NationStates Jolt Archive

Repeal The Rights Of Labor Unions

19-04-2005, 17:36
This proposal is in the proposal list, around page 8 at the moment. Here is the argument.

1. The recognition of Labour (Trade) Unions is up to each individual member state. The UN should not be regulating in this area.

2. Recognising that Labour Unions can do good but realising that their existence is up to the individual nations of the UN.

3. Making member states allow/recognise trade unions is an infringement of the sovereignty of individual nations.

4. Allowing citizens to join international trade unions can mean strikes occurring in nations due to actions in other states. This infringes on the sovereignty of nations and should be up to the individual member state to decide if this should take place.

The Kingdom Of Wegason calls on member states to repeal this resolution so that individual nations can decide if they want to allow labour unions or not.
19-04-2005, 17:42
OOC: Poorly written proposal. I'm sure it will not pass.
19-04-2005, 17:50
Ahh... Another reason to dislike the religious principle of immutable national sovereignty...

This proposal is in the proposal list, around page 8 at the moment. Here is the argument.

1. The recognition of Labour (Trade) Unions is up to each individual member state. The UN should not be regulating in this area.


2. Recognising that Labour Unions can do good but realising that their existence is up to the individual nations of the UN.

Their existence is presently regulated by international laws, and thus not up to individual member-states.

3. Making member states allow/recognise trade unions is an infringement of the sovereignty of individual nations.

No, it is not: Infringement can only exist where activity is a violation of law or regulation. Since in lieu of memebership, and by rights and limits imposed by the Rights and Duties Resolution, there is no infringement present. Since a member-state only possesses sovereignty in areas where international law remains silent; there is no infringement.

4. Allowing citizens to join international trade unions can mean strikes occurring in nations due to actions in other states. This infringes on the sovereignty of nations and should be up to the individual member state to decide if this should take place.

Strikes are called by workers; not states. Thus there is no infringement, since there is no violation of the states sovereignty; in lieu of actions by its own populace.

The Kingdom Of Wegason calls on member states to repeal this resolution so that individual nations can decide if they want to allow labour unions or not.

Labor unions are a logical extension of the normative capitalist process; allowing employees to hold power over their employers, to such an extent as to effect their own direction and path in life. And thus immutable in connection with the flow and direction of the Democratic Process by which the United Nations operates. If the normative operation of labor unions in private sector corperations were removed; then the door is open for either blatant human rights abuses, or to the necessity of socializing all private sector operations... Neither of which is desirable to free-market states.

As such, as a free-market nation; the Constitutional Republic will not subscribe to the repeal of this resolution.
Fatus Maximus
19-04-2005, 22:32
Fatus Maximus considers the right to organize a basic human right, and will never support this proposal.