NationStates Jolt Archive

Passed: The Sex Education Act [Official Topic] - Page 2

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New Notzathros
23-08-2005, 01:12
This proposal is too broad. I would support basic STD education but this bill is educating people on topics that are not relevant to survival and well being. A conservative society is not going to welcome mandatory education on same sex relationships and the like, nor is this information necessary for maintaining good health. On the other hand, everyone needs to know about STDs and how they can be transmitted as failure to have this information can be deadly.
The New Communist
23-08-2005, 02:21
The point of my hearkening back to the civilizations of old was not to drudge up such things as bathhouses and brothels, both of which still exist in droves and are far removed from the point I was making, but to point out what we believe to be the fact that, in our civilizations' move towards modernity there has been a definite and irrefutable influence of religious conservatism and repression amongst peoples of many societies in regards to sexual knowledge and understanding.

You are correct Comrade. Religious oppressors and dictators have misinformed the people for many years, and the trend must be stopped. I disagree with those people who choose to vote against this decree based on the fact that “God” would no longer have control of such an area of a child/persons life. Although for now they are a “Socialists” ally on this matter.
The 21st measure of the “Communist Manifesto” states the influence of communist society on the family:

It will transform the relations between the sexes into a purely private matter which concerns only the persons involved and into which “society” has no occasion to intervene.

It also states:

… and educates children on a communal family, and in this way removes the two basis of tradition…

Marx makes no mistake and clearly states for all Communists, that the business of “gender relationships” is that of their “personal” business and not that of anyone else. The statement even goes into further detail by describing that the option of prostitution is “allowed”, but not in a “public” facility. Therefore supporting a “Communists” stand against this piece of garbage legislature, as well as informing you comrade to “clean your streets of whores and prostitutes”. Communism is based of human rights… not “dictation” as this policy attempts to represent.

When I say that this “garbage” insults me as a Communist and as a human being, know that it is because it does not have the people’s interests at heart. Know that education can be given to adults to easily discuss with their children and with each other, and the government should have NO say of how a child should learn about sex outside of the family. We as Communists must enlighten the world as to our love for our people under any and “ALL” circumstances, not attempt to disrupt the families by instilling a cold form of dictatorship over children. That’s absurd Comrade.

It is our belief that it is the responsibility of the UN to address issues of public health where they are to be ignored of mishandled by individuals and nation states.

You are also correct here Comrade. Though I never agreed with the idea of mishandling this matter nor did I feel I made any implications that I would be “ignorant” to it as well. I still feel that education should still be available for adults, however just not for the children. The policy itself has a “decent” grasp of what should be done in order to protect our nations and regions, but alas it goes against our beliefs as Communists.

As with all education, the hardest part is implementing that education and using knowledge to attain wisdom. It has been proven time and again by the regressive powers amongst us, that, if given the choice, many would choose to remain ignorant and keep their children ignorant as well. Merely as a matter of public health (mental and physical), we see this as a resolution that falls firmly within the charter of the organization and as a great call from all member nations to urge science and biology above religious superstition and assumption.

Ignorance amongst the Communist societies is a crime. Comrade you should know this. It is our job to educate the people and if we haven’t done that then we have failed. Communism “is” the people. The farmers, the mechanics, the military, the government… we are all the “people”. It is the people’s job to expand information/education amongst our societies. The truth of Communism lies in an absolutely equal population. That means “communal” education and family education in addition to the schooling funded by our governments.

It’s not because of religious persecution or fear that we choose this path. For the religious fanatics it is about control and submission of their children to the “will” of God. For the Communist parties it is quite the opposite. We feel that the impersonalization of certain aspects in life can demoralize a communist society, leading to distrust of government officials, depression, and communal disruptions. As Communists we are strong for our people and our people are strong within us. Anything to make the families and the people doubt our intentions make us wrong. Because my brother… it is about “unity”.

To argue that these matters are personal and the responsibilities of the individual parents is to ignore the obvious and well documented effects of neglect and misinformation on those in the 'public' sphere.
No man is an island.

Quite the contrary, it is because we trust our people tat we educate them in this knowledge first and allow the people to educate their own children. If the children are raised in a loving home amongst a caring community why would you attempt to bring disorder to that by plaguing a young mans head with notions that are “quite” mature? These were not the ideas of Lenin or Marx. These are the ideas of “fascist dictators” and “Capitalist corporations”. Do not side with them Comrade.

To do so goes against everything our forefathers have tried to stand against.

While the State exists there can be no freedom; when there is freedom there will be no State.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Remember why we are Communists. Remember that we are against the ideals of the Capitalist fascist way of life. We do not want a government, we strive for equality. Any Communist government that is worth their salt, would vote against this proposition. Not because of the morality of it, but because of the "dictation" it forces the governments to make.

Let us continue that purpose together Comrade…

Comrade General of Internal Affairs: Anthon Black
of The Empire of The New Communist /Red Peril Head Quarters
Love and esterel
23-08-2005, 02:53
sex is not vital for survival

don't you think we need to reproduce?
nowadays there are only 2 ways to reproduce: sex and IVF

-D- Sex has two important functions: reproduction and pleasure

For instance, including a section on the clitoris, "the statistically most erogenous zone for women, which is not directly correlated with repoduction" has no place in a sex ed course.

We need to educate youth about how to protect themselves, not 10 ways to please your lover.

The proposition, states an evidence, again:

-D- Sex has two important functions: reproduction and pleasure

penetration is the statistically most pleasurable sexual practice for men, but not statistically for women => in many societies this is the only sexual practice teached.

we think, this is a discrimination
23-08-2005, 02:59
This one's in the bag
23-08-2005, 05:20
I agree with the many that feel that this should not be a UN issue. I do not mind this plan (it is similar to what I would have in my nation), but I do not feel that the UN should tell nations how to run their sex-education programs. There are more important issues to discuss, and how much contro does the UN need over nations anyway? Why is there no respect for each nation's ability to govern themselves? I have faith in the nations of the UN and feel that they can plan a sex-education program themselves.
The New Communist
23-08-2005, 05:49
I hate to break it to you - sex is not vital for survival. It is nice, fun, enjoyable, beneficial in that it allows the sharing of love - but it is not vital. Proof of that lies in those who have never had or ceased to have sex. Mother Teresa never found it 'vital' for her life. Nor did John Paul II. Many faiths indeed praise the idea of abstention from sex as a great good. There is no one in a grave marked 'died from lack of sex'. Let's not be silly.

Uhmm I'd like to toss a couple points in. First off your slightly right.. and slightly wrong. Male release ( is known to lessen the chances of prostate cancer. Also lack of any type of release can cause various neurological disorders ( Both arent "directly" accredited with being fatal, however without any type of sex/masterbation/sexual release, the human race would not have evolved. (see neurological disoreder link) There are various serious side-effects that could happen without sexual release. Basically meaning that though it has no basis on "Mother Theresa", "The Pope" had to at least masterbate.

This is in response to you and the dealings with the current UN policy. I dont even want to touch you and Canada6's arguements about sex and rape. I am however in agreement with your stand on this resolution, and its nice to see people with a strong, intelligent bias against this as opposed to alot of the "2" word responses Ive seen.

This one's in the bag

Oh come now. You know a majority of the people that have chosen to vote dont have as deep of a standpoint on this as nations like mine and yours. Im not saying they arent out there, however I feel most people just "glanced" at the resolution and said "Sex? Yeah thats cool, sure...what the hell."
23-08-2005, 05:55
To all those that oppose this ridiculous resolution: we are in the 11th hour! If you have not voted yet, please do so now, or this resolution will pass by a 3-1 margin.

Steve Perry
Orcs and Gobbos
23-08-2005, 06:07
Personally, i do not believe there is a magor issue with unpotected sex. I believe that if we have not overpopulated the land we live on by now, we definetely should in the near future. After all, how else will people get the motivation they need to go take the rest of the world from nature and dominate. After all, there is no better motivation than starvation and disease.
23-08-2005, 13:15
The reason education about this particular - optional - urge is needed is because it's really a loaded gun. There will no doubt be a movement to repeal this as it presently stands. Young people are going to learn one way or the other how to perform the act and what it feels like. Education about the RESULTS of the act -- which could be personally disastrous and socially detrimental if irresponsible choices are made -- would be helpful, but I have some doubts about encouraging hedonism.

RESPONSIBILITY needs to be taught. Plumbing, wattage and alternative lifestyles don't need an arena. STD's, unplanned pregnancies, the killing of the unborn, homosexual agendas and promiscuity are all expensive and troublesome. Ask anyone on a budget.
Plastic Spoon Savers
23-08-2005, 14:23
I believe that if we have not overpopulated the land we live on by now, we definetely should in the near future. After all, how else will people get the motivation they need to go take the rest of the world from nature and dominate. After all, there is no better motivation than starvation and disease.

I hope that was meant to be sarcastic. :confused:
23-08-2005, 15:22
I do not feel that the UN should tell nations how to run their sex-education programs. There are more important issues to discuss, and how much contro does the UN need over nations anyway?

I cannot imagine many issues that have a direct interference in public health, social and civil rights, such as sexual education. Education is the base for progress and healthy sexuality is one of the most menaced issues by popular culture, in many countries.
23-08-2005, 16:34
Vote: NAY

Arakaria must vote against this proposal because we disagree with following point:
-D- Sex has two important functions: reproduction and pleasure
We belive that these traits are common to all animals. The most important function of sexual contact between human beings is communion of two souls that through this act can be closer to the devine spark within. Besides reproduction isn't important in relations between same-sex partners, so it's contradiction with prevoius UN proposals that where accepted. This is against UN law.
23-08-2005, 16:42
why don't we just teach kids that drugs feel good too, while also teaching their dangers? I think sex should not in any way be encouraged. I do believe this resolution encourages it, though I believe if an added passage about how it is recommended until the person is 18 years of age to abstain from sex, I would be completely for this resolution. Basically I do not think this resolution is a bad resolution, just that it shoudl go into more detail, and as I said, an added recommendation to abstain until an adult age.
23-08-2005, 17:03
To be honest I have to agree with some comments why is this a UN issue most countries have a right to deal with sex ed inside their own boarders but if i had to vote I would vote no because of the 2nd urge with two phases: same-sex relationships, and abortion rights????! First off abortion rights have very little to do with sex education. Second if there is a same-sex relationship or even opposite-sex relationship what again does that have to do with sex Ed, which would seem more like what is call PSYCHOLOGY. :rolleyes:

The reason that this is being brought up in the UN is because this is just an effort by those with questionable views to impose said views on the entire world, even those who may have national policies that are in total disagreement.

This UN is just like the real UN, a hollow hive of scum and villany. It is for this reason that I have withdrawn from the UN, because I will not let a bunch of tree-hugging tofu-humpers tell me how to run my own country.
23-08-2005, 18:56

This issue is NOT something with which the UN is designed to deal with. Sexuality is one of the most personal and individual choices a human being can make. If the UN is supposed to be a human rights organization, how can it meddle in the private decisions of parents across the globe?

You want to pass a resolution on specifically AIDS education, that's a little more understandable -- but to include issues like preference and abortion is of no concern to a world-government level institution.

Intangelon respectfully submits that this is left even of MY nation -- and that is saying something. Should the trend of the masses of member nations reading only the noble intention of these resolution without considering implementation and the ramifications of such sweeping political horseshit like the current resolution, Intangelon will be forced to consider withdrawal from the UN.

Magister Jubal Harshaw of Intangelon, Regional Delegate for Greater Seattle.
Love and esterel
23-08-2005, 18:58
The Most Serene Republic of Love and esterel is proud to announce "The Sex Education Act" had been voted at the UN

The Most Serene Republic of Love and esterel want to thanks every nation who voted for it and supported it on the UN forum

The Most Serene Republic of Love and esterel want to give a special thanks to the nations of:

Yeldan UN Mission, Thermidore, The Celestial Peace, Agnostic Deeishpeople, The Black New World, The Most Glorious Hack, Mikitivity, Forgottenlands for their help and advice
23-08-2005, 18:59
Education about the RESULTS of the act -- which could be personally disastrous and socially detrimental if irresponsible choices are made -- would be helpful, but I have some doubts about encouraging hedonism.

RESPONSIBILITY needs to be taught.

I agree -- IN AND BY EACH OF OUR OWN NATIONS. My nation's definition of appropriate sexuality is going to be invariably different than many others'. The UN is not our nations' nanny.
Civil Unconpliancy
23-08-2005, 19:16
Well then, possibly you shouldn't have joined the UN then...
23-08-2005, 19:26
this is a really good idea and
it will help some people alot.
this should definately pass.
23-08-2005, 19:29
sexauality is a human right but there r laws for it so this should be sumtin that the un has to deel with
did i meantion my parents friends have high positions in the real un
Jusma Kullailie
23-08-2005, 19:44
Congrats on your resolution being passed Love and Estrel. I hope you enjoyed the Kama Sutra book I sent you as well.
Love and esterel
23-08-2005, 19:57
Congrats on your resolution being passed Love and Estrel. I hope you enjoyed the Kama Sutra book I sent you as well.

yes, thanks for the book, we really enjoyed it

to thanks you, we send you by email an electronic open flight ticket to Khajuraho
we hope you will enjoy the trip

Pazu-Lenny Nero, Foreign Affairs Minister of The Most Serene Republic of Love and esterel
23-08-2005, 22:05
The resolution was passed by a very large majority. Democracy wins again. :D Congratulations to everyone once again.
Black gangsters
24-08-2005, 01:06
i voted for in this particular vote, in my great nation the rogue nation of black gangsters, young teens r encouraged to furfill there sexual desires as soon as possible in some cases parents will buy prostitutes for there teen in order to educate them correctly about he dangers of un protected sex. We also have condom machines in every public place and alot of our funding goes into educating the youth of today. :rolleyes: :sniper:
Black gangsters
24-08-2005, 01:07
i voted for in this particular vote, in my great nation the rogue nation of black gangsters, young teens r encouraged to furfill there sexual desires as soon as possible in some cases parents will buy prostitutes for there teen in order to educate them correctly about he dangers of un protected sex. We also have condom machines in every public place and alot of our funding goes into educating the youth of today. :rolleyes: :sniper:
The Eternal Kawaii
24-08-2005, 01:54
[Transcript of a recent e-mail exchange within the HOCEK Conclave of Friendship.]

To: UN Nunciate
From: UN Compliance Ministry
Subject: Recently passed resolution

What in the name of the Cute One are you guys debating up there? First the transgendered thing, then this? What kind of sex-freaks are you guys hanging out with? What are we supposed to do with this ecchi thing?

To: UN Compliance Ministry
From: UN Nunciate
Subject: Re: Recently passed resolution

Not a problem. Check with the Conclave of Wisdom, we're pretty sure they'll agree that (a) this doesn't violate canon, and (b) it's a voluntary issue we can claim compliance with already. Re the ecchi freaks: You have no idea. One has to choose one's battles up here.
24-08-2005, 16:54
This resolution was a complete travesty of international law. Governments now have the right to enforce sexual mores and ethics in UN member states. Those member states who firmly belive that government has no business being in anyone's pants are now faced with a dilemma. Implement or resign.

Many more resolutions like this and resignation will be my only option.
Groot Gouda
24-08-2005, 18:47
The resolution was passed by a very large majority. Democracy wins again. :D Congratulations to everyone once again.

Democracy looses again, spoilt by the stupid majority who think the UN is just a daily issue with a for/against choice.

This travesty is an insult to the UN.
24-08-2005, 20:21
Democracy looses again, spoilt by the stupid majority who think the UN is just a daily issue with a for/against choice.

This travesty is an insult to the UN.No. Democracy has won. If Groot Gouda doesn't like the rules of the game then leave. Calling the majority stupid is simply childish and shows political immaturity. Canada6 has often been caught defending losing sides but we accept the judgement of the majority. That's democracy. The only insult to the UN has been provided by Groot Gouda when it states that the majority is stupid and when Groot Gouda claims to know what the said stupid majority thinks.
24-08-2005, 20:59
Democracy looses again, spoilt by the stupid majority who think the UN is just a daily issue with a for/against choice.

This travesty is an insult to the UN.

I don't see any other options when I cast my vote. For,, that's it. So, I don't really see your point.