NationStates Jolt Archive

Law on Private Property Propsal

03-05-2005, 20:59
A resolution to ensure the rights of property owners on their own property.

All owners of land, building or any other tangible space will be allowed to commit any act not including murder, rape, assault, Grevious Bodily Harm, Actual Bodily Harm and/or destrucion of public or private.

This is a resolution to help ensure against nanny states interfering withe property owner, please approve it.
03-05-2005, 21:14
To clarify for others who were confused like me, I believe the first two lines of that post are the actual proposal.
03-05-2005, 21:38
OOC: The spelling will not do.

IC: This proposal seems would give you the right to pollute your property as much as you wish, and is thus unacceptable from an environmental perspective.
03-05-2005, 22:12
1) What Fass said.

2) We're not "nanny states," we're socialists. Get it right. ;)

3) What exactly is "destruction of public or private?"
03-05-2005, 22:16
Krioval is staunchly capitalist, but at the same time, we understand that not every nation has a similar economic system, and that some forms of socialism encompass all property, making private ownership a moot issue there. Further, this proposal appears to leave no provisions for eminent domain, which Krioval has used several times to upgrade entire cities. As it stands, there are too many concerns on our part to approve this.
03-05-2005, 22:18
3) What exactly is "destruction of public or private?"
You know, 'destruction of privates'. Apparently eunuchs are now criminals.

Back on topic, this is a place where even I feel compelled to bring out the national sovreignity argument. This proposal would seem to dictate that all governments become almost exactly the same, which doesn't seem quite right to me.

Oh damn, now I sound like a hypocrite for disliking the national soveignity argument before.
03-05-2005, 22:29
Try the Cobdenia variation of the national sovreignty arguement.
This proposal does not transcend national borders, and ergo seems inappropriate for UN discussion.
03-05-2005, 22:30
Our national sovereignty argument is quite similar.

If an issue is purely national and does not involve the violation of human rights, then it's NOYDB (none of your damn business).
Texan Hotrodders
04-05-2005, 17:23
*pulls out the National Sovereignty card* (
Venerable libertarians
04-05-2005, 17:40
*pulls out the National Sovereignty card* (
I like your card idea! is there a deck?
Texan Hotrodders
04-05-2005, 17:54
I like your card idea! is there a deck?

I'm working on it.

"Read the Damn FAQ" and "Read the Stickies" cards will be forthcoming, as will "M.O.S.S. Proposal" and "Illegal Proposal" cards.

Edit: Here they are... (

DLE would use this one alot. (

DLE would also use this one. (

Here's another... (
04-05-2005, 17:58
A resolution to ensure the rights of property owners on their own property.

All owners of land, building or any other tangible space will be allowed to commit any act not including murder, rape, assault, Grevious Bodily Harm, Actual Bodily Harm and/or destrucion of public or private.

This is a resolution to help ensure against nanny states interfering withe property owner, please approve it.

The operative clause says nothing about the action having to be on said property. So as long as I own a piece of land 10 cm by 10 cm, I can commit all kinds of offences, icluding invasions of privacy, theft, libel, driving dangerously, kidnapping etc. etc.
04-05-2005, 18:23
The operative clause says nothing about the action having to be on said property. So as long as I own a piece of land 10 cm by 10 cm, I can commit all kinds of offences, icluding invasions of privacy, theft, libel, driving dangerously, kidnapping etc. etc.

Actually, as it says "owners of land, buildings or any other tangible space", we could easily take this to mean car or carboardbox ownership....
04-05-2005, 21:58
I'm working on it.

"Read the Damn FAQ" and "Read the Stickies" cards will be forthcoming, as will "M.O.S.S. Proposal" and "Illegal Proposal" cards.

Edit: Here they are... (

DLE would use this one alot. (

DLE would also use this one. (

Here's another... (

Texan Hotrodders
04-05-2005, 22:01

And this is just the beginning. I'll have "Seniority" and "Expert" cards made for use in debates. Possibly "Resolution Author" and "Sticky Author" cards as well.

Edit: Presenting...

The Seniority Card: (

The Expert Card: (

The Popularity Card: (

Sticky Author Card: (

Resolution Author Card: (
04-05-2005, 22:15
And this is just the beginning. I'll have "Seniority" and "Expert" cards made for use in debates. Possibly "Resolution Author" and "Sticky Author" cards as well.
That's really kickass.
Good job.
04-05-2005, 22:33
I think a "Run it through a bloody Word Processor card" would be handy, as would "Don't sign your bally proposals"
04-05-2005, 22:33
How about a TopicHijacked card? Then we could whip it out to Lessana.
Venerable libertarians
05-05-2005, 01:53
Hey those are just groovey!
05-05-2005, 02:19
How about asking the Mods to split this? That brilliant card deck deserves its own space for effusive admiration and sarky suggestions. Then we can go back to giving poor ol' Lessana a reasonable debate.

Though it probably wouldn't be "reasonable debate" to say I don't think this would run unless you hoist it up and run another one in under it.

It just needs too much surgery, Lessana. For example, if you took your main clause and changed it like this All owners of land, building or any other tangible space will be allowed to commit on or in their land, building or other tangible space any act not including murder, rape, assault, Grievous Bodily Harm, Actual Bodily Harm and/or destruction of public or private property. you still wouldn't have a resolution with any legs.

Like, what's a "tangible space"?

Like, if this passed then even if my nation has outlawed particular types of sexual activity, the UN says I can still enjoy them on my 'land, building or other tangible space'.