NationStates Jolt Archive

[Draft] Open Maritime Hazards Chart, now legal and fixed...

02-05-2005, 21:10

((Very OOC note: The introduction is essentially copied (with minor edits) from my last post, so skip to the heavily reworked draft if you want.))

The modern seas are full of commerce and civilian and military traffic in every concievable sea lane, through every corner of the oceans. Trillions of dollars are invested into international shipping lanes, and yet despite this density of seafaring vessels, much of the maritime navigational hazards that fill the world remain uncharted, even by the most active government and militaries.

However, when a chart for naval officers is developed by a military or government, it often remains classified and is not available to corporations or civilians. Thse private citizens and organizations still need the information, though. Eventual declassification often releases an outdated map that does not provide accurate information, and may provide even more of a danger.

An Open Maritime Hazards Chart (OMHC) would need to be a public, continually updated maritime hazards chart that would be available in many languages and maritime navigation standards. The OMHC proposal would have to be detailed and quite specific, setting achievable goals through ready means.

The proposal has several key points necessary in it.It would have to call for the establishment of an International Maritime Safety Board (IMSB). Listed would be the means available to the IMSB, such as the limits of the utilization of UN Member States own hazards charts. For the actual operation, the source of the many ships, manpower, and funds needed for the task would be necessary to delineate. And the publication of the Open Maritime Hazards Chart would of course be mentioned.

And now, the proposal.

Open Maritime Hazards Chart
Catergory: Free Trade
Strength: Significant

NOTING the importance of international shipping to the global economy,

ALARMED BY the incalcuable loss in trade and commerce caused by shipwrecks all over the globe,

DEEPLY REGRETTING the many lives lost in the destruction or damage of seafaring vessels,

RECOGNIZING the need for reliable maritime hazard navigational charts open to civilians and private enterprises,

the United Nations

RECOMMENDS the establishment of an OMHC task force dedicated to the creation of a publicly available maritime hazards chart that would address every major body of water available to seafaring vessels;

SUGGESTS the formation of a separate OMHC fund that would support the activities of the task force, through purchases of necessity for ships, personnel, and equipment, monetarily supplied by UN Member States;

REQUESTS the task force's access to any non-classified navigation materials of UN Member States;

AUTHORIZES the use of United Nation publishing means, be they electronic or print, to publish the OMHC in every commonly used language;

EMPHASIZES the need for the OMHC to be annually updated after its initial publication by a reconvention of the task force; and

URGES the task force to be comprised of experienced sailors, meterologists, cartographers, and various other experts wholly prepared for such an undertaking.
02-05-2005, 21:18
To start with, you need to look at how proposals are actually coded.Catergory: Free Trade and Commerce
Strength: MediumThere is no proposal category called "Free Trade and Commerce", and there is no strength called "Medium". There is a "Free Trade" category, and it is defined as "A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce". There is a strength category called "Significant", which is between "Strong" and "Mild".

While this doesn't seem to restrict trade, perhaps you can explain how it "reduces barriers to free trade". All it seems to do is reduce navigation hazards to shipping, which has the potential to enhance the ability of military and pirate vessels as well as the commercial vessels, so the "free trade" aspect of that appears to be a wash.

Not saying it's not a good idea, mind you. It's just that it MUST fit properly into one of the UN categories in this game to be a proper resolution.
02-05-2005, 21:43
Oh, right, sorry about the name mistake. And Frisb, actually, I anticipated this question, so here's my rehersed answer.

The catergories of UN proposals are as follows: Environmental, Human Rights, Social Justice, Free Trade, The Furtherment of Democracy, International Security, Gambling, Global Disarmament, Recreational Drug Use, Moral Decency, Political Stability, Gun Control.

None of these apply to my proposal in anyway but Free Trade. Well, I hear you ask, why does Free Trade apply?

Easy. "A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce." The hazards of maritime shipping are a barrier to free trade and commerce, because they limit international sea shipping and cost companies millions or billions of dollars. This resolution tries to reduce the hzards of maritime navigation, and thus reduce the barrier to free trade and commerce.

:) Is there anything else illegal about this proposal? I seem to have rather bad luck... :P