07-03-2005, 20:57
I was thinking about the game and the fact that it had no war. Now I know some would shun be for proposing the idea of allowing nations to actually do battle but too bad. Ok so my idea here is to make it so you can go to war. How you ask. Simple the UN delegate from each region or the one region will first off be informed of the attack. Then the opposite reginal delegate or the one will give you 4 numbers between 1-20. You then telegram your delagate a guess at the opponents numbers (like battle ship). Whoever loses is banned from their region. If a delegate is attacked then either another UN member agreed upon by both parties at war will give out the numbers. You may have one ally in a war who can also guess. They are given 2 numbers instead of 4 so it's easier to destroy them because they really would only send out some armies and keep some at home. Tell me what you think I'd like to propose it but if no one likes it I won't. :sniper: :mp5: