A Place for National Soveriegnty
The Machine Spirit
08-09-2005, 23:13
It has come to the attention of this delegate that the idea of national soveriegnty in the UN may be becoming a thing of the past. Legislation of past is heavily biased towards the creation of a single homogenous global govenment that does not respect or tolerate cultural or regional differences.
The Dominion of the Machine Spirit and it's allies would like to spearhead some well thought out proposals and repeals to better define what can be expected of member nations and possibly to restore some soveriegn rights to UN member states. We do not wish to do this in a reactionary or ad-hoc fashion. As such, we would like nation state's input into the subject (pro or con) to aid us in developing resolutions that will be well recieved and appreciated by the UN body as a whole.
We are looking for specific ideas for proposals to pitch as well as specific resolutions that most infringe on member nation's rights. Which most support? How can bad legislation be changed to be acceptable?
The Machine Spirit
08-09-2005, 23:29
For example:
Metric System
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.
Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Wortham
Description: Science has already coverted over to the far superior metric system from all other localized forms of measurement. I propose that all countries within the United Nations be converted to the Metric standard. This would include all official research, roadways, and labeling. This would breakdown barriers in sharing of research and in the international marketplace. Tourism would also be benifited from the common standard. This proposal would mainly help countries of poor economic standing, whereas the common standard would improve their ability to compete in the international market place. Science would also benifit from a unifide standard to taught in public schools, no conversions would need to be made.
Votes For: 8,629
Votes Against: 5,227
Implemented: Mon Jul 28 2003
A silly example, but an applicable one. I can see using the metric system for international trade between UN members, but requiring states to use it for all things goes beyond the pale. There is simply no advantage or reason for it - it is an abuse of UN power.
Texan Hotrodders
08-09-2005, 23:38
OOC: The linked post contains information that may help you acheive your goals with regard to a discussion of national sovereignty.
You may also want to join the National Sovereignty Organization (http://s11.invisionfree.com/NatSovOrg/index.php?act=idx) or participate in a region that promotes national sovereignty.
08-09-2005, 23:49
We are looking for specific ideas for proposals to pitch as well as specific resolutions that most infringe on member nation's rights.
The Commonwealth of Simonovastan commends The Machine Spirit for its admirable goal, even our methods of governing our peoples differ ideologically.
Simonovistan is concerned with the direction the United Nations is heading. Specifically, this government feels that areas such as healthcare, education, law enforcement, spirituality, and commerce should be off-limits to UN resolutions.
With regards to environmental issues, this government believes that this is best debated on a regional level, rather than a global level. Certain resolutions, for example, resolution #18 (the development of hydrogen-powered cars) or resolution #13 (mandatory recycling) has a detrimental effect on the economies of us smaller, less-developed nations which lack the infrastructure for such programs.
Without foreign aid, how are we to comply with the decrees of larger, wealthier nations? Simonov teachers will not work for free; citizens must be taxed to pay for schools, which goes against UN Resolution #28. It may appear free, but everyone is, in fact, paying for it.
We feel that the United Nations should refocus its primary mission to promoting world peace and human rights through establishing a continuing dialogue between nations.
The Commonwealth of Simonovastan will work with The Machine Spirit and other nations to repeal such frivolous resolutions. But the if the ease in which such repeals are passed is an indication of what can be expected, this may just be an exercise in futility.
The Holy Empire of Cuation agrees that the rights of local rulers should be maintained. The Un is meant for the protection of its nations and for human rights but is now infringing on the rights of the rulers on many issues. My nation is small and growing in all matters but too many bills inflicting costs will set back my work and might end up crippling the small nations.
Adoration of Me
09-09-2005, 17:12
It has come to the attention of this delegate that the idea of national soveriegnty in the UN may be becoming a thing of the past. Legislation of past is heavily biased towards the creation of a single homogenous global govenment that does not respect or tolerate cultural or regional differences.
The Dominion of the Machine Spirit and it's allies would like to spearhead some well thought out proposals and repeals to better define what can be expected of member nations and possibly to restore some soveriegn rights to UN member states. We do not wish to do this in a reactionary or ad-hoc fashion. As such, we would like nation state's input into the subject (pro or con) to aid us in developing resolutions that will be well recieved and appreciated by the UN body as a whole.
We are looking for specific ideas for proposals to pitch as well as specific resolutions that most infringe on member nation's rights. Which most support? How can bad legislation be changed to be acceptable?
The Government of Adoration of Me extends its full support to the Great Gear and His Cogs. There can be no more pressing issue before the international community than the tyranny of the UN and its hostility towards national self-determination and state sovereignty.
We recommend beginning with the resolutions mandating the metric system and democracy.
The alpha male of Henle 6 recognizes the wisdom of the Machine Spirit. Let those who reject national sovereignty and self determination be ground to dust in the teeth of the Great Gear. We look forward to supporting your efforts in rolling back the encroachment.
09-09-2005, 18:51
The government of The Republic of BlueTiger fells that the best way of protecting National Sovereignty is to come up with a kind of mission statement that would explain the goals of the UN. This would give the UN actual purpose, and any proposal that goes against that purpose would not be allowed to pass.
The Eternal Kawaii
09-09-2005, 18:58
BlueTiger']The government of The Republic of BlueTiger fells that the best way of protecting National Sovereignty is to come up with a kind of mission statement that would explain the goals of the UN. This would give the UN actual purpose, and any proposal that goes against that purpose would not be allowed to pass.
Unfortunately, such a mission statement would be an illegal restraint on the NSUN (ooc, a "game mechanics" issue). The NSUN was vested with considerable power relative to the states which comprise it. The only hope We see is to constantly monitor the resolutions under debate and vigorously oppose those which infringe on national sovereignity.
09-09-2005, 19:58
It is truly saddening to see that only a handful of nations have voiced their support for The Machine Spirit and for limiting the UN's influence. And these are small, insignificant nations when compared to the billion-plus citizen-subjects in other nation-states.
Global rule becomes more of a reality with the passage of each resolution.
We fear the worst, not unlike the United Nations' own "Tyranny by Majority" government classification.
Axis Nova
09-09-2005, 20:14
We would point out that if you are not in the UN, they have no dominion over your laws and activities-- it is as simple as that.
The Machine Spirit
09-09-2005, 20:17
It is truly saddening to see that only a handful of nations have voiced their support for The Machine Spirit and for limiting the UN's influence. And these are small, insignificant nations when compared to the billion-plus citizen-subjects in other nation-states.
The People of the Dominion of the Machine Spirit do not like being refered to as a "small" or "insignificant' country, but we appreciate your well meant sentiement. We realize that this communications thread is new and are certain it shall be filled with great ideas for the betterment of the world and the preservation of each nation state's individual culture. Do remember that a soveriegnty debate currently rages in the discussion of the IVF and Adpotion communication thread.
That being said, our Articifiers are currently winding the Great Babbage engines of our Computational Cities. We will create a list of greivences - resolutions that we feel most directly attack our national soveriegnty. We can discuss these first while we work on pro-soveriegnty proposals.
I will again encourage our "opposition" to comment on this communications thread as we wish to make legislation that is palatable to the UN as a whole, not just a concentrated voting block.
May our processes be guided by the Great Gear - End Statement -
The Machine Spirit
09-09-2005, 20:21
We would point out that if you are not in the UN, they have no dominion over your laws and activities-- it is as simple as that.
True, but the Cogs of the Dominion feel sorry for the people of UN member nations and how they are forced into moral slavery by the UN and the member government's world government ideals. A state should not have to trade away it's identity for the security the UN offers. It is our moral imperative to promote freedom of thought and culture so all may mesh together in the Great Machine. As such, the citizen's of the Dominion willingly put themselves at a disadvantage so they may work towards the greater good.
May your cams spin freely. - End Statement -
Adoration of Me
09-09-2005, 20:36
We would point out that if you are not in the UN, they have no dominion over your laws and activities-- it is as simple as that.
It is not in Our interest to go rogue. We prefer to try to work within the system. Why should nations have to leave the UN, in order to have their legitimate rights to self-determination protected?
- Me
Axis Nova
09-09-2005, 20:53
It is not in Our interest to go rogue. We prefer to try to work within the system. Why should nations have to leave the UN, in order to have their legitimate rights to self-determination protected?
- Me
Because the UN wishes to legislate all your rights away and control every aspect of your society until you are little more than a slave to it's mandates?
Adoration of Me
09-09-2005, 21:14
Because the UN wishes to legislate all your rights away and control every aspect of your society until you are little more than a slave to it's mandates?
We are still new and naive enough to hope that the greater infringements to our sovereignty can be fought back, if rational states work together to fight the tyranny of world government.
- Me
The Machine Spirit
09-09-2005, 21:24
The punch cards have been tallied for Resolutions 1-50. The following begins our list of grievances;
#2 (Scientific Freedom)
1. Forces nations to put themselves at economic and security risk by forcing them to share technology.
2. Reduces the value of developing new technology as there are no economic benefit to developing something that immediately becomes public domain.
3. Certain technologies (genetics, stem cell research, etc.) conflict with particular cultural or religious beliefs.
#8 (Citizen Rule Required)
1. Dictates what kinds of governments are considered valid.
2. Assumes all cultures prefer democracy.
3. Ignores a nation’s right to self determination.
4. Violates article 1 of resolution #49 (Rights and Duties of UN States)
#9 (Keep the World Disease Free!)
1. UN is dictating building codes (I’d love to see this one enforced in a third world country).
2. Can’t be realistically implemented.
3. Huge tax burden to people.
#15 (Protect Historical Sites)
1. UN dictates what should be considered important to a culture.
#18 (Hydrogen powered vehicles)
1. Dictates what type of technology is best suited to all countries in a blanket statement.
2. Does not consider that other power technologies may be more applicable to different countries.
3. Handicaps small countries that are not as able to change their existing infrastructure or afford new technologies.
4. Better covered by resolution #39 (Alternative Fuels)
#24 (Metric System)
1. Forces countries to count in one specific way discounting any cultural or heritage based counting systems (such as the Dominion’s twelve teeth to the gear).
2. Legitimate for inter-state commerce, but the UN has no right forcing it internally.
#37 (World Heritage List)
1. Any UN member is given the power to declare areas of another nation to be “environmentally protected”.
2. Please note that this Dominion is tempted to declare all regions except those who have representation in this forum to be “World Heritage Area”.
#38 (The Rights of Labor Unions)
1. Nations should be able to choose how they do business as long as certain basic human rights are met.
2. Gives no protection to industry from strikes and other unsavory union tactics (is this off topic?).
#48 (Save the Forests)
1. Undue blanket statement on how a country’s economy should be run.
Maintain the machine! - End Statement -
Adoration of Me
09-09-2005, 21:43
The Queendom of the Adoration of Me wishes to thank the Great Gear and His many Cogs for the hours they spent running punch cards.
After extensive consultations, many meetings, countless PowerPoint slides, and gallons (am I required by law to say “liters?” of Diet Coke, We would like to recommend the following two Resolutions as being the most logical candidates for repeal/replacement:
#24 (Metric System)
1. Forces countries to count in one specific way discounting any cultural or heritage based counting systems (such as the Dominion’s twelve teeth to the gear).
2. Legitimate for inter-state commerce, but the UN has no right forcing it internally.
#8 (Citizen Rule Required)
1. Dictates what kinds of governments are considered valid.
2. Assumes all cultures prefer democracy.
3. Ignores a nation’s right to self determination.
4. Violates article 1 of resolution #49 (Rights and Duties of UN States)
We would propose that the current Resolution enforcing the use of the Metric System be replaced with a measure that only regulates its use in between states. As long as each state can convert its own units of measurements (in Our case -- the MePinkie) to the metric system, when dealing externally, what is the problem?
We simply fail to see the value-added of a universal system of measurement. This promotes no human right or anything else of a similar nature.
Not all cultures value or desire democracy. In fact, this is an infringement on many nation's freedom of religion. We propose replacing this Resolution with one mandating self-determination of all nations. If a people would prefer a theocracy or an oligarchy, who are we to countermand their will?
Just Our thoughts.
- Me