NationStates Jolt Archive

Resolution Green Freedom

10-02-2005, 06:40
The new resolution Green Freedom will be a very big issue. The issue of legalization of marijuana is on everyone's mind, and everyone knows that if this world were built on logic, which is what we are trying to simulate here, then marijuana would not be illegal anywhere. I hope for the integrity of this website and those who use it that this resolution is passed.
10-02-2005, 06:46
Another M.O.S.S. proposal.
10-02-2005, 06:58
I am curious as to what that acronym means, although I have the gist of it.

Legalizing marijuana in the U.N. is a pointless endeavor and not an issue worthy of intruding on national sovereignty. There's no real benefits to having a proposal legalizing it, therefore, it ends up as sort of a joke proposal - and a repetitive one at that. Abandon hope, then abandon the proposal. You'll find little interest in it here.

Also, you want to put the text of it up in the thread, or people won't even bother looking at it. They won't bother looking at it anyways, but keep that in mind if you ever do something serious.
10-02-2005, 07:11
M.O.S.S. = Moo Oink Squee Squee. The text of an actual proposal. It's what I assume the proposal says if not posted on here.
10-02-2005, 07:39
M.O.S.S. = Moo Oink Squee Squee. The text of an actual proposal. It's what I assume the proposal says if not posted on here.

hehe, I love it!

*sends DLE a virtual huggle... whatever race you are :P*
10-02-2005, 08:06
Another M.O.S.S. proposal.
I suppose that for the second time today, I shall be nice to the author of the proposal and go look it up.
Damn, I'm working up too much good karma today. I'll have to go murder a random passer-by tomorrow to make up for it...

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Kazaslakia

Description: This resolution will once and for all abolish all anti-marijuana laws. The following terms acompany this resolution.
-Marijuana will be fully legal for regulated recreational and medical use.
-All prisoners serving marijuana related sentences will be freed and compensated accordingly.

I can't see anything specifically wrong with it...
I just can't see anything too great about it either.
Tiamat Taveril
10-02-2005, 08:09
And how is this worth our time?
10-02-2005, 09:35
you people obviously have bought into everything that current government feeds you and have accepted what they want to you to believe. By considering it a joke issue, or one not worth considering, you are buying into the bullshit that is spoon fed to you. Until its illegalization, Marijuana was the #1 crop in America, a more versitile crop than almost any other. The only reason for its illegalization in America is that propaganda was spread by a man who had ties with the paper industry, an industry challenged by a new technique for making hemp paper. After spreading lies that marijuana sends teens on rampages and kills, the first laws of abolition began to be passed.
Now, for anyone who buys into the biblical references made to ban gay marriage or abortion, they should certainly be offended by the illegalization of marijuana. As it says in Genesis, the very beginning of the bible for those of you who dont know, that "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it." Gen 1:29
Now when something is illegalized on false pretenses, and the same argument can be made for it as those other hot issues, both of which i personally think are absurd, i dont see how it can be so easily passed over with no debate. I am willing to openly debate anyone that marijuana should be legal over tobacco or alcohol. In my opinion both of these drugs are more socially harmful, and both have more health issues accociated with them.
Its just marijuana fellas, it comes from the earth. Its a plant. It has no business being illegalized, and sometimes i just can't figure out how this world got so turned upside down.

Here is the resolution. I highly recommend that this issue is not just passed over, but deeply considered from a moral and judicial standpoint.
Green Freedom
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Kazaslakia

Description: This resolution will once and for all abolish all anti-marijuana laws. The following terms acompany this resolution.
-Marijuana will be fully legal for regulated recreational and medical use.
-All prisoners serving marijuana related sentences will be freed and compensated accordingly.

Approvals: 2 (WZ Forums, Manfredonia)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 143 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Feb 13 2005
10-02-2005, 12:36
-All prisoners serving marijuana related sentences will be freed and compensated accordingly.

Isn't this an attempt to pass retro-active legislation? If someone is convicted for a crime, they should serve out their sentence even if the thing they are in jail for is decriminilized (sp?). Cause they committed a crime then.

(What if this were reversed, and suddenly anyone who had ever smoked dope at any point in their life would suddenly be thrown in jail?)
10-02-2005, 17:36
you people obviously have bought into everything that current government feeds you and have accepted what they want to you to believe. By considering it a joke issue, or one not worth considering, you are buying into the bullshit that is spoon fed to you. Until its illegalization, Marijuana was the #1 crop in America, a more versitile crop than almost any other. The only reason for its illegalization in America is that propaganda was spread by a man who had ties with the paper industry, an industry challenged by a new technique for making hemp paper. After spreading lies that marijuana sends teens on rampages and kills, the first laws of abolition began to be passed.

Um, this is not the real world. In NationStates, each nation has their own history and struggles.

(besides, 'us people' in Canada - where I'm from, not the US btw - have a government which has decriminialized marijuana so that we just recieve a fine, like a parking ticket. So my current real world government seems to be in favour of your cause, and not 'spoon feeding' me 'bullshit'. Your arguments are too specific and relate to only one nation, and that one nation is in the real world which does not affect NationStates!)

In my pretend nation, for instance, marijuana is fully legal. Culturally, however, it is not viewed as a recreational drug, it's a medicine. Recreational marijuana can be compared to recreational Gravol in my nation.

Besides, this issue is already covered by the daily issues. I'm sure that is where you got your idea to submit this proposal, but this idea is covered and this proposal is redundant.

Now, for anyone who buys into the biblical references made to ban gay marriage or abortion, they should certainly be offended by the illegalization of marijuana. As it says in Genesis, the very beginning of the bible for those of you who dont know, that "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it." Gen 1:29

Again, NationStates is not the real world. Ask any one of my citizens about the Bible and they will tilt their head and give you a confused look. It is a book not heard of in my nation, a religion not heard of in my nation.

Now when something is illegalized on false pretenses, and the same argument can be made for it as those other hot issues, both of which i personally think are absurd, i dont see how it can be so easily passed over with no debate. I am willing to openly debate anyone that marijuana should be legal over tobacco or alcohol. In my opinion both of these drugs are more socially harmful, and both have more health issues accociated with them.
Its just marijuana fellas, it comes from the earth. Its a plant. It has no business being illegalized, and sometimes i just can't figure out how this world got so turned upside down.

OOC, since we are talking about the real world,

Tobacoo and alcohol are legalized drugs because it is easier to control than marijuana, which - as you have pointed out - is an easy plant that you can grow in your own home. Where is the government income on that? Of course they aren't going to legalize it, they won't make any money off of it! - and as I've already said before, having it illegal but decriminalized in Canada creates revenue from the tickets, but without stretching the judicial system's budget through lengthy trials, and prison time for a 'soft drug'.

Marijuana does have negative side effects, just the same as any drug, and anyone who will deny these negative effects is niave. Tobacco is just a plant from the earth too, my friend, and even if they didn't add all those chemicals to it - it would still cause cancers, emphasima, etc. Alcohol is made from plants too, btw, vodka is from potatoes, wine from graps, gin from juniper berries, etc. Just because mother earth provided us with the ingredients doesn't mean that it is a) good for you or b) something we won't play around with until it is worse for your body than mother earth intended. Your argument, 'it's just a plant', can kill people. Their are tons of plants that will really mess you up out there, and I'm not talking "Hey man, I'm so high, pass the cheetos", I'm talking heart attacks, seizures, maybe throw in a side effect of death.

It's just a plant.

And, think of all the different types of marijuana out there in the real world. I'm thinking of Chronic, right now, which is laced with crack. Is this marijuana legal too? Under your proposal, I guess it would be. You've legalized crack, indirectly.

Leave this up to the Daily Issues, and leave the real world out of it.
10-02-2005, 18:42
_Myopia_ would be happy to support any well-written and thought-through proposal to legalise recreational drugs. Yours is good, but we would recommend that when it fails (it probably will, it's nigh-on impossible to get a legalisation proposal to quorum) you re-draft it.

Read the recently-passed Sex Industry Worker Act - I think it would be worth doing something like the clause in there, which recommends to governments that they regulate it. I would have the proposal recommend that regulations include minimum ages, regulation of advertising, health warnings, quality and purity control, and some kind of rating which allowed consumers to see how much THC and harmful chemicals are in the product.

Also, read this guide to proposal writing:
It should help you present your ideas in a more formal format, which is very helpful to voters, as it sets out clearly your argument and the actions the resolution takes. It's been useful to me before when writing proposals

Once you have a draft, I'd recommend posting it here to receive constructive criticism on how to refine it before you submit.
10-02-2005, 19:03
And, think of all the different types of marijuana out there in the real world. I'm thinking of Chronic, right now, which is laced with crack

I dont know how to do the little quote thing, but the above is stated in the post 2 prior to this one. This person obviously knows nothing about marijuana, thus is speaking from the same perspective as those who outlaw the "drug". Anything about weed being laced with other drugs is urban legend, created to scare you. Why would drug dealers ADD drugs to what they sell? if anything, they will cut drugs with things like baking soda, rat poison, whatever. but this does not apply to marijuana, only drugs such as cocaine and heroin, which should remain illegal. The unprocessed plant version of cocaine and heroin is another story. I believe any unprocessed plant should be legal. You should be allowed to make coca tea, or chew on some coca leaves if you please. The mayans have been doing it for millenia. Now, i am talking with references to the USA because that is the world that I live in. This nation is also a member of the real UN, which we are trying to simulate. Resolution Green Freedom would stop fascist nations like the one I live in from denying things which are rightfully mine. I am not trying to build a perfect imaginary world with this website, i am trying to express what i believe is right. If it were solely up to me, I would outlaw all organized religion, but I am not saying that i would want the entire world to adhere to my radical liberalistic principals.
All I want people to realize is that this is an issue. A legit issue, not just something to brush away as a stoner's futile attempt to get some cheap bud.

Fun Fact: There is a lower percent of teenagers who smoke marijuana in Amsterdam than the USA. Amsterdam: 17% USA: 60%
Interesting, no?
10-02-2005, 19:28
I dont know how to do the little quote thing, but the above is stated in the post 2 prior to this one. This person obviously knows nothing about marijuana, thus is speaking from the same perspective as those who outlaw the "drug". Anything about weed being laced with other drugs is urban legend, created to scare you.
Well, for one thing, that person does support the legalization of the drug, or at least so it looked to me.

For another, there was a dealer in my area who used to lace the marijuana with PCP because he was a mean bastard who liked to do things like that. I know it's not a common thing, but it does happen sometimes.
10-02-2005, 19:31
All repressed people who believe that recreational drugs are beneficial to the person to enjoy a holiday in any of our cities very soon.

We enjoy fully legalised recreational drugs throughout our land.

As a UN member state we also have an army of sex workers awaiting your visit.Our sex workers are some of the fittest in the region, because of having recently banned the car and introduced free bicycles.

We have no need of this legislation because it would adversly effect our tourist industry.
11-02-2005, 00:42
I dont know how to do the little quote thing, but the above is stated in the post 2 prior to this one. This person obviously knows nothing about marijuana, thus is speaking from the same perspective as those who outlaw the "drug". Anything about weed being laced with other drugs is urban legend, created to scare you. Why would drug dealers ADD drugs to what they sell? if anything, they will cut drugs with things like baking soda, rat poison, whatever. but this does not apply to marijuana, only drugs such as cocaine and heroin, which should remain illegal.

-This entire message is OOC-


Urban legend... hold on... I can't stop laughing...

Listen, buddy, I don't know how to tell you this - but weed is laced with things all the time. ALL THE TIME. You can grown marijuana with PCP, crack, and hey, lets add formaldehyde! This is sometimes a WANTED effect. People go searching for weed laced with crack! Can you believe it? And if your board with your score of ditch weed, why not add some coke or heroine?

How do I know this? Former Pot Head myself, friend, and former girlfriend of a drug dealer (aren't we all, lol?) ;-)

I am not saying that you are going to legalize these other drugs, but I am wondering what your growing policys are considering that you have no idea the growing techniques of cannabis.

The unprocessed plant version of cocaine and heroin is another story. I believe any unprocessed plant should be legal. You should be allowed to make coca tea, or chew on some coca leaves if you please. The mayans have been doing it for millenia.

Chewing the coca plant can create the same high, comes with the same negative side effects, and causes the same addiction. I hope you also realize that getting 'high' is caused by the toxins in the plant, like a minor poisoning. The Mayan's used this plant for religious ceremonies, not for recreation.

Heroin is synthetic, not made from plants directly. It was created synthetically for the first time in 1874 as a derivative of morphine, which is the principal derivative from opium, which really does come from certain poppy plants.

Fun Fact - loved yours ;-), had to repeat - Morphine was irronically used to help cure the addiction to opium, hardeharhar.

If you do happen to gnaw on some poppy plants, chew the unrippened seeds hope you like the taste. :) Opium is obtained from the unripened seeds of a poppy plant. Take an unrippened poppy seed, slice it with a razor, watch the milky fluid drain out. Save that milky stuff, let it dry into a brown resin, and volia. Opium.

To get back on topic, I think you should do some research before making such statements as legalizing "heroine plants" (poppy plants are already legal, :)).

Now, i am talking with references to the USA because that is the world that I live in. This nation is also a member of the real UN, which we are trying to simulate.

The world that you live in is not NationStates, and does not apply here.

Resolution Green Freedom would stop fascist nations like the one I live in from denying things which are rightfully mine. I am not trying to build a perfect imaginary world with this website, i am trying to express what i believe is right.

You can build your own nation, but once you start proposing things than you are messing with Other People's Vision of a Perfect World, and unless a whole bunch of them agree with your vision, you aren't going to go to far with yours.

If it were solely up to me, I would outlaw all organized religion, but I am not saying that i would want the entire world to adhere to my radical liberalistic principals.

You are not a liberal. I think outlawing religion swings towards a Dictatorship principle.

All I want people to realize is that this is an issue. A legit issue, not just something to brush away as a stoner's futile attempt to get some cheap bud.

It could be legit, I just can't find any legit arguments that you have made to support this proposal.

Fun Fact: There is a lower percent of teenagers who smoke marijuana in Amsterdam than the USA. Amsterdam: 17% USA: 60%
Interesting, no?

I have found one site which supported this claim, but it specified the age as only "12+" and was comparing drug use to violence:

I would be interested to know where you came up with these figures.

In my search I found an interesting article. Please see: or

They are articles that shows similar numbers of teenagers smoking pot in San Francisco compared to Amsterdam. (They are close in population)

-End OOC-
11-02-2005, 01:11
Well, yeah.

There's not much point in using statistics from the 'outside world' unless both people are completely OOC and are trying to prove a point rather than a resolution.

Also, again, try running your points through spellcheck and *try* not to curse, it makes your point, well, not as strong as it *could* be.

Again, using AIMspeak or smilies makes you look like a complete idiot, and especially saying the 'government' is 'feeding' us bullshit, where we ARE the government, and I don't know why we'd feed ourselves bullshit.
11-02-2005, 01:16
Again, using AIMspeak or smilies makes you look like a complete idiot, and especially saying the 'government' is 'feeding' us bullshit, where we ARE the government, and I don't know why we'd feed ourselves bullshit.
I dunno, some people have some really odd kinks...
11-02-2005, 01:16
I've tried feeding my citizens bullshit, but we only got bulls recently and they complain about the taste. However, they do like hamburgers and an honest government.
11-02-2005, 01:19
Your point is simply reinforcing mine. If marijuana were legalized, the government would be able to control it, thus eliminate the threat of dangerous substances. The argument that marijuana shouldnt be legalized because you would then be legalizing the drugs that marijuana is laced with is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. This is one of the reasons marijuana needs to be legalized, not because im afraid of getting PCP, because i buy good weed, but occasionaly it gets sprayed with stuff that makes it worse for you and tastes like shit. Legal marijuana would allow everyone to buy good clean stuff, take drug-dealing related crime off the streets, take away from the "terrorists"(they always say when you buy drugs you're supporting terrorists haha), as well as returning the god given right of man to make the decision for himself which of natures plants are right or wrong.
11-02-2005, 01:26
P.S. Jeianga is the stupiest person i've ever directly or indirectly communicated with.
11-02-2005, 01:29
I see no reason to legalize marijuana in DLE. It has no use that the society as a whole cannot get from what we already have. The radiation levels tend to kill Earth plants anyway.

Getting away from that, you need to consider something: This is NS, not reality. On here, the idea of legalized marijuana has major supporters and major subtractors in the form of entire nations. If you are going to argue it, try the NS perspective.

Now, about terrorists: One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter and third man's patriot.
11-02-2005, 01:34
Amen to that DLE *snaps fingers cool-like*

How is me saying your point isn't strong reinforcing your point? I didn't really get the connection there.

On another note, as I have no problem with medicinal marijuana but for recreational use I have issues.

I don't think this will EVER make it to quorum, so I don't think it matters, especially since two articles just doesn't cut it anymore. It used too, though.

Next time, remove this nation from the UN, make a new one, submit it to the UN, and send in a better resolution. That way we won't know who you are AND you'll have a better resolution.
11-02-2005, 01:43
P.S. Jeianga is the stupiest person i've ever directly or indirectly communicated with.

If you can't be diplomatic about it, please keep your opinions to yourself.
11-02-2005, 02:49
I've tried feeding my citizens bullshit, but we only got bulls recently and they complain about the taste. However, they do like hamburgers and an honest government.
So that's what we've been doing wrong!

P.S. Jeianga is the stupiest person i've ever directly or indirectly communicated with.
This is your first and only warning about flamebaiting. If you do it again, not only will I petition the Mods for your removal, but I will use my regional influence to send the full military power of 13 fully developed nations against your puny capital.
11-02-2005, 02:49
A bit of advice ...

If a player says, "NS is not the real world", there are still ways to bring up numbers to support your ideas -- it just involves a lot of work.

Start a poll. :)

For example, when I wanted to find out how much an interest there really was in government regulation of prostitution, instead of talking about my neato country, I got off my rump and started a poll. I was surprised and pleased to have had over 120 answers in my poll and PAGES of discussions between players.

I presented the results of my poll and a similar one RomeW conducted here to support Groot Gouda's resolution "The Sex Industry Worker Act". Heck, I'm still a bit burned out on the telegramming I did for that and the Tsunami resolutions. I must have sent out about a combined 400 telegrams (including replies to telegrams sent back to me -- all of which were polite) in addition to trying to add meaningful and useful debate to the discussions.

In any event, any time a player wants to play the "This ain't the real world" card on you, they may be right, may be wrong, but the best way to respond is to just trim your idea to a simple question and *ask* people to tell you what they think. :) If you still think your idea has support in NationStates, now you'll have numbers to back up your point ... and it is really hard for another player to dispute that without coming up with their own numbers.

If you'd like, perhaps those of us in this thread can *help* you come up with a poll. :)
11-02-2005, 02:51
The Oppressed Peoples of Kazaslakia will not stand this kind of abuse. If you oppose the nation of Kazaslakia, I command you to slap yourself in the face, and then kick yourselves in the balls.
11-02-2005, 03:15
The Oppressed Peoples of Kazaslakia will not stand this kind of abuse. If you oppose the nation of Kazaslakia, I command you to slap yourself in the face, and then kick yourselves in the balls.
You've been warned. I was saving this nuke for an annoying pirate world that keeps cutting into my international profits, but I think it'd be much more fun sending it on you instead.
11-02-2005, 03:23
This is your first and only warning about flamebaiting. If you do it again, not only will I petition the Mods for your removal, but I will use my regional influence to send the full military power of 13 fully developed nations against your puny capital.
While you're not actually pretending to be a mod, you're skirting the line, Nargopia. Scale it back a bit, please.
11-02-2005, 03:24
Well, yeah.

There's not much point in using statistics from the 'outside world' unless both people are completely OOC and are trying to prove a point rather than a resolution.

Also, again, try running your points through spellcheck and *try* not to curse, it makes your point, well, not as strong as it *could* be.

Again, using AIMspeak or smilies makes you look like a complete idiot, and especially saying the 'government' is 'feeding' us bullshit, where we ARE the government, and I don't know why we'd feed ourselves bullshit.

OOC: I was totally out of OOC, I noticed I forgot to put that, opps! And I like the smilies, so :P j/k

I tried to explain earlier to this nation that we are the government and the real world has no involvment here, but he persisted, so I just explained my point in his real world setting.

But thanks for the idiot comment, really brightened my day, lol. ;) I can find more ways to add smilies if you like?

I've tried feeding my citizens bullshit, but we only got bulls recently and they complain about the taste. However, they do like hamburgers and an honest government.

This 'debate' just got better. hehe

To Kazaslakia, I am going to let the stupid comment slide. You know why? Cause you are new, and just aren't getting it. You should really REALLY read ALL of the stickies in this forum, and ALL of the rules.

I will make it very simplified for you, and I will no longer even TRY to debate this issue in NationStates or in the Real World.

This is the simple part, pay attention: THE REAL WORLD DOES NOT MATTER IN NATIONSTATES.

None of the statistics you are I have stated, None of the current governments in whatever country whoever lives in, NONE OF IT, hell we could even say that None of the narcotics we've mentioned exist! I wonder who decided marijuana would be a part of NationStates... anyway, I'm confusing you.

To repeat, just to make sure you know this before responding: THE REAL WORLD DOES NOT EXIST HERE.

Nargopia I really don't mind that he flamed me, really. He's new and frustrated because my responses were too long - and I must admit - I kind of went off topic and wandered around a bit. Oh, and I admit I used too many smilies. :)

The Oppressed Peoples of Kazaslakia will not stand this kind of abuse. If you oppose the nation of Kazaslakia, I command you to slap yourself in the face, and then kick yourselves in the balls.

Can't help you here, buddy. Hopefully nobody will take serious offence to this flame. I can't, you see, because I have no balls.

*ponders, maybe I kick the bulls balls to make good bullshit?*
11-02-2005, 03:29
While you're not actually pretending to be a mod, you're skirting the line, Nargopia. Scale it back a bit, please.
Fullest apologies. No offense intended.
11-02-2005, 05:10
You guys all need to take a few chill pills. Or "smoke some chill marijuana", which will be my slogan after resolution Green Freedom not only meets quorum but passes. this is not real as you all mention, so i would just like you all to know that you are taking everything i'm saying way more seriously than i am.
so... :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
11-02-2005, 06:05
I've tried feeding my citizens bullshit, but we only got bulls recently and they complain about the taste. However, they do like hamburgers and an honest government.
If you have any concerns at all about the quality of the beef I provided you in return for those nukes, please don't hesitate to tell me! I will do everything in my power to make amends if the quality of that shipment was substandard.
11-02-2005, 06:11
P.S. Jeianga is the stupiest person i've ever directly or indirectly communicated with.
Just for the record:

that is not me.
that is not a puppet of mine.
i have not TG'd or otherwise communicated with him or her.
give me a stack of bibles and i'll swear on them that i've never met him or her.
11-02-2005, 20:10
Just for the record:

that is not me.
that is not a puppet of mine.
i have not TG'd or otherwise communicated with him or her.
give me a stack of bibles and i'll swear on them that i've never met him or her.


And it is so obviously a Him. (he told us all to kick ourselves in the balls...) hehe
11-02-2005, 22:35

And it is so obviously a Him. (he told us all to kick ourselves in the balls...) hehe
Just to be polite, I tried to comply with his request, but found myself to be not nearly flexible enough. I'll be sending him a medical bill for my torn ACL though.
12-02-2005, 02:42
Just to be polite, I tried to comply with his request, but found myself to be not nearly flexible enough. I'll be sending him a medical bill for my torn ACL though.
I found him to be wise and insightful.

I do hope he wasn't banned over that little blowup at diamondgypsy.
12-02-2005, 04:24
Just to be polite, I tried to comply with his request, but found myself to be not nearly flexible enough. I'll be sending him a medical bill for my torn ACL though.

You gotta just swing your foot up real fast and you can catch your sack with the heel of your foot. So do it now. Also, The Man took down my resolution, so i reposted. If you are a delegate, i highly recommend you vote for my resolution, if you know what i mean. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to any of you. :sniper:
Anti Pharisaism
12-02-2005, 05:00
And, think of all the different types of marijuana out there in the real world. I'm thinking of Chronic, right now, which is laced with crack

I dont know how to do the little quote thing, but the above is stated in the post 2 prior to this one. This person obviously knows nothing about marijuana, thus is speaking from the same perspective as those who outlaw the "drug". Anything about weed being laced with other drugs is urban legend, created to scare you. Why would drug dealers ADD drugs to what they sell? if anything, they will cut drugs with things like baking soda, rat poison, whatever. but this does not apply to marijuana, only drugs such as cocaine and heroin, which should remain illegal. The unprocessed plant version of cocaine and heroin is another story. I believe any unprocessed plant should be legal. You should be allowed to make coca tea, or chew on some coca leaves if you please. The mayans have been doing it for millenia. Now, i am talking with references to the USA because that is the world that I live in. This nation is also a member of the real UN, which we are trying to simulate. Resolution Green Freedom would stop fascist nations like the one I live in from denying things which are rightfully mine. I am not trying to build a perfect imaginary world with this website, i am trying to express what i believe is right. If it were solely up to me, I would outlaw all organized religion, but I am not saying that i would want the entire world to adhere to my radical liberalistic principals.
All I want people to realize is that this is an issue. A legit issue, not just something to brush away as a stoner's futile attempt to get some cheap bud.

Fun Fact: There is a lower percent of teenagers who smoke marijuana in Amsterdam than the USA. Amsterdam: 17% USA: 60%
Interesting, no?

Arsenic is all natural also. Why don't you go chow down on some wild Almond trees for awhile.

Better yet, continue to smoke a bowl an hour, the side effects will be your forgetting your name, and that you play NS- you the UN will be a better place for it.
Anti Pharisaism
12-02-2005, 05:04
Also, no where near 60% of teenagers smoke marijuana. Sounds like someone else is being fed BS, or has their head up the bull's @$$.

Fun Fact: Death rates associated with alcohol and tobacco use are greater than those of illegal substances. The rates rise when the products are allowed to reach a greater audience.
12-02-2005, 05:12
Also, no where near 60% of teenagers smoke marijuana. Sounds like someone else is being fed BS, or has their head up the bull's @$$.
Actually, at my high school, that was true. I know that at least half the school had smoked it before, and probably more.

However, it might just be that my high school was really fucked up or something.
The UN Gnomes
12-02-2005, 05:14
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Kazaslakia

Description: This resolution will once and for all abolish all anti-marijuana laws. The following terms acompany this resolution.
-Marijuana will be fully legal for regulated recreational and medical use.
-All prisoners serving marijuana related sentences will be freed and compensated accordingly.

Illegal. We have a Recreational Drug category for a reason.
12-02-2005, 05:20
If you have any concerns at all about the quality of the beef I provided you in return for those nukes, please don't hesitate to tell me! I will do everything in my power to make amends if the quality of that shipment was substandard.

None at all. The quality of the beef is excellent. It's even satisfied the picky vampires, and we both know their prefered dish for dinner.
12-02-2005, 05:23
we both know their prefered dish for dinner.
Quiche, with a side of cole slaw?
12-02-2005, 05:29
Also, no where near 60% of teenagers smoke marijuana. Sounds like someone else is being fed BS, or has their head up the bull's @$$.

Fun Fact: Death rates associated with alcohol and tobacco use are greater than those of illegal substances. The rates rise when the products are allowed to reach a greater audience.
I find it difficult to believe that the number of people who at least try marijuana while they're teenagers is much lower than that.

Fun Fact: I quit smoking cigarettes last week. Would you people quit rubbing it in already?!
12-02-2005, 05:30
You gotta just swing your foot up real fast and you can catch your sack with the heel of your foot. So do it now. Also, The Man took down my resolution, so i reposted. If you are a delegate, i highly recommend you vote for my resolution, if you know what i mean. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to any of you. :sniper:
Yeah. Do me a favor and resubmit the proposal under the recreational drugs category so I can approve it, mkay?
12-02-2005, 05:43
I just am so tired of fighting a fight that clearly shouldn't even be an issue. The top three drugs used, and im gonna use America even though you people dont like that, in America are tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. Alcohol kills 50,000 a year. Tobacco kills 140,000 a year. In the history of the world noone has ever died from smoking maijuana.(God knows ive tried)
12-02-2005, 05:45
I just am so tired of fighting a fight that clearly shouldn't even be an issue. The top three drugs used, and im gonna use America even though you people dont like that, in America are tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. Alcohol kills 50,000 a year. Tobacco kills 140,000 a year. In the history of the world noone has ever died from smoking maijuana.(God knows ive tried)
Please stop with the references to tobacco, already!
12-02-2005, 05:56
This just turned into a pretty funny page.
Anti Pharisaism
12-02-2005, 06:23
I just am so tired of fighting a fight that clearly shouldn't even be an issue. The top three drugs used, and im gonna use America even though you people dont like that, in America are tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. Alcohol kills 50,000 a year. Tobacco kills 140,000 a year. In the history of the world noone has ever died from smoking maijuana.(God knows ive tried)

What are you talking about. I knew people who smoked (marijuana), then accidentally shot themself, or ran off the road-into people-into other cars. The myth is that marijuana does not lead to such deaths.

37 percent: age 12 and older have tried marijuana at least once, according to the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). Greater than Amsterdam, no where near 60%
12-02-2005, 06:38
What are you talking about. I knew people who smoked (marijuana), then accidentally shot themself, or ran off the road-into people-into other cars. The myth is that marijuana does not lead to such deaths.

37 percent: age 12 and older have tried marijuana at least once, according to the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). Greater than Amsterdam, no where near 60%
National Household Survey? So what, they ask the kids in front of their moms?

No, but what I meant to say was: I knew people who accidentally shot themselves without smoking marijuana. I knew (ok, I've been) people who ran off the road into other cars without smoking marijuana.

I can state authoritatively that I've never shot myself or run off the road into other cars while (or right after) smoking marijuana.

Pojonia posted an interesting link yesterday. Your example is a clear case of a Causal Fallacy ( No offense intended.

Pojonia's link is here (
12-02-2005, 06:41
What are you talking about. I knew people who smoked (marijuana), then accidentally shot themself, or ran off the road-into people-into other cars.
You must work for the national anti-drug campaign, because those are both the subjects of very amusing commercials. By "I knew" i think you meant that you saw it on a propaganda commercial meant to brainwash you which it apparently has. No one in the history of the world has shot themselves after getting high. You, sir, are a liar. You, sir, are no better than Hitler. Hitler made his people believe his cause by controlling the media and spreading propaganda. By saying that you knew someone who shot themself after getting high, you are doing what those in power are trying to do.
12-02-2005, 06:44
Aw, mang!

I just found and approved your proposal, and you had to go and kill it with Godwin's Law.
12-02-2005, 06:44
This page was funnier when it was all deleted messages.
12-02-2005, 06:46
I once knew a guy who ran off the road after smoking a bit of marijuana. His front tire blew up because a bunch of idiot cops had forgotten to pick up a spike strip that got iced to the road earlier that day. The marijuana wasn't the cause of him running off the road. The idiot cops and snow storm were.
Texan Hotrodders
12-02-2005, 06:57
Dudes, we need to chill out and see the big picture here.

*takes a puff*

Whoa. Anyway, like I was saying, pictures...yeah...they're cool.
12-02-2005, 07:00
Dudes, we need to chill out and see the big picture here.
Sorry, the big picture was mega-page-breaking, so Myrth had to delete it.