NationStates Jolt Archive

Requesting support for Global Library Reform

29-01-2005, 22:19
The Confused Vortex of Pojonia has recently drafted a repeal for resolution 86, "The Global Library". Noting the unfortunate death of the previous repeal at a very close vote and the subsequent introduction of a new repeal with no argumentation whatsoever, Pojonia desperately wishes to introduce the repeal shown below. However, we are still short one endorsement in our realm, the Dark Realm of Unnormalcy. If any U.N. members are currently looking for a nation and/or are simply interested in seeing this repeal pass, please help us to get this repeal onto the table. Your endorsement would be appreciated.

The United Nations,

OBSERVING the recent passage of resolution 86, The Global Library,

NOTING WITH REGRET the gap between donations acquired and actual cost of building (at first presentation of proposal) 36,777 libraries, one per nation, and

REALIZING that holographic technologies are still far from reach in specific nations and expensive to implement, thus delaying the project indefinitely,

AND IN THE INTEREST OF establishing a new Global Library proposal of a practical and efficient nature, hereby

CONDEMNS Resolution 86 on account of poor wording and unprofessional presentation, which reflects ill on U.N. policy as a whole, and

REPEALS the resolution on account of the impossibility of acquiring the funding and technologies needed to begin the project.
29-01-2005, 22:54
Your proposal here is definately preferable to the one currently seeking apporval, but the effect is identical. My region will hopefully support the current proposal, but if it dies, we'd support this one too. I'm pretty happy in my region now, but if the current proposal dies and you still need another endorsement, I'd be willing to temporarily move to yours until this gets submitted. In that case, TG me.
29-01-2005, 23:57
I have also written a proposal to repeal and replace The Global Library:

Description: UN Resolution #86: The Global Library (Category: The Furtherment of Democracy; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Realizing the good intentions and benefits to "The Global Library," this resolution should be repealed for the following reasons:

1. The holographic technology required to execute this resolution does not exist as of yet, and would require enormous costs to develop, which could be better spent on healthcare, education or aid to countries affected by ntural disasters, such as the tsunami.

2. Even if holographic technology were developed, the sheer costs of producing holographic wristbands and shipping them free of charge to all users of the Global Library are much too high, especially for poorer nations.

3. With the growing number of people with internet access, it would be much cheaper and more efficient to create a "Global Internet Library" that can be accessed by anyone via the internet, which is a widespread, proven technology.

Although this resolution is well intentioned and beneficial to society, it should be repealed due to the immense costs involved with holographic technology, and replaced by another resolution to create a Global Library that does not rely on expensive holographic technology that does not exist yet.
30-01-2005, 19:49
Yes, I am aware you have your own repeal. That's not what this thread is about. Keep your repeal out of my repeal thread, especially if you're not going to offer any support or criticism as to my own repeal.
31-01-2005, 06:36
Since no new repeals have been submitted, I'll be placing this proposal in the queue as soon as I find the endorsement, and thanks to Kreitzmoorland that should be very soon. I'll start a new topic thread as soon as I get it onto the table.
31-01-2005, 07:38
I wrote the standard spamming telegram to be used for The Gelgamek's repeal of the same resolution. However, the telegram never specifies exactly which repeal is to be supported, so hopefully the delegates see yours and approve that one.
31-01-2005, 08:03
The repeal is not in the system yet, I haven't netted that endorsement! I should have it up by tomorrow morning (about eight hours from now) if either of the two nations who promised to endorse come through. Now, your endorsement is more important than ever - if any nation can ensure that support for my nation is there when I get up in the morning, we can slide the replacement in quickly and quietly and then start making a fuss ASAP. Your assistance would be appreciated beyond rational belief.
01-02-2005, 01:16
Support has been achieved, and the proposal is in the mix. I've started a new thread, you can look to approvals there.