03-04-2005, 03:27
Commitment to Community
Category: Unsure
OBSERVING that community service is beneficial to the unity of communities across the world, in bringing all kinds of people together to aid those in need by one step at a time.
ENCOURAGING leaders of nations within the United Nations to promote community service within their own nations by giving high schools, as well as colleges, the option of choosing a specific amount of hours for community service as a requirement for the advancement of the student to the next grade. Also noting that such an encouragement of community service need not be specifically for students, but for the community as a whole, to promote unity.
RECOGNIZING that the encouragement of community service not to be the task of the United Nations, but of the individual nations themselves.
URGES the importance of the community and the achievement of world understanding and unity through local, national, and international co-operation in aiding those that specifically need it.
PROCLAIMING that the definition of community service, as well as the specific tasks that outline community service be determined by the individual nation itself.
ESTABLISHING a committee within the United Nations to monitor each individual nations’ response to a more encouraging environment for community service, the effect it has on the amount of time committed to it, whether it becomes more active, and to work to increase the benefits of those committing themselves to community service, notably students.
Category: Unsure
OBSERVING that community service is beneficial to the unity of communities across the world, in bringing all kinds of people together to aid those in need by one step at a time.
ENCOURAGING leaders of nations within the United Nations to promote community service within their own nations by giving high schools, as well as colleges, the option of choosing a specific amount of hours for community service as a requirement for the advancement of the student to the next grade. Also noting that such an encouragement of community service need not be specifically for students, but for the community as a whole, to promote unity.
RECOGNIZING that the encouragement of community service not to be the task of the United Nations, but of the individual nations themselves.
URGES the importance of the community and the achievement of world understanding and unity through local, national, and international co-operation in aiding those that specifically need it.
PROCLAIMING that the definition of community service, as well as the specific tasks that outline community service be determined by the individual nation itself.
ESTABLISHING a committee within the United Nations to monitor each individual nations’ response to a more encouraging environment for community service, the effect it has on the amount of time committed to it, whether it becomes more active, and to work to increase the benefits of those committing themselves to community service, notably students.