NationStates Jolt Archive


Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 18:27
Dear Honorable UN Delegates, Members and Interested Members of the NS Community,

We at Lucius Malfoy II would like to draw your attention to the following UN Proposal:

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Lucius Malfoy II

Description: ANNOUNCING the formation of the United Nations Institute for Basic Advancement of Science and Inter-Cultural Studies (UNIBASICS).

REALIZING it is not enough to build classrooms in devastated countries or to publish scientific breakthroughs.

NOTING that Education, Social and Natural Science, Culture and Communication are the pathways to a far nobler goal: to build peace in the minds of all people regardless of sex, class, ethnicity and culture.

EMPHASIZING that UNIBASICS is a laboratory of concepts and a standard-setter to forge universal agreements on emerging ethical and social issues. The Organization will serve as a clearinghouse – for the dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge – while providing assistance to Member States to build their human and institutional capacities in diverse fields. In short, UNIBASICS promotes international cooperation among its Member States in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.

MANDATING that UNIBASICS members be elected cultural, political and scientific leaders who actively pursue the following specific goals upon Year One of inception:

1) halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty in developing countries

2) achieve universal primary school education in all countries

3) eliminate gender and ethnic disparity in primary and secondary education

4) help countries implement a national strategy for sustainable development to reverse current trends in the loss of environmental resources.

ACKNOWLEDGES the above goals are challenging but are more likely to be achieved with UNIBASICS commitment to understanding the root causes of disparities and ultimate barriers to peace.

REITERATES the need for the formation of UNIBASICS in order to systematically advance peace using evidence-based approaches to education.

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed May 11 2005
Fatus Maximus
08-05-2005, 18:41
Uh... could you explain exactly what UNIBASICS is? :)
Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 19:16
Uh... could you explain exactly what UNIBASICS is? :)

It is an international UN organization made up of elected individuals representing cultural, scientific, and education groups. The overall goal is to advance peace and social justice among member states through education, science and cultural studies (sharing information from these areas to all UN nations). Every year the organization will set an agenda with regards to the long-term goal. Year One agenda of the committee regards (1) universal primary education; (2) eradicating social inequalities with regards to access to education (at all levels); (3) reducing poverty; and (4) implementation of national strategies for environmental sustainability.

Sidenote: I hate to do this but it is similiar to RL UNESCO.

Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 19:26
Redundant and undefined
1) halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty in developing countries
If you use a fixed income, then a country would devalue its currency; it was proportional it, well, it would be physically impossible; if you do it at PPP then it doesn't take into account subsistance farming; if you work it out on facilities then it would take serious amounts of mindless beurocracy
2) achieve universal primary school education in all countries
Already covered by previous resolutions
3) eliminate gender and ethnic disparity in primary and secondary education
Already covered by previous resolutions
4) help countries implement a national strategy for sustainable development to reverse current trends in the loss of environmental resources.
Screw the environment
Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 20:11
1) halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty in developing countries

[/I]Redundant and undefined
If you use a fixed income, then a country would devalue its currency; it was proportional it, well, it would be physically impossible; if you do it at PPP then it doesn't take into account subsistance farming; if you work it out on facilities then it would take serious amounts of mindless beurocracy"

Lucius Malfoy II's reponse:

So your solution is not even try because it may cause too much paper-work?

2) achieve universal primary school education in all countries

Already covered by previous resolutions

Lucius Malfoy II's reponse:

Interesting. Could you name the resolution (number is fine) you are thinking of in this instance. There was a resolution that was repealed suggesting free education for all. Have not seen much work in developing univseral primary school however. I think it a safe assumption that universal primary school HAS NEVER been implemented in UN member states (just look at the current nation profiles).

3) eliminate gender and ethnic disparity in primary and secondary education

Already covered by previous resolutions

Lucius Malfoy II's reponse

I suppose your criteria for something being covered is that ethnicity and gender equity were mentioned and encouraged in a previous proposal. It is naive to assume that all UN Member States actually have equal access to "education" regardless of sex and ethnicity.

4) help countries implement a national strategy for sustainable development to reverse current trends in the loss of environmental resources.

[I]Screw the environment

This statement contradicts previous UN resolutions thus making all other comments (and postings) by the representative seriously open to question.

Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 20:27
So your solution is not even try because it may cause too much paper-work?

So much paperwork it would bankrupt the UN. You'd have to go to everybody in every country in the entire UN to find out.

Interesting. Could you name the resolution (number is fine) you are thinking of in this instance.

Resolution 28, which reads simply: To give every person under the age of 18 the right to a free education; Also, #79 covers a lot of the concerns.

I suppose your criteria for something being covered is that ethnicity and gender equity were mentioned and encouraged in a previous proposal.

Resolution #80 The rights of Minorities and Women, and #88 Fairness and Equality, #99 Discrimination Accord

This statement contradicts previous UN resolutions thus making all other comments (and postings) by the representative seriously open to question.

Plus the fact it is made redundant by Resolution #71 Sustainable Energy Sources.
And this is envirnmental, not Social Justice
08-05-2005, 20:38
First, the resolution called "Free Education", which is still in effect, guarantees "to give every person under the age of 18 the right to a free education". I will assume that this refers to primary and secondary education, as that makes sense.

Second, the Universal Library already exists as a way to disseminate information, and I should know since I helped write that resolution (it was a huge effort on many people's parts, not just mine, BTW). We don't need another clearinghouse for information when one already exists.

Third, I don't really care what's happening to people in "developing" countries. If I feel compelled to assist them in ridding themselves of an oppressive government, they can then welcome their annexation by Krioval. We expect returns on our investments.

Fourth, Krioval sees no reason to create another committee whose sole function will be to waggle its collective finger at nations who don't do what it wants, but will otherwise lack binding force to achieve concrete results.

Krioval shows our hand:
Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 20:38
So your solution is not even try because it may cause too much paper-work?

So much paperwork it would bankrupt the UN. You'd have to go to everybody in every country in the entire UN to find out.

Interesting. Could you name the resolution (number is fine) you are thinking of in this instance.

Resolution 28, which reads simply: ; Also, #79 covers a lot of the concerns.

I suppose your criteria for something being covered is that ethnicity and gender equity were mentioned and encouraged in a previous proposal.

Resolution #80 The rights of Minorities and Women, and #88 Fairness and Equality, #99 Discrimination Accord

This statement contradicts previous UN resolutions thus making all other comments (and postings) by the representative seriously open to question.

Plus the fact it is made redundant by Resolution #71 Sustainable Energy Sources.
And this is envirnmental, not Social Justice

Resolution 28 suggests there is a right to free education under age 18. Not sure what impact this actually has on universal primary education other than suggesting it should be free. Universal primary education is a different thing and under the auspices of UNIBASICS would be standardized across all member states.

Your reluctance to endorse the first year goals of UNIBASICS should not weaken the importance of creating UNIBASICS. The proposals primary purpose is to create the organization. The mandate during the first year of UNIBASICS existence is not the primary focus of the organization.
Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 20:48
[QUOTE=Krioval]First, the resolution called "Free Education", which is still in effect, guarantees "to give every person under the age of 18 the right to a free education". I will assume that this refers to primary and secondary education, as that makes sense.

Second, the Universal Library already exists as a way to disseminate information, and I should know since I helped write that resolution (it was a huge effort on many people's parts, not just mine, BTW). We don't need another clearinghouse for information when one already exists.

Third, I don't really care what's happening to people in "developing" countries. If I feel compelled to assist them in ridding themselves of an oppressive government, they can then welcome their annexation by Krioval. We expect returns on our investments.

Fourth, Krioval sees no reason to create another committee whose sole function will be to waggle its collective finger at nations who don't do what it wants, but will otherwise lack binding force to achieve concrete results.QUOTE]

The Universal Library is a wonderful resolution. The two resolutions are not the same and have much different (but not competing) long-term goals.

I think there are relatively few NS UN committees and it is extremely unfortunate that there is not one that even comes close to advancing peace through universal standards in education.

Thank you for the comments.
Lucius Malfoy II
08-05-2005, 22:00
Universal primary education is a different thing and under the auspices of UNIBASICS would be standardized across all member states.

I would strongly oppose any attempts to standardise school curriculums as this is a ridiculous notion. Different nations/countries will have different priorities in their teachings- some may prefer to put emphasis on life skills or on certain industry skills, for example, many of which will be of particular relevance only to particular nations, and certainly not universally applicable or useful.

If you mean simply to universalise primary education- well, as has been said, it was covered in the right to free education, which mandates that every UN nations provide free education to everyone under 18. Thus including a free primary education by definition.
08-05-2005, 23:45
I believe that much of this proposal is redundant (there are a number of reslutions that already cover most of the points raised). That said, there is merit in it. I recommend expanding upon the section addressing poverty, since this issue is relatively untouched by prior UN legislation.

Varia Yefremova
Speaker to the UN.
09-05-2005, 02:08
We feel that your proposal hold possible merits on in core idea, however some of the issues that this is meant to address have been dealt with in previous resolutions as my esteemed colleagues have pointed out.

As a prosperous nation with a free education system we do understand the benefits of standards; however we also know the cost to our citizens to uphold these standards.

Less prosperous nations could possibly go bankrupt in an effort to meet the level of standards outlined in your resolution and we feel that it would be unjust to burden our population with higher taxes to support anther nation’s education woes.

Perhaps this matter is best left up to private and public assistance funds raised by independent organizations and assistance from individual governments.

Vanhalenburgh Minister to the UN
Henry Peabody
09-05-2005, 02:49
You have to fit a single category in any given UN proposal.1) halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty in developing countries
That's social justice, though having a target number is potentially questionable

2) achieve universal primary school education in all countries
Redundant. Also, one of the Free Education resolutions was Social Justice, the other was Human Rights. I'd have said Social Justice, personally

3) eliminate gender and ethnic disparity in primary and secondary education
Human Rights

4) help countries implement a national strategy for sustainable development to reverse current trends in the loss of environmental resources.
EnvironmentalYou can't be all things to all people, at least not in this game. I recommend you scrap it and start from scratch.
Saint Uriel
09-05-2005, 03:00
We find it to be a good try, but it is redundant. The UN already has probably too many resolutions, several of which already cover this. However, Saint Uriel will refrain from condescendingly slapping down large card graphics in a bloody flame baiting attempt to belittle what is a good effort to bring an idea to the collective table. That's tasteless.
Naspar Cosif
09-05-2005, 03:02
Are you the same guy who made up the evolution proposal?

If so, why did you make a new nation to propose this proposal?

:eek: :sniper:
09-05-2005, 03:21
Are you the same guy who made up the evolution proposal?

If so, why did you make a new nation to propose this proposal?
A) what business is it of yours, and

B) what business is it of yours?

Oh, and

C) what possible difference could it make if he did?
Lucius Malfoy II
09-05-2005, 03:33
You have to fit a single category in any given UN proposal.1) halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty in developing countries
That's social justice, though having a target number is potentially questionable

2) achieve universal primary school education in all countries
Redundant. Also, one of the Free Education resolutions was Social Justice, the other was Human Rights. I'd have said Social Justice, personally

3) eliminate gender and ethnic disparity in primary and secondary education
Human Rights

4) help countries implement a national strategy for sustainable development to reverse current trends in the loss of environmental resources.
EnvironmentalYou can't be all things to all people, at least not in this game. I recommend you scrap it and start from scratch.

Thanks for the advice - very thoughtful. The first year plan of the organization is redundant upon further reflection. As well I think it is distracting from the true purpose of the resolution. If I retain a first year plan I will change it so that it is contained within one topic area.
09-05-2005, 04:14
Malfoy, you have the gift of gab. And it is a dangerous gift. You can use emotions to sway the masses. I don't know how you managed to pass a resolution that achieved absolutely nothing (and broke a number of UN standards in the process), but I refuse to allow it to happen again. It is a UN violation to propose the creation of a department within the UN. I humbly ask that you read The Enodian Protocols ( and The List of Passed N.S.U.N. Resolutions ( before submitting more proposals that violate UN standard or reiterate past resolutions.

Thank you for your time. Sorry if I offend.
09-05-2005, 04:51
It is a UN violation to propose the creation of a department within the UN. I humbly ask that you read The Enodian Protocols ( and The List of Passed N.S.U.N. Resolutions ( before submitting more proposals that violate UN standard or reiterate past resolutions.

Thank you for your time. Sorry if I offend.
I advise you to look into the new set of rules being created for UN Proposals, especially this clause:

Creating Stuff

Committees may be created, as long as certain things are kept in mind: nations do not sit on committees, they are staffed by mystical beings that instantly spring into existance and live only to serve on said committee. Committees are also bound by the above MetaGame rules.

which can be found in this post by the UN Gnomes. (
Groot Gouda
09-05-2005, 20:00
We recommend to the writer of this proposal that this time, he will actually create a resolution that does something. Apart from filling up UN archives, that is.

And if it does something, that it's not something silly like universal primary education. It is unwise to define that on UN-level. The other stuff is already covered by UN resolutions anyway.
10-05-2005, 01:50
I advise you to look into the new set of rules being created for UN Proposals, [...] which can be found in this post by the UN Gnomes. (, I would have read through that when originally writing... if it didn't say in huge letters at the top...

Still just a DRAFT.

Don't see how you missed it. :confused:
10-05-2005, 02:51
Malfoy, you have the gift of gab. And it is a dangerous gift. You can use emotions to sway the masses. I don't know how you managed to pass a resolution that achieved absolutely nothing (and broke a number of UN standards in the process), but I refuse to allow it to happen again. It is a UN violation to propose the creation of a department within the UN. I humbly ask that you read The Enodian Protocols ( and The List of Passed N.S.U.N. Resolutions ( before submitting more proposals that violate UN standard or reiterate past resolutions.

Thank you for your time. Sorry if I offend.

I suppose that the member states are eager to support even the smallest change to the better. That's why I supported it.

So you're taking on a hard task.
10-05-2005, 05:30
I suppose that the member states are eager to support even the smallest change to the better. That's why I supported it.

So you're taking on a hard task.Well, would you rather support a resolution which protects the right to learn ONE belief or a resolution which protects the right to learn ANY and ALL beliefs? Protecting Evolutionary Theory (and no other theories) is discrimination. If it defended Catholicism, discrimination. Atheism, discrimination. Satanism, discrimination. But if it defended evolutionism, catholicism, atheism, Satanism, methodism, presbryterianism, and every other single belief, religion, and school of thought... THAT would be fair.
10-05-2005, 15:01
Well, would you rather support a resolution which protects the right to learn ONE belief or a resolution which protects the right to learn ANY and ALL beliefs? Protecting Evolutionary Theory (and no other theories) is discrimination. If it defended Catholicism, discrimination. Atheism, discrimination. Satanism, discrimination. But if it defended evolutionism, catholicism, atheism, Satanism, methodism, presbryterianism, and every other single belief, religion, and school of thought... THAT would be fair.

Evolutionary Theory is not a religion, as it is subject to facts, i.e. fossils might be excavated that contradict it vehemently. - Religion is a matter of belief, nothing else. All the other 'theories' you mention, are religions.

Unfortunately, we're moving off topic. Please, suggest another thread if you want to debate this further with me.
Powerhungry Chipmunks
10-05-2005, 17:20
Well, I would have read through that when originally writing... if it didn't say in huge letters at the top...

Still just a DRAFT.

Don't see how you missed it. :confused:

It doesn't matter whether the new rules are in effect. Committees are allowed now, and they will be when the new rules do come into effect. Whether the proposal is written in compliance with the new rules or not won't cahnge how it's written, really.
11-05-2005, 02:04
Evolutionary Theory is not a religion, as it is subject to facts, i.e. fossils might be excavated that contradict it vehemently. - Religion is a matter of belief, nothing else. All the other 'theories' you mention, are religions.

Unfortunately, we're moving off topic. Please, suggest another thread if you want to debate this further with me.Well, feel free to move to the thread of the repeal of the resolution ( . I disapprove the proposals Malfoy proposes because I find them either discriminatory or redundant.

And if evolution were fact, then it wouldn't be called a "theory". There are a number of people who do not accept evolution and consider it a load of B.S. Therefore, unless it is accepted by every single person in NationStates, it can only be a belief/religion and nothing more (I know it's not a religion, but it is an opinion and the UN cannot be opinionated).
11-05-2005, 02:47
Therefore, unless it is accepted by every single person in NationStates, it can only be a belief/religion and nothing more Uhm thats a rather weird definition. As it is easily proven that if every one must accept a theory for it to be considered a fact than there are no accepted theories (gravity exists, but there are probably some people that dont accept that it exists).
I wouldnt know when a theory should be accepted as a fact, but it certainly has nothing to do with wether everyone agrees it is one or not.