NationStates Jolt Archive

Here stand I.

30-04-2005, 18:48
Believing, That a balance must be maintained between law and freedom, That intelligent decision making is a fundamental requisite of representation, and That many memberstates are led by individuals which do not have the time to master a complicated legal code; my nation has decided to uphold the following principles when considering all proposals:

Resolved, That I will have my say and oppose any bill which:
1.) Lacks benefit for my people.
2.) Does not support the fellow members of my region.
3.) Has not been fully explored by my curious intellect.
4.) Is poorly written.
5.) Unwantingly tramples the rights of a minority.
6.) Provides no clear, additional benifit to society.
7.) Comprimises national security.
8.) Any other reason which, although not stated here, is found substantive.

Furthermore, the sovereign state of Ilkland believes these principles should be applied to international policy, extending even to the United Nations itself. Therefore, this short document has been submitted to be openly read and criticized (Definition 1) (
30-04-2005, 21:46

You do realize you still have to follow a resolution which is passed, even if it countermands one of your principles?
30-04-2005, 23:34

You do realize you still have to follow a resolution which is passed, even if it countermands one of your principles?

If I understand, he wants the UN to agree to a similar list of rules for their resolutions. Unofficially, of course, as this would be an illegal UN resolution.
The Pojonian Puppet
01-05-2005, 02:49
It's a good policy. As long as you aren't evangelizing it, I salute you.
Venerable libertarians
01-05-2005, 02:56
Believing, That a balance must be maintained between law and freedom, That intelligent decision making is a fundamental requisite of representation, and That many memberstates are led by individuals which do not have the time to master a complicated legal code; my nation has decided to uphold the following principles when considering all proposals:

Furthermore, the sovereign state of Ilkland believes these principles should be applied to international policy, extending even to the United Nations itself. Therefore, this short document has been submitted to be openly read and criticized (Definition 1) (

Taking into account the 8 points mentioned above, I have decided that this bill,
1.) Lacks benefit for my people.
2.) Does not support the fellow members of my region.
3.) Has not been fully explored by my curious intellect.
4.) Is poorly written.
5.) Unwantingly tramples the rights of a minority.
6.) Provides no clear, additional benifit to society.
7.) Comprimises national security.
8.) other reasons which, although not stated here, ha been found substantive.

Thank you for your effort.
01-05-2005, 18:55
Thank you all for the feedback. Since both myself and this document came from nowhere (seemingly), here is the background and clarification asked for:

This was not written to be a resolution for the UN. Instead, it was a resolution made for my own policy. A part of that resolution was to share this idea with other nations and to have it run through a peer review of sorts. That said, I am open to any suggestions on wording, alteration, or missing principles. As Claverton identified, this is a guideline I would like to be adopted by other nations. I know my time limitations, and think I'm not alone in that respect. However, this cannot be officially adopted, nor could it be enforced if it were to somehow become law.

Naturally any passed resolutions will be followed by my nation. This is instaed to help prevent poor resolutions from being written. Reading through the list of passed resolutions, it shocks me at how many are repeals.
01-05-2005, 22:38
It's a good idea, I think it should be edited with a great big title and made sticky.

(That will save me the effort of having to copy and save it myself. Especially as I'll lose my copy somewhere.)
01-05-2005, 22:46
Well, Cobdenia decides on how to vote using the following criteria:

1. Is it an issue that extend beyond national boundaries?
2. Is it well written?
3. Has it been posted on this board?
4. (Repeals) Is it a sensible repeal?
The Lynx Alliance
02-05-2005, 01:45
As Claverton identified, this is a guideline I would like to be adopted by other nations.
that is the beauty of nationstates: every nation has their own individual view. one our personal beliefs is that we shall not be subjucated to the opinion of anyone else, except passed UN resolutions. so under that belief, though we do agree with some of the notions, we will not be adopting all of them as guidlines.
02-05-2005, 17:36
that is the beauty of nationstates: every nation has their own individual view. one our personal beliefs is that we shall not be subjucated to the opinion of anyone else, except passed UN resolutions. so under that belief, though we do agree with some of the notions, we will not be adopting all of them as guidlines.Sounds great. Accepting or rejecting the ideas is your perogative, though it is my humble opinion that the UN would be better if more nations adopted these principles.