

Saying that an action is stupid is not flaming. If I called you stupid, that would be flaming.

This is a democracy,you have put forward your arrguments against the bill and I appreciate that, thats your right. But to act so smugly and so superior towards someone following due process of democracy is a prime example why it never works in the real world.

I actually think its a poor state of affairs when someone who has been shown that the proposal is a bad one keeps supporting the original copy. I would rather see a proposal writter who has been told they have a bad proposal, withdraws support of it in favor of fixing the problems, then resubmits it to be a GOOD thing for democracy. However, if you are saying that all of our arguments you disagree with and you still think this proposal is the best it could be, then by all means, keep going. Regardless, my statement regarding the forum community holds true.

They should find you in contempt of the UN :( wars are started for far lesser things I might add.
You have a good day now y'hear?

The experienced UN members when it comes to proposal drafting gave you a bunch of advice that you completely ignored and overall panned the proposal (BTW, the regulars normally state when they support a proposal, and certainly they would come forth and argue in favor of it if they did support it), and I should be held in contempt?
14-09-2005, 15:01
There the bill did not get through :gundge:

You happy now forgottenlord from forgottenlands?
You have colluded and conspired, and basically did everything in your power to make sure that this bill failed :(
Our spies report that you even went as far as bribing smaller/poorer nations to change their minds from voting for this historic proposal.
Who knows what your real motivations are but frankly that doesnt matter now. You have shown your true colours and your total disdain for real progress in civil liberties on a global scale. Thus you are now considered mortal enemies of the people of Equomundo and its allies. Have a nice day :mad:
14-09-2005, 15:34
There the bill did not get through :gundge:

You happy now forgottenlord from forgottenlands?
You have colluded and conspired, and basically did everything in your power to make sure that this bill failed :(

If you mean sat here and debated this bill explaining what was wrong with it, then I guess perhaps I did. I bet I changed less than 5 minds, if I changed ANY at all.

What did you do to try and get it passed? Oh yeah, you just kept supporting it, completely ignoring the naysayers or arguing on behalf of it (with exception to only one statement), accused me of defying the UN and democracy, failed to do a TG campaign, failed to take advice, and I would argue that you performed with just plain poor politics. Overall, you just plain performed bad politics, so don't blame me for YOUR failures

Our spies report that you even went as far as bribing smaller/poorer nations to change their minds from voting for this historic proposal.

If by "historic" you are talking about how badly the representatives on this board took it and panned it, then I guess this proposal is historic.

I didn't even have to do anything but talk for this proposal to be defeated. Why do you insist on accusing me of political dealings? I consider the Solar Panels resolution currently at vote much more dangerous than your proposal, especially since it is at vote. But guess what, even then I haven't been doing any political maneuverings

Who knows what your real motivations are but frankly that doesnt matter now. You have shown your true colours and your total disdain for real progress in civil liberties on a global scale. Thus you are now considered mortal enemies of the people of Equomundo and its allies. Have a nice day :mad:

Pffft. You obviously have missed my arguments completely. But hey, if you honestly believe this, then you haven't been reading the forums enough. I've presented a very clear record of supporting "real progress in civil liberties".

Now, if you're done being a sore loser, perhaps you can go back to the arguments and realize just why this resolution would never have made it to the floor even if it had passed the delegate approval rounds.
14-09-2005, 16:05
I would like to see proof of theses bribes! I find it a bit odd that you found out nothing before your defeat. Still I feel that Equomundo shoudl learn from Forgottenlands advice and I also feel glad that this bill failed.
15-09-2005, 07:02
OOC: What's a TG campaign?
Yeldan UN Mission
15-09-2005, 07:14
OOC: What's a TG campaign?
A telegram campaign. Telegramming delegates asking that they support your proposal.
Liliths Vengeance
15-09-2005, 07:18
OOC: What's a TG campaign?

It's a conservatist liberal Jewish Neo-Nazi pagan Christian atheistic agnostic scientific religious optimistic cynical government antigovernment communist capitalist anarchist militarist pacifist terrorist freedom-fighter plot to prevent certain resolutions from reaching quorum.


It's how you advertise to those who do not read these forums or scan the proposal queue.

Your choice which you believe.