NationStates Jolt Archive

Approve the repeal of scientific freedom

I and me and myself
28-05-2005, 20:16
I the founder of the Monkey Land of Ooga Booga region I say that scientific freedom should not exist due to the fact that the government will not be able to claim rights to it and such. So approve this proposal
28-05-2005, 20:32
Uhm.... no.
28-05-2005, 20:34
Uhm.... no.

Succinct, and yet so good at conveying our shared stance.
I and me and myself
28-05-2005, 21:38
Why not think about it the economy of your country will be better and other things who cares about scientific freedom anyways it is just plain stupid the government should take over it
28-05-2005, 21:45
The proposal:
Repeal "Scientific Freedom"
"A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution."
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #2
Proposed by: I and me and myself

Description: UN Resolution #2: Scientific Freedom (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: By being the founder of the region of Monkey land of Ooga Booga I declare that scientists should not have the freedom to do whatever they want so by the power of the region I say you should have the government control the scienctific research so countries can use it in wars and such

Approvals: 4 (Ryesin, NewTexas, Apolian Pirates, The Bruce)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon May 30 2005
28-05-2005, 21:53
Why not think about it the economy of your country will be better and other things who cares about scientific freedom anyways it is just plain stupid the government should take over it
Funny, we've always been of the opinion that letting citizens do as they choose was quite te opposite of "just plain stupid", as you so eloquently put it. We feel that putting a government in charge of what the citizens are and aren't allowed to develop is a step towards tyranny.

Also, we've found that in many cases, government control limits effectiveness.
28-05-2005, 22:04
Why not think about it the economy of your country will be better and other things who cares about scientific freedom anyways it is just plain stupid the government should take over it

Our economy is based upon scientific advancement. It is scientific advancement that allows for trade between our various Ages and allows for us to search out new worlds for writing Links to that we can also travel to in case the Linking Books get destroyed. We cannot risk it.
I and me and myself
29-05-2005, 03:12
What is wrong with tyranny anyways. And the other thing is what is the risk just bribe the scientists or pay them alot just to give you whatever they create and what not so that's what I believe or just don't have humans as your scientists anymore.
29-05-2005, 03:36
What is wrong with tyranny anyways. And the other thing is what is the risk just bribe the scientists or pay them alot just to give you whatever they create and what not so that's what I believe or just don't have humans as your scientists anymore.
Say what? I am afraid I don't understand what you're getting at with any of this..."Don't have humans as your scientists"; who are we to have instead?

And plenty is wrong with tyranny...or at least that is how our people feel about it. Long Live Scandinavian Liberal Paradises! ;)
29-05-2005, 08:43
Actually, the resolution you're trying to repeal does nothing more than say that scientific freedom is nice and would encourage trade etc. if responsible peaceful scientists were given it. Nowhere are you actually required to actually give anyone any freedom. Unfortunately.
Texan Hotrodders
29-05-2005, 08:45
Actually, the resolution you're trying to repeal does nothing more than say that scientific freedom is nice and would encourage trade etc. if responsible peaceful scientists were given it. Nowhere are you actually required to actually give anyone any freedom. Unfortunately.

That's why I've always liked that resolution, along with the "Sexual Freedom" resolution.
30-05-2005, 22:54
I don't like the idea that scientists in my country can research whatever they like, and give it out to anyone they like.

If Hirotan scientists discovered an uber-weapon, would I really want them selling it to my hostile non-UN enemy, for example?

I'm happy enough that most technologies can be researched freely, but certainly not weapons, cloning and there are a few other areas I would need to have a deeper thought about.Actually, the resolution you're trying to repeal does nothing more than say that scientific freedom is nice and would encourage trade etc. if responsible peaceful scientists were given it. Nowhere are you actually required to actually give anyone any freedom. Unfortunately. My understanding of the UN and it's usage of "encourages" etc in a resolution, is that it is merely the embodiment of the UN's steel fist in a velvet glove...the UN can do what it jolly well likes, but surely we can pretend the UN is being polite about it when they cram legislation down our proverbial throats?
31-05-2005, 00:24
Give up scientific freedom?

Not likely. Besides civilian scientists come up with some super ideas that we can turn into highly effective weapons for our military. It saves us years of research and millions of vollars in funding by letting the cilvilian sector do all of the work for us.

Henry Peabody
Minister to the UN
31-05-2005, 09:35
Give up scientific freedom?

Not likely. Besides civilian scientists come up with some super ideas that we can turn into highly effective weapons for our military. It saves us years of research and millions of vollars in funding by letting the cilvilian sector do all of the work for us.

Henry Peabody
Minister to the UN

Yes, I know. Hirota has benefited from your civilian scientists as well…..Although we are a little annoyed by their car-salesmanesque techniques of selling their inventions. Why just last week we were wondering round a showroom in Vanhalenburgh browsing the latest range of WMD’s and they are just sooo pushy!

I saw a couple of Vanhalenburgh dissidents being pressured into a 0% finance deal on a suitcase nuke as well.

Just awful, sometimes people/terrorists just want to browse!
31-05-2005, 11:14
The proposal begins:

Argument: By being the founder of the region of Monkey land of Ooga Booga I declare...

Which surely makes it illegal:


Limited branding is allowed. "Limited" means that you may list one co-author by nation name only. Example:

"Co-authored by The Most Glorious Hack"

Further branding will result in the Proposal being deleted. Don't list everyone who posted in the thread for your draft, don't list yourself, don't list your Minister Of Making Proposals, and don't post the 'pre-title' of the co-author (ie: "The Republic Of...").
31-05-2005, 13:53
My understanding of the UN and it's usage of "encourages" etc in a resolution, is that it is merely the embodiment of the UN's steel fist in a velvet glove...the UN can do what it jolly well likes, but surely we can pretend the UN is being polite about it when they cram legislation down our proverbial throats?

As far as I am concerned, "encourages" or "urges" means that we RP that the UN is declaring its opinion and placing pressure on nations to toe the line, but that the UN gnomes are not unleashed upon us to force compliance. I suppose if you wanted to RP more deeply, diplomatic relations with many UN nations might sour somewhat if you refused to comply, and your nation's reputation might suffer within the UN. You could also RP that nations which toed the line might be unofficially favoured in various ways.

A lot of proposals are written specifically not to force action, but to encourage it.
31-05-2005, 18:39
My oppinion

Repeal Proposal is not written well enough for me to endorce.

31-05-2005, 19:29
Sure... Let's vote this in...Come on, this will be fun.

Oh wait... Nevermind, I was dreaming. The simplest answer... Umm... NO!!!!!