Bagdadi Georgia
29-08-2005, 19:00
...what this resolution actually does? Excuse me if I'm being thick, but it doesn't seem to actually change anything. It says it would be nice if states taxed people fairly, but just restates their right to tax whatever they want however they want, which they can do anyway. And while I'd like there to be some more 'Furtherment of Democracy' proposals in the UN, shouldn't this be 'Social Justice'? There's quite a lot on fair, equitable distrubution of taxation, and nothing on voting rights.
Just interested. I just ask specifically on this one because I'm sure there will be a mass telegram campagain and a quorum-or-thereabouts support, considering that both a prototype and repeal have been voted on.
National Rights to Taxation
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Powerhungry Chipmunks
Description: The United Nations,
RECOGNIZING the diversity of individual nations’ peoples, cultures, political leanings, governmental systems, and economic situations, and the fundamental need for each person or group of people being able to express those unique characteristics,
SUPPORTING the view of many that democracy and its precepts (fair representation, and political license among them) can both address and categorize these disparate situations, attitudes, and lives more justly than any other system of government,
OBSERVING the substantially fairer representation and greater political license (prerequisites to democracy) that accompany ‘local governance’ (that those most closely involved with and knowledgeable of an issue address it), except on issues in which overarching, external intervention is necessary,
NOTING as impossible for individual citizens, in a member nation, to receive any form of fair representation in taxation decisions made on a UN level,
DETERMINING, in the interest of fair representation and greater democratic freedoms, that taxation of national, domestic activities and products is best dealt with, at highest, national government:
1.ENCOURAGES, MOST STRONGLY member nations to allow citizens the highest degrees of representation regarding the taxes incurred upon them, SUGGESTING nations and citizens soberly scrutinize their respective taxation systems for their effects on economic liberty, social equality, and general service to nations’ peoples;
2.DECLARES and PROTECTS, as inviolable rights of nations, (a) the incurring or non-incurring of taxes on domestic activities, items, and businesses within their national boundaries and (b) the determination of level, type (progressive, flat, etc.) and application of those taxes (who/what is and is not taxed);
3.DEFINES “domestic activities, items, and businesses” as including, but not limited to (a) fees for national postal service, copy fees for national documents, and admissions for national parks or natural recreation activities; (b) taxes placed upon businesses which engage in strictly intra-national trade, and items and services which are made and sold strictly within a nation; and (c) subsidies and tax credits given to farmers which sell their crops strictly within the nation and to government workers;
4.ALLOWS that member nations may voluntarily relinquish all or part of their rights to determining their taxation systems to local, region, and international groups (such as an international economic alliance) if a member nation so decides;
5.URGES that nations use this right to tax their peoples with responsibility, and, most importantly, with consent and approval from the people who are taxed, NOTING that unjust governments are often punished economically, politically, and militarily by other governments as well as by those whom they oppress.
Just interested. I just ask specifically on this one because I'm sure there will be a mass telegram campagain and a quorum-or-thereabouts support, considering that both a prototype and repeal have been voted on.
National Rights to Taxation
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Powerhungry Chipmunks
Description: The United Nations,
RECOGNIZING the diversity of individual nations’ peoples, cultures, political leanings, governmental systems, and economic situations, and the fundamental need for each person or group of people being able to express those unique characteristics,
SUPPORTING the view of many that democracy and its precepts (fair representation, and political license among them) can both address and categorize these disparate situations, attitudes, and lives more justly than any other system of government,
OBSERVING the substantially fairer representation and greater political license (prerequisites to democracy) that accompany ‘local governance’ (that those most closely involved with and knowledgeable of an issue address it), except on issues in which overarching, external intervention is necessary,
NOTING as impossible for individual citizens, in a member nation, to receive any form of fair representation in taxation decisions made on a UN level,
DETERMINING, in the interest of fair representation and greater democratic freedoms, that taxation of national, domestic activities and products is best dealt with, at highest, national government:
1.ENCOURAGES, MOST STRONGLY member nations to allow citizens the highest degrees of representation regarding the taxes incurred upon them, SUGGESTING nations and citizens soberly scrutinize their respective taxation systems for their effects on economic liberty, social equality, and general service to nations’ peoples;
2.DECLARES and PROTECTS, as inviolable rights of nations, (a) the incurring or non-incurring of taxes on domestic activities, items, and businesses within their national boundaries and (b) the determination of level, type (progressive, flat, etc.) and application of those taxes (who/what is and is not taxed);
3.DEFINES “domestic activities, items, and businesses” as including, but not limited to (a) fees for national postal service, copy fees for national documents, and admissions for national parks or natural recreation activities; (b) taxes placed upon businesses which engage in strictly intra-national trade, and items and services which are made and sold strictly within a nation; and (c) subsidies and tax credits given to farmers which sell their crops strictly within the nation and to government workers;
4.ALLOWS that member nations may voluntarily relinquish all or part of their rights to determining their taxation systems to local, region, and international groups (such as an international economic alliance) if a member nation so decides;
5.URGES that nations use this right to tax their peoples with responsibility, and, most importantly, with consent and approval from the people who are taxed, NOTING that unjust governments are often punished economically, politically, and militarily by other governments as well as by those whom they oppress.