Has any body noticed the lack of thought put into proposals
Killa Kev
08-05-2005, 06:43
The recent proposals i've seen have been grammatically terrible, how can we pass a proposal that we can't read?
I've made a proposal to establish a group of proofers for proposals.
If anyone has a good reason not to do this, please set me straight, cause i just don't get it.
08-05-2005, 06:49
If anyone has a good reason not to do this, please set me straight, cause i just don't get it.
The best reason I've got to not do this is...
And besides since you didn't post the proposal here in the forum it earns one of these.
And since there was at one time a resolution (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Resolution_245A_Proper_Grammar_%28removed%29) on the books to do this (it was removed during the move to Jolt) this also earns this card.
Killa Kev
08-05-2005, 06:49
If ur a delegate, and u like this proposal, please approve it.
It's titled, "Grammer in Proposals"
And I noticed the grammatical error in the title of the thread, don't let that effect ur decision.
Such a proposal is illegal.
Please take some time to:
http://img112.echo.cx/img112/9943/readthestickies5la.jpg http://img112.echo.cx/img112/2601/readthefaq5yd.jpg
Killa Kev
08-05-2005, 07:07
y did jolt reject it?
08-05-2005, 07:14
y did jolt reject it?
I believe it was removed because it was unenforceable, the move just provided a convinent time to remove it along with several other illegal resolutions.
All the more reason why I think only UN delgates should be able create proposals.
And that would solve the problem how?
It wouldn't. What it would do is artificially inflate the number of regions with delegates so that more crappy proposals can sit on the list. Of course, it would have the "delightful" secondary impact of raising the number of delegates needed to get a proposal to quorum.
Killa Kev
08-05-2005, 15:04
wut makes the proposal illegal?
Killa Kev
08-05-2005, 15:30
i understand that it would be hard to enforce, but y can't a group of proofers be appointed?
Killa Kev
08-05-2005, 15:31
Can't u put the burden on players instead of moderators?
08-05-2005, 20:34
If ur a delegate, and u like this proposal, please approve it.
…don't let that effect ur decision.
y did jolt reject it?
wut makes the proposal illegal?
i understand that it would be hard to enforce, but y can't a group of proofers be appointed?
Can't u put the burden on players instead of moderators?
...and you want us to support a proposal enforcing proper grammar?
Anyway, your proposal is illegal because it is in violation of the Game Mechanics clause of the Holy FAQ. We can't alter the process by which a proposal is reviewed, submitted, sent to quorum, or passed.
08-05-2005, 21:18
wut makes the proposal illegal?
Time to play a hand on a post.:D
08-05-2005, 23:56
I read the title, and I agreed. Then I read the posts. ANOTHER resolution like this?! And a triple post, each with poor grammar and spelling to boot. Not to mention it's illegal.
Killa Kev
09-05-2005, 03:07
I just got back home and I cannot believe that some of you guys used my lack of care in the FORUM to make a decision about grammer in PROPOSALS. I happen to be a writer and I'm fully aware of those mistakes, i knew youm guys were gonna do that, and if you'd actually read my second post you would've seen the correction I made to the title.
Killa Kev
09-05-2005, 03:10
oh and those cards are really cool, they're a lot more effective than just telling me the problem. :D
oh and those cards are really cool, they're a lot more effective than just telling me the problem. :D
If it wasn't so sad that you can't spell, I'd laugh at you.
Oh wait, I'm cold.
Read the cards and follow their advice. Then post.
Oh, and try using some capitalization as well. Doesn't help your cause, however illegal it may be.