NationStates Jolt Archive

!!SUBMITTED!! UN Childcare Resolution

18-02-2005, 00:48
UN Childcare Resolution

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Loratana

Description: Children are the future of our world. Everyone knows this. However, if we allow just anyone to care for our children, then we may well lose our future.

As such, we resolve the following:

1. All childcare facilities must be licensed by a government department which follows the guidelines listed below.

2. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs shall be disallowed in childcare facilities.

3. Anyone who has a standing conviction of abuse may not become licensed to care for children.

4. For those nations who have robots, a robot may run a childcare facility only if it does not produce toxic chemicals as it runs.

5. Inspections of childcare facilities are to be conducted once per year at a random time.

6. Babysitters, which are defined as people who are hired for one childcare "job" at a time (though they may babysit multiple children), are exempt from the licensing and inspection requirements.

6. These guidelines are the absolute minimum requirements for the member nations of the UN.

May our future be bright as the sun.
Pax per Vires
18-02-2005, 01:38
A good resolution, but in the wrong category. This would probably go under "human Rights" or "Social Justice". Most likely the latter.
18-02-2005, 01:52
A good resolution, but in the wrong category. This would probably go under "human Rights" or "Social Justice". Most likely the latter.
"A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency."

No alcohol, tobacco or child molesters, please. Yes, we're restricting your freedoms.

It's categorized correctly.
Anti Pharisaism
18-02-2005, 02:40
I like what is written. However, it does nothing to provide good childcare. Just a possibly toxic chemical and molest free environment.

High Scope may be a good organization to obtain childcare guidelines from.
18-02-2005, 06:54
2. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs shall be disallowed in childcare facilities.

Congratulations! You've outlawed first aid supplies, antibiotics, cough elixirs, and ritalin!

18-02-2005, 07:55
Congratulations! You've outlawed first aid supplies, antibiotics, cough elixirs, and ritalin!


On a happy note, Ritalin sucks. But this is still an irksome proposal. Robots? Not only a really strange topic to bring up, but who the heck wants robots to raise children, even if they have em? This resolution is both oddly paranoid and strangely lax, it develops this "Not just anyone can watch our children" attitude but then only restricts a few things while specifically allowing others. Sure, not just anyone can watch our children, but does that mean Pojonia's latest KillDeathatron 8000 can? This is something best left up to individual governments, who will most likely have regulations about seventy times smarter than this.
Anti Pharisaism
18-02-2005, 09:02
Congratulations! You've outlawed first aid supplies, antibiotics, cough elixirs, and ritalin!


OOC: And on a sidenote: Is ritalin actually given to children that young? I was not aware of that. What are the effects of stimulants on such a rapid developing mind?
18-02-2005, 10:43
AP - read it again.

"Childcare facilities" could be expanded to any school, as it is indeed "caring for the children". In fact, it could be expanded to anywhere children are cared for - including hospitals.
21-02-2005, 06:46
and exactly how is that bad? or are you arguing that it's good? this is the twenty-first century. everyone now knows that recreational drugs aren't good for you, especially as a child. looking at the proposal, I see that I was quite vague about the term "drugs", but I think we all grasped the concept. also, note the last section of the proposal, wherein it states that "These guidelines are the absolute minimum requirements for the member nations of the UN." I am leaving anything past that up to national governments. And finally, on the subject of robots, while it is true that Loratana's Killotron-X prototypes are horrible caregivers, our rechargable-battery-operated Maternabots are excellent ones. Why not robots? hmm?
21-02-2005, 08:15
Description: Children are the future of our world. Everyone knows this. However, if we allow just anyone to care for our children, then we may well lose our future.

Children are not the future of the world of every nation. Not all nations are made up of biological species.

As such, we resolve the following:

1. All childcare facilities must be licensed by a government department which follows the guidelines listed below.

Great. Now people must have a license to raise children in their own homes.

2. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs shall be disallowed in childcare facilities.

You just illegalized everything. A drug is "anything that affects the mind or body," to use the DARE definition. Guess what? That's everything, including food and oxygen.

3. Anyone who has a standing conviction of abuse may not become licensed to care for children.

Anyone who has a standing conviction of child abuse is too budy hiding from vigillantes to have time to raise kids in DLE.

4. For those nations who have robots, a robot may run a childcare facility only if it does not produce toxic chemicals as it runs.

Never mind the fact biologicals product toxic chemicals as they run.

5. Inspections of childcare facilities are to be conducted once per year at a random time.

Too few. Abuse can still be widespread.

6. Babysitters, which are defined as people who are hired for one childcare "job" at a time (though they may babysit multiple children), are exempt from the licensing and inspection requirements.


6. These guidelines are the absolute minimum requirements for the member nations of the UN.

You used the number 6 twice.

May our future be bright as the sun.

I certainly hope not. As a star, it's actually quite dim.
21-02-2005, 15:01
Congratulations! You've outlawed first aid supplies, antibiotics, cough elixirs, and ritalin!

My thoughts pretty much exactly.

Mathieu Vergniaud
Deputy Speaker to the UN