NationStates Jolt Archive

Proposal: New Disease Center

Holyboy and the 666s
09-06-2005, 00:11
Here is a copy of my new proposal

New Development Center
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Holyboy and the 666s

Description: DEFINES a disease as a bacteria, virus, or fungi infecting the human body,

NOTING the many resolutions that help prevent the spread of existing diseases or aim at finding a cure for the respective disease,

KEEPING IN MIND that if any delegate wants to build research centers for an existing disease, they may submit a resolution,

FEARFUL of the many diseases that may appear in the future, through the mutation or evolution of existing ones, or the discovery of a new disease,

DEEPLY CONCERNED that a new disease could cause an outbreak in many nations or regions, or even in the worse circumstances, become a global epidemic,

HOPEFUL that if an international centre were set up within the UN, it would be able to immediately research these new diseases, speeding up the process of finding preventative measures to the disease, or possibly finding a cure,

1. CALLS FOR the formation of the New Disease Center (NDC)

2. DECLARES that the NDC will have two objectives

a. Researching new diseases to find preventative measures against the disease,

b. Researching new diseases to find a cure for the disease

c. Researching current diseases when there is no outbreak of a new disease, to possibly find a cure or a preventative measure to link to an outbreak

3. DECIDES that the NDC will focus on new diseases.

4. RESOLVES that if the NDC has found a cure or a preventative measure, they will report to the United Nations, whose delegates will in turn report this finding to their nation.

I feel this is resolution should be aproved and passed right away. This research center will look for a solution as soon there is an outbreak of a new disease. That could save the lives of people from many nations.
09-06-2005, 00:54
The only complaint I have is that you should remove the reference to the human body, as many nations are not populated by humans at all.
Infecting a Sentient Host
Oh, and you say international centre, but you call the bureau the New Disease Center; it doesn't matter which one you use, but be consistent.

Also, I'm not entirely certain whether the UN can form a seperate bureau; it can forms commitees (which are small), but no large entities have been created that I know of.
09-06-2005, 03:02
Reasearch new diseases? obviously just a way to create more biochemical weapons by a rogue nation!
09-06-2005, 04:06
Description: DEFINES a disease as a bacteria, virus, or fungi infecting the human body,

Except that "bacteria" and "fungi" are plural words, so that should be "a bacterium" and "a fungus".

Also, except that not all nations are comprised of humans. And diseases aren't even limited to sentient beings.

Also, that definition sucks. A disease is not a bacterium, virus, or fungus; it is the effect of the bacterium, virus, or fungus. Oh, and some are caused by stuff like, y'know, mutations within the body. And insects. Which are animals.
09-06-2005, 04:19
We will support this proposal. It will boost our defensive capabilities.

..err..did I just say that outloud?
Hegelian Montesquieu
09-06-2005, 05:01
You also need to point out genetic diseases and mutations. Also define the function of this Bureau a bit better.
09-06-2005, 05:44
Hey! Look! Free biological weapon research! Legally!

We support the hell out of this!
09-06-2005, 07:45

We are trying to understand this proposal. Hence, we ask the following questions and advance a test case to raise one final point.

1. Does 'new' apply to the act of discovery (i.e. the disease is pre-existent but has only just been discovered) or to the act of generation (i.e. the disease is a new mutation)? The two are not quite the same - the latter would require observation of base samples in laboratory conditions until mutation occurred.

2. Further, would this also apply to nanotechnological plagues (some of which are technically virii) and parasites (such as a mutated malaria would be)?

3. Consider this test case. A new state appears or is discovered. It is populated by sentient fungi (or nanotech-propagated machines) whose spores are capable of entering a human body, and subsequently rooting and fruiting within, and colonising such a body. The centre would then constitute a UN-based police force against the beings of such a state.

We agree in principle to the establishment of such a centre, but request further definition.
Holyboy and the 666s
09-06-2005, 22:32
1. Does 'new' apply to the act of discovery (i.e. the disease is pre-existent but has only just been discovered) or to the act of generation (i.e. the disease is a new mutation)? The two are not quite the same - the latter would require observation of base samples in laboratory conditions until mutation occurred.

basically, new is refering to a new outbreak within the masses. So if there is a mutation affecting the people, then we research the mutation.

2. Further, would this also apply to nanotechnological plagues (some of which are technically virii) and parasites (such as a mutated malaria would be)?

Any disease that will affect the masses will be researched, (im going to fix the definition of a disease :D)

3. Consider this test case. A new state appears or is discovered. It is populated by sentient fungi (or nanotech-propagated machines) whose spores are capable of entering a human body, and subsequently rooting and fruiting within, and colonising such a body. The centre would then constitute a UN-based police force against the beings of such a state.

Never thought of that.....
Basically, as long as they are not entering the citizens of other nations and not causing any harm, they won't be researched. If they did, the only fungi that would die (if an antidote was found) would be the fungi that entered the citizens of other nations.

PS THIS IS NOT SUPPOST TO BE A BIOLOGICAL CREATING RESOLUTION! i realize it sounds that way, which i did not discover until i read your complaints (thats for the comments :D) I will be making another draft of this available in the future, fixing all of the things mentioned as i see fit. Hopefully it will be better! Thanks for your input
Holyboy and the 666s
09-06-2005, 23:17
Cures for New Infections Committee

DEFINES an infection as an invasion by and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in a bodily part or tissue, which may produce subsequent tissue injury and progress to overt disease through a variety of cellular or toxic mechanisms,

FURTHER DEFINES a new infection as an infection that has been immediately discovered and is multiplying in the citizens of a nation

NOTING the many resolutions that help prevent the spread of existing infections or aim at finding a cure for the respective disease,

KEEPING IN MIND that if any delegate wants to build research centers for an existing infection, they may submit a resolution,

FEARFUL of the many new infections that may appear in the future,

DEEPLY CONCERNED that a new infection could cause an outbreak in many nations or regions, or even in the worse circumstances, become a global epidemic, without the international community having any knowledge on how to prevent the disease,

HOPEFUL that if an international committee were set up, they would be able to immediately research these new infections, speeding up the process of finding preventative measures to the infection, or possibly finding a cure,

1. CALLS FOR the formation of the Cures for New Infections Committee (CNIC),

2. APPROVES of a new research facility for the CNIC, to be used for their research,

3. DECLARES that the CNIC will have three objectives

a. Researching new infections to find preventative measures against the infection,

b. Researching new infections to find a cure quickly for the infection

c. Researching current infections when there is no existing outbreak of a new infection, to possibly find a cure or a preventative measure to link to an outbreak that may happen in the future

4. DECIDES that the CNIC will focus on new diseases.

5. AFFIRMS that the CNIC will never create or research the creating of biological weapons to affect the masses,

6. RESOLVES that if the CNIC has found a cure or a preventative measure, they will report to the United Nations, whose delegates will in turn report this finding to their nation.

OK, in this draft, I am hoping to solve all of the problems (especially the biological weapons reseach issue. *shutters*) please send any and all complaints, and anything you like in the resolution...ect ect ect thanx :D
09-06-2005, 23:32
I accept, and will endorse.
Holyboy and the 666s
09-06-2005, 23:59
PS haven't sent it in yet. I promise i will send it tomorrow morning for the weekend rush (ps, im in Canada, so my morning will be around England's lunchtime :D) I decided to do this because i think my regional delegate will chop off my head with the second submitting in 2 days, better to make it three days STILL WANT YOUR OPINIONS TO MAKE IT BETTER! :D
10-06-2005, 00:32
5. AFFIRMS that the CNIC will never create or research the creating of biological weapons to affect the masses,

If they accadentaly do or have to in order to find a cure for a prementioned item?
10-06-2005, 01:13
Hey! Look! Free biological weapon research! Legally!

We support the hell out of this!

The Tekanian Ambassadore makes note to not supply Vastiva or the NSUN in general with biochemical makeup, or the genome set of the Tekaniou species, the Silicates.... I guess the Pithekos (Humans) will have to fend for themselves in the Republic... but the Silicates are good biologists, maybe they can counter biological weapons other states invent against the Pithekos on the Republic.
Holyboy and the 666s
10-06-2005, 01:22
If they accadentaly do or have to in order to find a cure for a prementioned item?

I highly doubt that will happen, but just in case it does i will add a clause saying if they accidentally create a biological weapon through experiments, the record on how to create that weapon will be destroyed and the samples destroyed properly. does that sound good? :confused:
10-06-2005, 01:42
That information could lead to many more breakthrough's in reaserches too.
How about it is put into a highly secured vault at the UN?
Holyboy and the 666s
10-06-2005, 03:00
That information could lead to many more breakthrough's in reaserches too.
How about it is put into a highly secured vault at the UN?

Put in highly secure bullet-proof vault with access given only to the president of the CINC? And anything taken out must be documented with excellent reasons for taking them out. Sound good?
Holyboy and the 666s
10-06-2005, 12:08
The proposal has been sent. Please support it today! Approvals must be given by Monday. Please endorse ASAP. Thanks. The title of the resolution is New Infectons Committee. The resolution in on post #10 Thanks.
10-06-2005, 13:24
The proposal has been sent. Please support it today! Approvals must be given by Monday. Please endorse ASAP. Thanks. The title of the resolution is New Infectons Committee. The resolution in on post #10 Thanks.

I'd just like to express my congratulations to the government of Holyboy - although a young nation, they have shown great apitude and understanding of the NS UN.

Hirota has, up to this point remained silent within this topic, prefering to observe. Your participation is greatly welcomed within the UN by Hirota, and I think this proposal is a an excellent prospective addition to the legislation already passed.

Indeed, there are many newer nations recently who have shown an understanding of the UN we find reassuring.
10-06-2005, 17:56
The Principality of Quadlia, long a haven for the advancement of the medical arts, has officially declared its approval of this proposal and strongly encourages other nations to do the same.

Holyboy and the 666s
11-06-2005, 04:04
Thanks for your support. Special thanks to Hirota for their kind words :D