NationStates Jolt Archive

Common Sense

23-01-2005, 04:48
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Dwert

Description: The Holy Empire of Dwert, in conjunction with the Constitutional Republic of Awesomenicity, resolve to establish an international program to reduce

HAVE IT BE SAID, that daily, the United Nations adopts lofty and expensive social programs.

WHEREAS, these programs are largely meant to ensure the basic welfare of the international community.

WHEREAS, the United Nations provides no mechanism to pay for such programs.

WHEREAS, a comprehensive and thorough review of the United Nations budget, conducted by me and Makent, revealed that furthur funding will require vast financial reorganization.

BE IT SAID, that the best way to cure the financial ails of the international community would be an international campaign for the creation and distribution of baked goods and pastries. Maybe lemonade.

WHEREAS, these programs, so-called, "bake sales", would be the most effective way to help the United Nations.

WHEREAS, income from these bake sales, would be given to third world nations and yay we are happy!

(comment to follow)
23-01-2005, 04:51
Humorous enough, but addressing a personal grievance of mine with the NSUN.

Resolutions all too often get pushed out, and voted on, with no serious consideration of the costs.

Then the gnomes come in and our economies take a hit.

How do we make this better?
The Black New World
23-01-2005, 09:44
Vote no, campaign against it, hope democracy will work for you.

Acting UN representative,
The Black New World
23-01-2005, 19:16
If the bake sales do good meat and potato pies then count Bahgum in!!