17-01-2005, 04:16
Description: UN Resolution #17: Required Basic Healthcare (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: It is not the right of the UN or any other nation to say what the government of another nation can and can not do with the healthcare of its citizens. It should be left up to each individual nation as to what the initiative for healthcare should be. Thus it would also be in the best interest of nations in the economic sense. No longer would there need to be the extra tax requirement on the citizens of nations to keep the unhealthy healthy. If members of nations can pay for healthcare while others can not then it is the problem of the members who can not and should not be a concern of the government or any individuals that are healthy.
It is not the right of the UN or any other nation to say what the government of another nation can and can not do with the healthcare of its citizens.
Why not?
What is the UN for, if not for the betterment of our society?
Individual nations choose to be a part of the UN. If they don't like the resolutions, than they can choose to resign.
If members of nations can pay for healthcare while others can not then it is the problem of the members who can not and should not be a concern of the government or any individuals that are healthy.
So forget the poor, unfortunate, or just unlucky people in my nation? Unthinkable.
Health care is not the concern of the (currently) healthy, but it is the concern of MY government.
I would rather pay taxes while I am healthy, than to face a large bill that I possibly couldn't afford if I ever do get sick. The Common Cold isn't our only concern here - cancer, and other diseases, costs a lot of money to treat.
Besides, if health care is paid for through taxes than people are more likely to see a doctor for something minor before it turns into something serious (and more expensive).
You do not have my support.
17-01-2005, 05:37
If members of nations can pay for healthcare while others can not then it is the problem of the members who can not and should not be a concern of the government or any individuals that are healthy.
The day a resolution is passed like that, I shall resign from the U.N.
17-01-2005, 18:51
'RBH' Replacement
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Austrivum
Description: WHEREAS the Democratic States of Austrivum, the original sponsor of “Required Basic Healthcare”, hereby submits a replacement document as expressed through its text as follows.
It is realized that the United Nations resolution “Require Basic Healthcare” promotes social justice through the statement “basic healthcare is not a luxury, but rather it is a moral imperative”, yet it inhibits the rights of national sovereignty by imposing fairly rigid guidelines.
This resolution requires the following steps to be taken:
1) The resolution “Required Basic Healthcare” is to be no longer enforced by the UN.
2) The resolution “Required Basic Healthcare” is to be re-classified as a “reference- document resolution”. A reference-document resolution is defined as: a prior, passed resolution that is no longer enforced by the UN, but rather, can be used at a nation’s discretion as a suggestion, kept on record by the UN, that will help nations formulate or adopt different, similar, or identical laws to be passed by each individual nation through their own government process(es).
3) The UN, through this replacement resolution, will support the right of healthcare to all people by adopting this declaration as follows:
The UN encourages all nations to provide healthcare to their children, for they are the future of their nations, and have the budding potential that should not be stunted by inaccessibility to healthcare. The working populace within each nation should be granted healthcare for supporting their nation’s economy. All seniors should be supported through healthcare as well, but also in prescription drug coverage, for as they age after many years of service to their nation, they will need, if they so desire, life strengthening, lengthening and encouraging medications. The needy, or poor, should not be scorned, but rather, assisted.
The UN stands by the message of social justice in “Required Basic Healthcare”. However, “Required Basic Healthcare” will not be imposed upon UN nations, in order to maintain national sovereignty, but will be kept on record as a “reference-document resolution”.
The UN encourages healthcare to be provided to all nations’ citizens, for each step, even the smallest ones that may be taken by some nations, improves the well being of the global community.
The Democratic States of Austrivum once again encourages all nations to design and enforce a comprehensive healthcare/prescription drug plan within their nation, especially once economically feasible by that nation. After this resolution’s passage it will take effect immediately.
---The Democratic States of Austrivum
Votes For: 9151
Votes Against: 5564
Implemented: Thu Jun 26 2003
The resolution you seek to repeal is no longer in effect.