NationStates Jolt Archive

Apeal or Ammend CHILD LABOR #14 Resolution

01-07-2005, 10:11

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Santa Barbara

Description: GIVEN that many nation states see fit to employ children under age 12 in manual labor and industry,

GIVEN that these industries and labor are often highly detrimental to a child's body and health,

BELIEVING that it is a fundamental right to be given the chance to grow up educated and free from unneccesary disease, injury, and possible death from industrial work,

ASSERTING that it is immoral and atrocious to force children , by manipulation, authority or raw strength, to work for corporation or state,

Be it hereby resolved that the UN shall guarantee the rights of children to NOT work in any mines, factories, chemical plants or ANY OTHER industrial occupation; moreover, it shall be prohibited for a child to take up labor in such an occupation.

As the resolution reads this nation and region for one would be in violation of it.. This is the one reason many of our regional nations have not submitted to join the UN as they feel they would loss their natural internal rights to comform with laws of the UN.. Thus we wish assistance in either repealing it or ammending it to permit new members to in some way avoid complience with it.. due to their own beliefs in good faith on the issue...

First the age limit for our full region is
set for males to be considered adults is 10 and females is 12..
At this time they may marry and start a family and own property and have full rights as an adult of title in our nation and region. This is a matter of our past histroy as early on wars caused the loss of older males to defend the Empire so our young males and females had to step up and defend our lands from hostile assaults.. Thus each person who founght was granted full rights for their service in our nations defense which carried down to their heirs at the ages so noted as many were even younger who fought but in later years the ages were set by our Council of Faith and have for over six hundred years been in place.

We agree with the parts about the treatment and abuse of 'children' or for that matter anyone of any age.. Thus find the age 12 and the probition of anyone under that age working in the noted places... As currently six owner of such mines and factory are not able to work in them since they just turned 10 and thus gained legal titles to family property left to them..

Our Laws say A male is required at age 10 and female at age 12 to serve six years in one of three National Services.. 1) Military defends borders 2) Police stops crime inside borders 3) Support this is medical and other labors not involved in first two but suppoting them in some ways. This is based on past needs for protection of the Empire.. and as such threats of hostile actions even natural disaters might call on 'children' to serve in some way to secure or restore the Emire this becomes a matter of concern.

The only solution to this is the fact these are not forced to serve but do so with pride in their family and nation.. but I'm troubled by the age and closing prohibiting of this... and need to know procedure for insuring we are not sanctioned for our good faith.. on the base of the terms of this proposal..

Also I might mention that each child from age 5 begins basic eduction to learn to read and write and by age 10/12 they are doing well in basic skills many ahead of same age children from other nations.. Also that they continue their education through their six years National Service.. at an advanced level of education.. so we do not neglect the education of any of our people.. and start early to educate them to survive in this world..

What I need to know is there a means to request exception to a proposal such as this when the long running history of the nations puts it in violation of the rules in a positive manner rather than negative.. Rather than apeal it an wait for a new resolution to come along.. Being here we don't abuse them as they are often owners of such mines and factory you would prohibit them from 'working in' as this does not define exactly what form of 'work' they might do there..

Assistance and advice would be a welcome assist to this stressed individual.. As we feel it is good resolution but might be keeping many nations from joining that would be a great assist to the whole of the UN if they were members.. as nine of the twelve in my region are waiting for a ruling on this..
The Most Glorious Hack
01-07-2005, 10:56
As ammendments are illegal, you would have to Repeal and then replace.

Good luck.
01-07-2005, 12:14
REPEAL Child Labor UN Resolution #14

REASON: Setting the age at which a 'child' becomes and 'adult' should be up to individual nations or regions.

PROBLEMS with old one:
Fixing it at 12 as in the original proposal you may put possible new members in violation without a chance should they become members to have a say in the issue thus they stay out of UN. Simply over when a 'child' is an 'adult'..

Also prohibiting where a 'child' can work is setting internal policy for a nation or region not letting possible new members have a say thus they stay out of UN. Several of our males at age ten will be full legal owners of at least one mine or factory.. thus can they 'work' in them before they are legal at twelve..

Also the new proposal should address military service in case of hostile actions where adults alone can't defend a nation or region alone.. thus 'children' may be called on to 'work' in harms way..

CAUSE: Repeal of this proposal will allow us to show we can change views while keeping on course to peace among members.

-------------------------- Okay tear it up.... but play nice--------------

Also do I need to explain 'child' set as under 12 by old proposal.. 'adult' anyone over twelve.. in the text of the repeal.. or can I just assume folks will get it..
01-07-2005, 12:32
REPEAL Child Labor UN Resolution #14

REASON: Setting the age at which a 'child' becomes and 'adult' should be up to individual nations or regions.

PROBLEMS with old one:
Fixing it at 12 as in the original proposal you may put possible new members in violation without a chance should they become members to have a say in the issue thus they stay out of UN. Simply over when a 'child' is an 'adult'..

Also prohibiting where a 'child' can work is setting internal policy for a nation or region not letting possible members have a say thus they stay out of UN. Several of our males at age ten will be full legal owners of at least one mine or factory.. thus can they 'work' in them before they are legal at twelve..

Also the new proposal should address military service in case of hostile actions where adults alone can't defend a nation or region alone.. thus 'children' may be called on to 'work' in harms way..

The original resolution was good but as new members consider joining we need to let them know we can change.. while staying on course to our goals of world peace.. as most members greatest fear is an assault from those outside the UN this may open the door to more joining as they would not have to dissmantle internal rules, laws or beliefs to comply with a proposal simply over when a citizen becomes and adult and can promote peace inside and outside their own nations or regions.
In my region alone nine nations refuse to join UN because of such meddling proposals as this one that dismantles centries of laws, rules, or beliefs..; as they have seen how slow it works to get any changes once procedures are in place.

Remove the final paragraph. It's a reference that isn't legal.
01-07-2005, 12:36
In my region alone nine nations refuse to join UN because of such meddling proposals as this one that dismantles centries of laws, rules, or beliefs..; as they have seen how slow it works to get any changes once procedures are in place.

--------------I take it this is the section to be removed... thus have done so with an edit of my first posting.... thanks...

Also see what you mean about reference so took full last out so noting back to old porposal... in end...
01-07-2005, 14:43
Please tell me you aren't serious about this?

10 and 12??? Oh, geez. What's next...we have to give them driver's licenses too?

First off, this is a national issue, not an international one. Which goes against everything I stand for to pass. Secondly, a child of 10 or 12 does not have the necessary skills to care for themselves in a manner befitting an adult. Thirdly, noting the second point, it would require the government of said nation to ensure the survival of the teen. Thereby, effectively, taking over the parental obligations, something my country does anyway, but in a different manner.

That stated, Darkumbria and the Northwind region cannot agree with this.
01-07-2005, 15:04
Please tell me you aren't serious about this?

10 and 12??? Oh, geez. What's next...we have to give them driver's licenses too?

Depending on how long your species lives, possibly yes.

First off, this is a national issue, not an international one. Which goes against everything I stand for to pass. Secondly, a child of 10 or 12 does not have the necessary skills to care for themselves in a manner befitting an adult. Thirdly, noting the second point, it would require the government of said nation to ensure the survival of the teen. Thereby, effectively, taking over the parental obligations, something my country does anyway, but in a different manner.

First off, this is a repeal attempt of a resolution that was already passed (the first post was abandoned in favor of something later in the thread). Second off, not all species age at the same rate. Third, without the repeal you have to do that anyway.

That stated, Darkumbria and the Northwind region cannot agree with this.

Try reading the thread first. The author is dealing with the very things you are taking issue with.
01-07-2005, 15:38
This is being brought up because of one simple fact... when is a 'child' an 'adult' based on our long history for us it is males age ten females age twelve... our 'children' in our past proved themselves in battle and preserved the stability of the Empire but standing up when 'adults' were being beaten by savages who would next make slaves of those very women and 'children'.. thus we believe in good faith a 'child' is at proper age an 'adult' males ten and females twelve..

I have read other resolutions that put and age of 'child' to 'adult'

in this we see...

Children in War
1. Bans the practise of conscripting or placing children under 16 years of age into national armed services;
5. Expects nations to take into account the special needs of children throughout the duration of the armed conflict and its aftermath;

Age 16 and many say 18 or want it at that so who says we go up or down on the age.. leave it up to individual nations to know when their 'children' are able to be 'adults'....

This one also gives me concern as to the age clause... so I ask if perhaps

Would item #5 allow a nation to train 'children' (in this case anyone under 16) to either treat wonded or even defend their homes and family at say an age below 16... As it would be a 'special need' if those 'adults' (over 16) were alone not able to defend the nations lands and still provided for wounded or even stand watch over all areas.. thus to train them would to be in their best interest.. Also this would not be a forced entry into service but one many would find worth any pain they might have undergone to learn to defend themselves. As they will be the next generation of 'adults' so when is it right to start preparing them for life.

This issue of age 'child' to 'adult' is one nations of my regions have their greatest concerns for as the very security of each depends on our 'children' growing to be 'adults' who can survive to bring forth the next generation.. Thus we do not abuse them but expect them to be loyal to our triditions and their family... linages... thus they serve with honor in defense of our lands and peoples... Many do not pass the rigid test to be warriors thus they serve in other areas of support.. but they are trained to defend if needed family and nation... as 'adults'

as it was mentioned not all youths develope equal so we consider this.. but we do not keep them back on age alone... but on not being able to do the task to standards all must meet........ each is taught they share an equal burden in the common good.. so whatever they do must be done to it's best..

I preach now but this issue troubles many in my region and thus they have not taken actions to join the UN for such reasons.. As a resolution should improve something not lower standards already in place making things worse.

Where perhaps our six year olds can speak read and write up to two tongues before they finish basic school many of the kids in other nations can't even read, write, speak in one. To bring us down to make us equal to others is wrong.. we are willing to help them come up to our standards not bow down to there standards.. Again I get behind my pulpit as a preacher so forgive me but this issue is one that troubles many in my region including me..
01-07-2005, 15:56
A solution if possible would be to perhaps propose a "Child" to "Adult" age at say 16 and thus write it so that this is by outcome of the vore the legal age in all UN member nations and regions but include a clause to address the instance where members have already set it at another level that they may continue to do so without being in violation of any past or future resolution that would be by the one being proposed set at say 16.. thus one would not have to worry about an age simpy say 'child' and all would know anyone under 16 is a child over is 'adult'...

Trouble is that due to different thoughts on legal age some the older resolutions very on what it might be..

#14 sets at 12... while #51 at 16.. several say 18 so when is one not a 'child' but an 'adult'... and who shall set that age...

need rest head spinning... so later.....

I do not wish a good proposal to go by the way because of 'child' to 'adult' problems.. as feel both #14 and 51 are good but for the fact they set the age different..

Also mention they must treat 'Children' as established in past and future resolutions as long as they are not 'adult' age, of 16.. or something like this..
01-07-2005, 15:59
The problem is that all of those only consider humanity, which is not the only species in the UN.
01-07-2005, 16:05
The problem is that all of those only consider humanity, which is not the only species in the UN.

We fully see this as know that the Tremonks mature at age three.. and only live for twelve to sixteen years of age.. thus thy would spend all their lives as 'children' Under #51.. but could be put to work in mines and factory under #14 thus become poisoned and die before sixteen.. Raise it to 18 and they will never grow up...;}..

This proposal is currently in place for endorsement and 'implies' it at 18....

Higher Education Act
Defines higher education as al levels of education which students can
follow once they are above the age of 18, in particular university

Thus a conflict of age prevents us from endorsing what might well be a good proposal but due to the one mention of age here I can't rightly do so and keep faith with the people I represent from my region. I have to live with them none of you do.. and they can be mean when ticked off..
01-07-2005, 17:50
Can I in a proposal include partial extractions for current UN Resolutions to make a point..

GIVEN that many nation states see fit to employ children under age 12 in manual labor and industry,

Outlaw Pedophilia #22
RESOLVED, That the act of sexual molestation of a pre-pubescent minor is hereby outlawed in all UN member nations.

The Child Protection Act #25
ARTICLE 1 For the purposes of the present resolution, a minor means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless, under the law applicable to the minor, majority is attained earlier.

Free education #28
Description: To give every person under the age of 18 the right to a free education

Children in War #51
1. Bans the practise of conscripting or placing children under 16 years of age into national armed services
As one can see here that their is no real idea on what age a 'child' is an 'adult'
the two best ones are:
#22 as it left it age out leaving it open for debate at when a pre-pubescent minor is an adult and not a minor.. since as mentioned children in each area will reach it when by nature they do.. and mother nature here is one created the nation.
#25 as it leaves gives a loop hole on age with, unless, under the law applicable to the minor, majority is attained earlier. As one can set that age at the level they want and declare by law them at majority.

As the range is from 12 to 18 here.....
The others hint at an age when one changes.. 'child' to 'adult'

If I was setting a standard 'Child' to 'Age' at say 16.. solely for UN resolutions proposed after approval of this and not for restricting or changing this age where a member nation already has one in in place. Or an earlier resolution has already set one in a specific proposal. In otherwords can I restrict future proposals in a proposal to use an age established by the UN membership once it passes. Also can I post say three proposals before the deligates and each only change with the age.. to be used set at 12 - 16 - 18 as the rest would be same thing.. thus the first to react needed endorsements would go forward and the other two be deleted as assumed whatever age is what they feel is best to use... I know this may not be legal but just checking.. before I step on my own...tongue here.
Texan Hotrodders
01-07-2005, 18:45
I would support a repeal of the "Child Labor" resolution, for the previously mentioned reasons about different developmental courses for various species and others.

#14 was a very noble idea, but to be honest it seems more appropriate to let the nations set their own labor laws in accord with their citizen's developmental course. Or we could even *gasp* leave it up to the caretakers to decide when the children are ready to move out into the workforce. Shocking, I know.
01-07-2005, 19:36
Am I right that you can't ammend a proposal only present a new one and then only if the old one is repealed..

If this is case then this is illegal..

Children in War II
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Tonanashia

Description: Following the procedure of United Nations proposal #51, Children in war, we propose to increase the war age limit to 18, or adults and adults only.

Children have their whole life ahead of them, and we, the Fiefdom of Tonanashia, for one, do not want to see them fall in their youth. We hope you all read and agree to this proposal, for the betterment of children everywhere.

Approvals: 18 (Iustinia, The Raven Islands, Trans-Union States, Shester, Shikyrie, Rolling Stone, Funkdunk, The Sthans, Kilobugya, Nintytopia, Juna Esperantisto, Brausi-mausi, Tbohner, Seattletonia, Allendis, Good Band Names, Ateelatay, Men of Easy Company)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 128 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jul 1 2005

As this clearly is amending the first #51 with a new age.. exactly what we feared might happen to some of these with an age set in them.. As the age 16 set by the original is as much a problem for us as this would be.. we could live with the original age but to see it raised.. never..

On #14 we feel that if you own it you have to know how to do each job involved in the operation... thus six of our primary loose screw factroy are owened by males not yet 12.. three of which are under even age 10 which we consider them adults at with fill rights to hold titles and honors of a family as granted that linage. These three under 10 are sheered by an elder female and none of these are even 16.. thus you can see our problem.. with setting ages in these matters.

To own and hold lands or property here one must be willing to defend such rights with their life.. thus since at age ten they can hold these they must show for service and be trained to defend their rights as well as the Empire.
The Most Glorious Hack
02-07-2005, 02:45
Trust me, I knew what I was talking about when I said this:

As ammendments are illegal, you would have to Repeal and then replace.
Santa Barbara
03-07-2005, 02:11
So is this it? Finally, the U.N nations are tired of their run-down economies, and now at last they come to one - yes just one - of the reasons why participation in their international socialism cult is a poor idea? Letting those kids work the mines aren't going to help you compete with Santa Barbara anymore, comrades.

I hate to see my name disappear from the vaunted U.N page(s) though, so let me just address an actual point.

Being here we don't abuse them as they are often owners of such mines and factory you would prohibit them from 'working in' as this does not define exactly what form of 'work' they might do there..

Yes it does.

prohibited for a child to take up labor

manual labor and industry,

GIVEN that these industries and labor are often highly detrimental to a child's body and health,

If your children are merely investors, then quite clearly their 'job' is not prohibited by this resolution. And since it's also clear that investing is not "highly detrimental to a child's body and health" - unless you invest differently than I do - from the spirit of the law as well as the letter, there is no problem.

You are correct it doesn't define "work," but then that is one of the many things your nation's government should try to do rather than leaving it all up to the U.N nanny state.
03-07-2005, 14:27
If your children are merely investors, then quite clearly their 'job' is not prohibited by this resolution. And since it's also clear that investing is not "highly detrimental to a child's body and health" - You are correct it doesn't define "work," but then that is one of the many things your nation's government should try to do rather than leaving it all up to the U.N nanny state.

As it's clear you have not come to know the long history of our Emire.. It was so called founded by 'chidlren' wanting a better safer live away from the hostile insane realm of Parenthood... Thus they moved beyond dreams into reality. As they were educate by life they grew and have come to by faith trust in their own self images not fleshy ideals. Thus we can see why you would find offense at our views on certain issues.. while in truth we believe as you do.. just we do it sooner age wise than you might... or not as a woman or pinky or idiot, but as a productive educated Citizen of a stable sometimes crazy society but we have faith in ourselves at any age. As at age 17 I was called on to serve in the defense of my country at a time when I could not even vote until I was 21 or enter a work place to earn a few pintas to feed my wives and children.. simply because I was not 21.. yet when war devistated the region I was called on to defend it.. and insure the rights given those that had them were not lost. Today women serve in the military not by force but by choice and in recent conflicts they have died some of these under 21 and in many nations not able to even vote (not on for their sex but on their age).. as know many nation still refuse to let women vote.... or even serve in military... but many have asked them to give in times when males just can't alone defend the nations and the rights of all Citizens. Thus they do and die... but still don't have equal rights everywhere.

'Work' you can invest in something but must 'work' to keep your investment from becoming nothing.. why should a child be allowed to invest in anything... if they are not able to think for themselves... Education moves a child to an adult not reaching a set age.. many adults lack the education or experiences to be considered adults at any age.. There are children finding cures for our most feared sicknesses while adults only fight to keep children safe.

As for the highly detrimental thought.... have you not seen the news of more killings in Angoria at seven elementry schools where children, there to get their free education... are assualted... Currently 32 will not become productive adults and many others due to injuries will not be able to enter a labor force when they do become adults; so how far do we go to protect them... Educate them and they can protect themselves fail to do that and they will never become adults... just die and the next generation of children will bury them if they have a chance to come into this world and do so..

Off my soap box now coffee is on and have not had my first cup today so crankie already... yours in peace.. GW UNAbass Garne