NationStates Jolt Archive

SUBMITTED: Right to Food

03-08-2005, 16:07
This was submitted about a day ago. Please support the bill and help us fight world hunger.

Right to food

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong

Fully aware that hunger and the basic lack of food have global implications and that they are more than likely to increase in some regions,

Expecting the mitigating factor of continual exponential increase in the world’s population and the stress on natural resources,

Noting with regret other obstacles to the right to food such as plagues and natural disasters,

Having examined that only determined and unwavering action is the only way to solve this dilemma,

1. Proclaims hunger an outrage and a violation of human dignity,
2. Affirms the right for everyone to have access to safe and nutritional foods to fully develop and maintain oneself,
3. Emphasizes all nations to take steps to promote everyone to be free from hunger, and to make and enact national plans to fight hunger,
4. Calls upon governments to give adequate funding towards the realization in the right to food,
5. Authorizes the United Nations to provide necessary resources to fulfill the right to food for as many people as possible.
03-08-2005, 16:13
Wether this passes or not, The United States Of Walmarts is dedicated to bring peace throughout the world. One of our goals to make peace is to eliminate world hunger. We have been putting together large ammounts of food and are expecting to ship the food sometime today. We will ship very, very large ammounts of food to countries in need 2 times a week.

We hope that other countries will help us and ship food to countries in need as well.
Sergio the First
03-08-2005, 16:30
Of course, let´s continue to "help" these countries, thar are actually in this situation due to incompetent and greedy governance from their rulers. Not an ounce more of food to these disease-infested hellholes!!!
Greater Boblandia
03-08-2005, 21:03
Do you mind if I ask what this proposal actually does? While it certainly comes down hard on the problem of hunger, I don't see anything in this proposal that actually resembles a plan. The only thing this resolution seems to do is "Emphasizes all nations to take steps to promote everyone to be free from hunger, and to make and enact national plans to fight hunger," and asks member governments to throw money at these national plans. There aren't even any guidelines or committees suggested to oversee or coordinate these plans, which waters down the effects of this proposal to basically nothing. This resolution lacks teeth.
04-08-2005, 00:17
Well initially we had thought to make it appeal to as many people as possible by not enforcing many mandates on countries. However we will look into bringing the specifics in to this on the U.N. side (establish a comittee, set guidelines, etc based on your suggestion).

Though it looks like the first reply should have been taking more into consideration in the previous topic. ;)

In any case we are currently brainstorming a new draft to this resolution in adding certain things. As for enforcing sovereign governments to enact food policies, is this a good idea(?) or should we just leave it to a comittee devoted to giving food world wide? Again we thank you humbly for your comments and suggestions.

the Allied States of Antipolo's UN Ambassador