Legalize the Marijuana!!!
Nike laos
14-12-2004, 23:33
I studied the case of marijuana and other drugs and i come up with this idea: Legalize drugs!
-Drugs cannot harm your body (well not a lot), the only thing that it does is that it lowers the effect of your dopamine.
-Dopamine is a substance in your brain that increases the joy of yourself, and drugs actives hardly those dopamine. So you are in a state of free joy and liberty.
-After the use of drugs, the dopamine reduces his normal effects but just a little. It will not affect a lot your life.
-Selling those drugs could even be an economical way to iimprove your nation.
-These drugs could even be used as medicaments prescripted by your docter.
Think of it: it can even save your life.
-Why forbid something that is not that nossif and that can save you?
-It is proven : Drugs are Fun! Why ruin people lifes when they used drugs or selled those ? Why enprison them when its not that bad?
-Endorse me and I will change this law!!!!!!
(I am in the region of : THE YOUNGWORLD)
-Thank you and help me!
Nike laos
15-12-2004, 00:19
bumb reply plz
A lot of people will question your findings - as to whether drugs are bad or not. There is some pretty weighty evidence to suggest that Majijuana is addictive, that is can lead to further drugs (you get used to it, so you demand a larger thrill - cocaine, heroin, dust, Morpheus and so forth), that teaching our children that drugs are a good thing is not the way to make a better future for the world, and that we can't endorse you because you might not be in our region.
So aside from that it will probably be rejected because a fair amount of nations believe drug use is something for national, not international, law.
Personally I have no real views on drug use one way or the other. People will do it whether it is legal or not, and it has been decriminilzed in TilEnca for a fair while.
(edit) Also - expecting a response within 45 minutes is possibly asking a bit much - this game crosses around ten, if not 24, time zones and not everyone is around all the time. I just thought I would mention that :}
Actually, some drugs, such as marijuana, do not just lower your dopamine, they also have a permanent alteration on your brain. They are addictive and create a loss of brain cells. Also, when you are on drugs, you often cannot control yourself. These are not good things.
I have legalized Marijuana in my country, but I don't know if it's realy a good idea to make all countries legalize marijuana. It realy does not hurt our countries very much is someone else despertly needs to make Marijuana illeagal.
I think this should be a national issue. Not an international one.
16-12-2004, 02:33
Lawbreakers ignore borders, when a country legalizes a drug, other countries are affected by smugglers. This is definently an international issue.
16-12-2004, 02:43
Lawbreakers ignore borders, when a country legalizes a drug, other countries are affected by smugglers. This is definently an international issue.
Jaywalkers and litterbugs have been known to board planes and cross borders too. Yours is not a valid argument. Try again.
16-12-2004, 03:00
Legalizing it would only open the doors to legalizing "harder" drugs such as cocain or haroin. Drugs that seriously affect the way your body works. Granted if its legal or not people will still use it, but the laws the way they are seem to work fine.
This is a waste of the United Nations time and effort. Marijuana is illegal for the following reasons:
In multiple studies it has been shown that THC (the active ingredient in marujuana) can delay reaction times by up to 3 seconds in split-second decisions for up to 3 days after usage.
Marijuana is often laced with other drugs such as cocaine and methanphedamines. These ARE serious drugs.
Fun is no reason to legalize a drug that can lead to substance abuse and higher crime. (In ALL cases of marijuana use judgement is altered and people do not make normal decisions that they would make in a sound mind.)
The sovereign state of Arbalia hear-by condemns this nonsense and wishes it would not be brought to proposal or discusion again.
--- President Tarathiel
17-12-2004, 15:24
Marijuana is often laced with other drugs such as cocaine and methanphedamines. These ARE serious drugs.
That's because its illegal. If you legalised it, you could regulate production.
All recreational drugs are legal in _Myopia_, however we will not support a proposal such as this because it is irresponsible to actively promote drug use. We go to great lengths to fully educate citizens on the dangers of recreational drugs.
Additionally, as far as I know, the medical uses of marijuana are not life-saving - it is used for relief of pain and other symptoms of various diseases.
Tuesday Heights
17-12-2004, 17:19
Think of it: it can even save your life.
Marijuana cannot save your life; it only alleviates the pain from an illness and/or disease to make it easier to live life.
18-12-2004, 13:27
marajuana is bad. Thats all I know. :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge:
18-12-2004, 14:11
marajuana is bad. Thats all I know.
Which is more a condemnation of yourself and the system which has educated you, than it is a condemnation of marijuana.
New Tyrollia
19-12-2004, 08:39
:sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge:
See, this is the part that really convinces me. Once I see something like that, I know I've met my match, and further debate is pointless.