06-12-2004, 10:40
Ce message est en français pour embêter nos amis anglophones.
Je viens de proposer une loi pour donner plus de force à la langue française, unissons-nous pour nous imposer ;-)
You might want to post a copy of it.
Ce message est en français pour embêter nos amis anglophones.
Je viens de proposer une loi pour donner plus de force à la langue française, unissons-nous pour nous imposer ;-)
И почему следует франчуз дать больше усилия
Και γιατί θα έπρεπε στα γαλλικά να δοθεί περισσότερη δύναμη
And why should French be given more force?
ギリシャ語、ロシア語および日本語の討論のテキストそして提案を掲示する私は決断を国家州の国際連合の代表者およびメンバー全員を要求する決断を提案する。 から、ラテン系の基づかせていた言語はこの尊厳なボディの使用法を与えられない
Я предлагаю разрешение будет требовать всех уполномоченных представителей и членов наций национальня государство соединенных разрешения, к столбу их тексты и предложения debate в греке, русском и японце. От, не позволят никакому латинскому основанному языку использование в этом теле в августе!
Προτείνω το ψήφισμα που θα απαιτήσει όλους τους εκπροσώπους και τα μέλη κρατικών Ηνωμένων Εθνών έθνους poy τα ψηφίσματα, για να τοποθετήσω τα κείμενα και τις προτάσεις συζήτησής τους στα ελληνικά, ρωσικά και ιαπωνικά. Από το, καμία λατινική βασισμένη γλώσσα δεν θα επιτραπεί τη χρήση σε αυτό το σώμα Αυγούστου!
06-12-2004, 15:43
And why should French be given more force?
Well, the purpose of a francophie isn't to give french nations more power or force, as Anti-Sneddon said, but it is to promot cooperation and good relationship betwen kin french nations, support programs of cooperation in domains such as education, culture, médias and the economy betwen its members and government members and finally to ensure the survival and preeminence of the french language by a number of actions, such as, for exemple, creat a projects who's purpose is to promot to use of french as a language in important international reunions by the translation of other languages toward french, and vice versa.
How a francophonie could be created, and what its purpose would be, in this game, I dont know, but just to let you know, Sneddon, je support ton projet entièrement ! Now I think it would be useful if you could post a copy of this project of yours. And was it discussed with many other nations ? And how would you tell if a country is french or not ?
Ναι, αλλά γιατί θα έπρεπε γαλλικά να δοθεί περισσότερη δύναμη; Γιατί μη ελληνικά; ή ρωσικά; Ή ιαπωνικά, ή κινέζικα; Είμαι όλοι για την πολυγλωσσία. Αλλά δεδομένου ότι τα αγγλικά είναι υπερισχύστε γλώσσα σε χρήση και εξαιρετικά ευπροσάρμοστος, γιατί τον αλλάξτε; Γιατί όχι καθιστώ ακριβώς ελληνικά την υποχρεωτική διεθνή γλώσσα, και τη βίδα αγγλικά ή γαλλικά ή οποιες δήποτε από τις αλλόκοτες λατινικές κόσμιες γλώσσες.
Από τον τρόπο. Εάν είναι εντάξει για κάποιο για να αποσπάσει τα γαλλικά μέσα εδώ για να ενοχλήσει τους αγγλόφωνους λαούς. Κατόπιν είναι εξίσου έγκυρο για με να χρησιμοποιήσω τα ελληνικά για να ενοχλήσει του καθενός. Όλος είναι δίκαιος.
El Habre
06-12-2004, 18:34
Je voterai pour :)
Texan Hotrodders
06-12-2004, 19:14
Pfft. Francais est le langue stupide.
(That was a joke.)
As far as other languages go...I'll do what I can.
Ce message est en français pour embêter nos amis anglophones.
Je viens de proposer une loi pour donner plus de force à la langue française, unissons-nous pour nous imposer ;-)
Si vous aviez fourni le texte de cette proposition, La Monarchie Constitutionelle de Fass aurait pu décider de le supporter (ou pas), mais comme vous ne l'avez pas fait et que nous n'avons aucun désir de le chercher, nous ne ferons rien.
07-12-2004, 00:52
Malheureusement, La Monarchie Constitutionelle de Fass a totalement raison quand a sa critique de votre démarche concernant la création d'une éventuelle Francophonie. Mais peut-être n'est-il pas trop tard pour nous montrer votre projet de loi.
Better latter than never.
I realise that most of the time it's not unusual not to understand what is going on in some of the debates on this forum, but this is the first time I haven't felt bad about it.
I tried my rusty Greek on Tekania's posts, but gave up in despair after the first few words. As to the Russian, haven't a clue.
I tried my rusty Greek on Tekania's posts, but gave up in despair after the first few words. As to the Russian, haven't a clue.
Yes, but why just support french? Why not Greek, or Russian, or Japanese, or Chinese? I am all for multilingualism, but English is the predominate language, and I ascept that, but why change it? What is to stop me from mandating Greek the obligatory international language, and screw French or English and all the latin descent languages?
By the way, if it is ok for someone to speak french here to annoy those who speak english, it is equally valid for me to speak Greek and annoy just about everyone ;) (rough translation)
:headbang:I'd like to second that motion ...
Yes, but why just support french? Why not Greek, or Russian, or Japanese, or Chinese? I am all for multilingualism
Great! start it up, we will support any endeavour to increase global cooperation and the vitality of the worlds linguistic diversity.
First of all, as 99% of all the posters on this forum speak English that should be the ONLY language used here just so we can continue understanding each other and so that I don't go insane.
Second of all, if a UN Resolution were to come by that promoted multilingualism WITHOUT favouring certain languages, I think I'd vote for it.
I can't read it, but I know I'm against it.
L'ONU en francais
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Anti-Sneddon
Description: Afin de combattre l'imposition de l'anglais, l'ONU et même le monde devrait parler français.
Etant donné que le français est reconnu comme une langue très romantique, le monde pourrait être plus juste.
C'est la langue originelle de la déclaration des Droits de l'Homme.
Je demande sollenement que le français soit plus présent ici.
Approvals: 6 (Anti-Sneddon, JS Nijmegen, The Derrak Quadrant, WZ Forums, Yelda, No Breaks)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 136 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Thu Dec 9 2004
I can't read it, but I know I'm against it.
Roughly, it says....
In order to fight the imposition of English; The U.N. and even the world should speak French. Given that French is a very romatic language, the world would be better. It is the original language of the Declaration of the Rights of Man. I ask *[not sure what sollenement is, maybe they meant solennellement, ie. Solemnly] that French be more present...
(* Note if that is true; this resolution is sad, we've got a proposal from someone pushing french making French grammatical errors.... jeesh.)
Of course, this still brings to question as to why? There are many declarations of rights that predate the Droit l'Homme, The Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Declaration of Rights in English(1776), the Magna Carta in Latin (1215) which predate this document.
English is the most predominately used, and I see no reason to change it. It's multi-ancestral background makes it the most versatile in word usage (with roots on French, German, Scandenavian, Brythic, Latin, and Greek). I'm all for multi-lingualism.... but to be honest, the author of this proposal is an hypocrit... I'd have just as much a valid stance as She/He/IT for mandating Latin or Greek.
Of course, this still brings to question as to why? There are many declarations of rights that predate the Droit l'Homme, The Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Declaration of Rights in English(1776), the Magna Carta in Latin (1215) which predate this document.
And some would argue the bible which was (I think?) in Aremaic. So can we all write in Aremaic from now on? Cause that would be fun!!
And some would argue the bible which was (I think?) in Aremaic. So can we all write in Aremaic from now on? Cause that would be fun!!
Actually it was written in three languages, Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine(Common) Greek.... I know two of those....
ACtually in all I know Russian, Japanese, Two dialects of Greek (Modern and Koine), Hebrew, German, three seperate forms of English (modern, middle and old), French, and two Brythic tongues.... Maybe we should mandate that everyone in the UN learn at least 5 different languages, with a sub mandate that within the 5 they at least know a helenic, oriental and cyrilic base type... That should get these f***ers at the books for awhile and stopping wasting our time with proposals.
Yes, but why just support french? Why not Greek, or Russian, or Japanese, or Chinese? I am all for multilingualism, but English is the predominate language, and I ascept that, but why change it? What is to stop me from mandating Greek the obligatory international language, and screw French or English and all the latin descent languages?
Because the original posted decided he wants to support french.
As for your second question, because nobody has yet to propose a motion to support Greek, Russian, Japanese nor Chinese.
The original poster never stated we needed to change English to French or any other language. He wishes a motion to support francophones.
If you want to impose Greek as the obligatory language (which isn't what the original poster wrote thus it's your idea), propose it and we'll see how the votes go. Nothing stops you from proposing it but being a democracy, the majority wins in a vote.
07-12-2004, 17:04
Why cant we introduce Esperanto its an invented language thats easy to learn intended to be used internationally. The only problem is because no body spoke it in the beginning thereis no reason to speak until other people do. So it was never used. If the UN adopted it then it would save time.
Waarom afschuin wij zijn Esperanto een uitgevonden taal thats gemakkelijk introduceren om voorgenomen te leren om internationaal worden gebruikt. Het enige probleem is omdat geen lichaam het in het begin thereis geen reden sprak te spreken tot andere mensen. Zo werd het nooit gebruikt. Als de V.N. het toen goedkeurden zou het tijd besparen.
Pourquoi biseautez nous présentons l'espéranto ses thats inventés d'une langue faciles à apprendre prévu pour être employé internationalement. Le seul problème est parce qu'aucun corps ne l'a parlé dans les thereis commençants aucune raison de parler jusqu'à ce que d'autres . Ainsi il n'a été jamais employé. Si l'ONU l'adoptait puis il sauverait le temps.
Γιατί λοξοτομήστε εισάγουμε την εσπεράντο της μια γλώσσα thats εύκολη να μάθει προοριζόμενο να χρησιμοποιηθούμε διεθνώς. Το μόνο πρόβλημα είναι επειδή κανένα σώμα δεν το μίλησε στα thereis αρχής κανένας λόγος να μιλήσει έως ότου άλλοι άνθρωποι. Έτσι δεν χρησιμοποιήθηκε ποτέ. Εάν τα Η.Ε το υιοθέτησαν έπειτα θα κέρδιζε χρόνο.
Perchè smussi introduciamo il esperanto i relativi thats inventati di lingua facili imparare progettato essere usato internazionalmente. L'unico problema è perché nessun corpo lo ha parlato nei thereis d'inizio nessun motivo parlare fino a che la gente non. Così non è stato usato mai. Se il NU lo adottasse allora salverebbe il tempo.
Warum kippen Sie, führen wir Esperanto seine eine erfundenen Sprachenthats ein, die einfach sind zu erlernen beabsichtigt, international verwendet zu werden. Das einzige Problem ist, weil kein Körper es in den anfangenthereis kein Grund zu sprechen sprach, bis die Leute. So wurde es nie verwendet. Wenn die UNO es dann annahm, würde es Zeit speichern.
07-12-2004, 17:05
aah the Babel fish what a wonderful animal
07-12-2004, 17:51
*es *ars, au *ieu de *ous *aire *riller par les *raducteurs en *igne, *odez vos *ropositions *nti-*nglais.
Ppur naut, ein kous daita a u lyheu an Paradoxia Houx les Phranco on prix la Plahsse de dais lait gai à launuh. Bo kous de mes sages son mains tenant an de lengghe. :cool:
Because the original posted decided he wants to support french.
As for your second question, because nobody has yet to propose a motion to support Greek, Russian, Japanese nor Chinese.
The original poster never stated we needed to change English to French or any other language. He wishes a motion to support francophones.
If you want to impose Greek as the obligatory language (which isn't what the original poster wrote thus it's your idea), propose it and we'll see how the votes go. Nothing stops you from proposing it but being a democracy, the majority wins in a vote.
"The UN and even the world should speak french"... impositional language. We only need one standardized language, and English fits that role (IRL: you can thank the British Empire for that for having the most spread out global empire in history, so that now there is not a single region of the planet that does not have at least one country that rercognizing English as either the, or an official language; reason why the old Imperial maxim held true "The sun never sets on the British Empire". English is the most widely known secondary language; in the EU French and English hold close to equal sway as secondaries, in the US however Spanish is more predominate as a secondary.)
Once again, multi-lingualism is nice; but I do not think we should be adopting any more than a single standard tongue. Most people here have enough problems with their native tongue... we don't need to complicate matters even more.
07-12-2004, 18:23
Yes, but why just support french?
By the way, if it is ok for someone to speak french here to annoy those who speak english, it is equally valid for me to speak Greek and annoy just about everyone ;) (rough translation)
I didn't bother to babblefish their comments, but are they doing this to annoy people or because they want the UN to be multilingual?
My only request is that if people want to speak in another language, is that it might be a good idea for their first post to also have a short English translation. The alternative means the English speaking nations will either:
I didn't bother to babblefish their comments, but are they doing this to annoy people or because they want the UN to be multilingual?
My only request is that if people want to speak in another language, is that it might be a good idea for their first post to also have a short English translation. The alternative means the English speaking nations will either:
Well, his first statement was (translated) "This message is in French to annoy our anglophone friends. I have just proposed a law to put more force behind the French language, and unite us behind this [language]."
From the force and inflection, I would say it's purpose is to impose and annoy; as opposed to supporting some sort of multi-lingualism. In fact, the words used are far more forceful that one would generally use if they were applying a secondary language principle; almost a force as towards exclusionary of all others.
To move onto the proposal text, the text reads: (Translated) "In order to fight the imposition of English, the U.N., and even the world should speak French. It is recognized that French is a very romantic language, so the world would be better [off]. It is the original language of the Declarations of the Rights of Man. I ask *[solemnly]* that French be given more presence."
(* I believe this is what the author meant, even though "sollenement" is not a french word; I am operating under the assumption that the author meant to say "solennellement".)
IOW: The author seeks to impose french on a global scale, based on the grounds of it being a "romance language" and under the grounds it happens to be the native language used in a particular RL declaration of Rights [Though at the same time they were writting this declaration, they were beheading countless thousands of people, and within a few years would select a dictatorial emporer over themselves who would then go about conquering a large section of continental europe]. Spanish, Portugese and Italian are also Romance languages, and English, Latin and Greek had also been used to codify declaritive rights. So in actual text; the author actually does not seek any functional justification for his reason of altering the standard tongue of this United Nations.
I would also like to know how this is a "Furtherment of Democracy" issue; from the author...
07-12-2004, 21:55
Well, his first statement was (translated) "This message is in French to annoy our anglophone friends. I have just proposed a law to put more force behind the French language, and unite us behind this [language]."
From the force and inflection, I would say it's purpose is to impose and annoy; as opposed to supporting some sort of multi-lingualism. In fact, the words used are far more forceful that one would generally use if they were applying a secondary language principle; almost a force as towards exclusionary of all others.
IOW: The author seeks to impose french on a global scale, based on the grounds of it being a "romance language" and under the grounds it happens to be the native language used in a particular RL declaration of Rights [Though at the same time they were writting this declaration, they were beheading countless thousands of people, and within a few years would select a dictatorial emporer over themselves who would then go about conquering a large section of continental europe]. Spanish, Portugese and Italian are also Romance languages, and English, Latin and Greek had also been used to codify declaritive rights. So in actual text; the author actually does not seek any functional justification for his reason of altering the standard tongue of this United Nations.
I would also like to know how this is a "Furtherment of Democracy" issue; from the author...
Thanks! This is why babblefish is really not the way to go. I doubt it would have picked up on the tone.
To be honest, I would love to see more players from other nations join the game, and I couldn't mind UN threads like the Dutch threads in general.
But if a resolution wants my vote, it is realistically going to need to be something I can understand on my own or be translated by another nation that I do trust.
I hope they can read English, but if they can't if somebody could translate the following to French:
My government supports nations posting in other languages, but hopes that if other nations want to avoid translation errors (due to use of services like babblefish) if they also speak English, they might want to consider also posting their own English translation of key points.
:) (I could babblefish that too, but I'd hate for it to screw things up.)
For the forums and proposals, there is no question in my mind that the language should stay English, as that's what 99% of us speak. It does us no good to have a proposal in Russian as most of us don't have a clue as to what it says.
However, we could have certain people who know other languages to help with the translations of proposals to English should someone not be able to effectively word their proposal in English (though this should be done in the draft stage and before it gets posted on the forums). This is because I don't believe it's fair to exclude a Finn who has a great idea simply because they can't speak English.
Also, if a proposal were to be brought to the floor requring NSUN Representatives to be able to speak different languages (especially the Delegates, who have to represent a whole region) then I'd support it. As long as it doesn't change the forum/proposal language that is.
I have my own reasons past prevalence for maintaining English standards.... For one, English is extremely functional, due to its etymological diversity, and possessing more words, allows ideas to be conveyed in a shorter more concise manner.
(English has alittle more than 600,000 words in its vocabulary.... French does not even hit 1/6th of that..... Which is generally why when you see the english translation of someone elses texts, the english is smaller... possessing a more robust vocabulary; it does not have to use as many grammatical tricks to convey meanings.)
Yeah, but what if a proposal stated that all UN Representatives had to be billingual at the very least? I think that would be something worth supporting. The game would still have a rule saying that all forum posts and proposals be written in English, but since in the NS World not every nation speaks English, I think the UN should do something to accomodate that- especially if you are a Delegate. It doesn't mean that certain nations wouldn't be allowed to have Representatives/Delegates- it just means that people they select to fulfill the task must be at least billingual.
(I'm not sure if I'm making any sense so if anyone is confused let me know and I'll try to clarify)
Yeah, but what if a proposal stated that all UN Representatives had to be billingual at the very least? I think that would be something worth supporting. The game would still have a rule saying that all forum posts and proposals be written in English, but since in the NS World not every nation speaks English, I think the UN should do something to accomodate that- especially if you are a Delegate. It doesn't mean that certain nations wouldn't be allowed to have Representatives/Delegates- it just means that people they select to fulfill the task must be at least billingual.
(I'm not sure if I'm making any sense so if anyone is confused let me know and I'll try to clarify)
I do believe a proposal like that would be pulled for game mechanics violation; since there is no way to control that at present.
I do believe a proposal like that would be pulled for game mechanics violation; since there is no way to control that at present.
I'm not sure about my understanding "game mechanics" violations would mean something that would change the game's coding. I mean, if the proposal stated that- at the very least- every UN Resolution must be provided in every language possible (hypothetically speaking- all the Resolutions would remain in English but we'd assume that it would be written for IC purposes that it'd be available in different languages) and that a nation's representative must be able to communicate with others in the UN (again, just hypothetically and just ICly) that isn't something that would change the game's coding, as it does not mandate that the Resolutions be OOCly translated.
08-12-2004, 04:29
I'm not sure about my understanding "game mechanics" violations would mean something that would change the game's coding.
Partially correct. It's also Game Mechanics if it requires specific activity on the part of moderators or players (as opposed to player-controlled-nations). Hersfold's Olympic Games ( proposal was removed for Game Mechanics violations because it specifically mandated that a Forum topic be created to manage the proposed Games.
If there is an implication that all proposals MUST be translated prior to being submitted, then that is requiring something of the players that cannot be provided by the game itself. You can't even propose a visit to Babelfish, as that violates the Real Life provisions. Certainly I would be unable to create a proposal en français without assistance, and my Deutsch and Español translations would be laughed out of the Halls.
You might get away with a resolution requiring copies of all passed resolutions to translated to all the languages of NationStates, with copies to be made available to UN Ambassadors upon request. It would be iffy at that, but a case could be made that Ambassadors are not players, and it's a roleplay event being so ordered.
You might get away with a resolution requiring copies of all passed resolutions to translated to all the languages of NationStates, with copies to be made available to UN Ambassadors upon request. It would be iffy at that, but a case could be made that Ambassadors are not players, and it's a roleplay event being so ordered.
That's more or less what I was getting at: that Resolutions would have to be available in the native languages of the UN Ambassadors, which does not mean the player. I realize it's iffy but I don't see it as a violation.
08-12-2004, 06:09
Yeah, but what if a proposal stated that all UN Representatives had to be billingual at the very least? I think that would be something worth supporting.
You are talking about just having a resolution passed for roleplaying purposes, but with no real game changes right?
While my government would support something related to this, I still don't see the mods seeing this as anything but a game mechanics issue, and for good reason: some wacko might come by with his made-up UFO alien language and demand that his compliance ministry start talking back to him in this language. (Though maybe this can be dealt with by checking the UN water cooler?) ;)
The way around this is to have an international convention that isn't sponsored by the game, but I'm afraid you'll have few signatories. :(
08-12-2004, 12:16
Sorry I forgot post a copy.
I know I know that this proposal would encourage the other languages to be present but as I am French and in a French-speaking area, I spoke about French. German, Italian, Chinese... would have made similar with his language :-P
08-12-2004, 12:31
My resolution disappeared
08-12-2004, 19:21
Sorry I forgot post a copy.
I know I know that this proposal would encourage the other languages to be present but as I am French and in a French-speaking area, I spoke about French. German, Italian, Chinese... would have made similar with his language :-P
French, as opposed to other languages beside english, as many reasons to be represented in the U.N.
French, as a language, is used when it comes to diplomacy and treaties, since it is much more precise than english, much less complicated than german, russian or chinese, while being spoken by a relativly large population of the world. French is the language of clarity and precision: it uses a lot more determiners, adverbs, conjunctions and the like to link parts of sentences together and clarify their relationships. This links very well with the expansion phenomenon in translation from English to French, with the French translation being on average 15% longer than the source text.
So this is why, in real life, french is still relevant as an international language despite the lost of power and prestige of its mother country and culture, while other language like german, russian of chinese isn't so much widespread, internationaly.
But in term of Nationstates, since the game's mechanic lack the sophistication and subtelty of having in in-game regional organisations* at the image of the francophonie, european union, ALENA, ect, I dont see the point of fighting for such a proposal.
* I hope to be proved wrong on this one, for I haven't fully read the faq
Sorry I forgot post a copy.
I know I know that this proposal would encourage the other languages to be present but as I am French and in a French-speaking area, I spoke about French. German, Italian, Chinese... would have made similar with his language :-P
Cous, sipoze ou franse lang li bon. Men, la nou anpil kimoun Franse relayson lang. Tankou isit kreyol.
*showing off his cajun ancestry*
08-12-2004, 19:53
Cajun ? Isn't cajun that hillbilly, redneck-like french culture in Louisiana, which may or may not have died ? Anyway, if its suposely french based, how come I dont understand anything, at all ?
Cajun ? Isn't cajun that hillbilly, redneck-like french culture in Louisiana, which may or may not have died ? Anyway, if its suposely french based, how come I dont understand anything, at all ?
It has not died... and the language isn't Cajun, that's just a particular culture that uses it, it's actually Creole... Haiti, Liberia, and Acadians (cajuns) speak it.... And it's based off of french, english, and spanish, mostly.... And merely because it is french based gives no more creedance to understanding it :P anymore than the average english speaker would readily understand Old English... or any of the Brythic tongues.
The Black New World
08-12-2004, 20:44
So this is why, in real life, french is still relevant as an international language despite the lost of power and prestige of its mother country and culture, while other language like german, russian of chinese isn't so much widespread, internationaly.
'taint that simple luv.
'sides more people talk English even though the empire's buggered off. 'owd' you explain that then.
Lady Desdemona of Merwell,
Who can't work out her own bloody accent.
The Black New World
08-12-2004, 20:47
Cajun ? Isn't cajun that hillbilly, redneck-like french culture in Louisiana, which may or may not have died ? Anyway, if its suposely french based, how come I dont understand anything, at all ?
Well aren't we just better then everyone, now.
UN representative,
The Black New World
Isit il kisa fe nou. Mwen kizinye anle alo cho jumbalaya, sue ou razwan. Chek mode pote goj boule. Dizone ou pisans koutcha acadian, men limye ou fon anle ava nou.
08-12-2004, 21:19
'taint that simple luv.
'sides more people talk English even though the empire's buggered off. 'owd' you explain that then.
More people talk english around the world ? Well, first of all, I never stated the contrary, I simply said that french had some qualities. Maybe I offended an obscure part of your pride by inadvertence.
But to answer your question, maybe english is the world's lingua franca because, oh, I dont know, a lot more cultures and countries around the world, at one point or the other in their history, where subjuged to Britain than to France ? Also, the british had a tendency of creating generaly positive commercial links with its colonies, as opposed to the french who just went around raping everyone with their uber mercantilist focused economy, which explain, in part, why the british emprie was more durable. But there are many other reaons, too, like, for exemple, France was more busy dealing with the continant than bothering with far away colonies.
Finaly, english is the world's lingua franca because most of the institutions used by most countries are Western invention, and the West was dominated by England until 1914. Or I could also state that the elite of most countries where educated in western, english university.
I could state more reasons, and more coherantly, too, if I had my books right about now, but I dont. And there isn't really a point to this anyway. :P
Anyway, in the end, it doesnt change anything, for I'll probably be corrected by some history snot. :)
Also, is it me, or this forum has a problem with double posting ?
08-12-2004, 21:52
If we are going to start talking about another language to be used besides English, I would think the best thing to do for NationStates is to survey and find what language besides English is the most frequently used language and to also get an estimate for how many of those nations are active in the game, i.e. using the language on the forums.
I've seen activity on the part of the Dutch. Fortunately there are enough similarities in Dutch and German, that those of us that can read a wee bit of German, can sometimes pick up on Dutch. Not that my government would ever dare easedrop on any discussions. ;)
I also have seen Spanish speaking players post on the forum and telegram for regional advertising.
I suspect that there may be some French speaking regions as well ... but my bottomline point is if we are going to talk about functionality to communications / openness in NationStates, it might be best to make a decision knowing what the current state of other languages is.
08-12-2004, 22:05
Well, I agree, but in order to make an accurate survey, wouldn't we need extraordinary means ? or should we just stick with a thread with a pool ? I'm not really aware of the means this site posses....
But still, I'm far from convinced that other language are more functional and efficiant than french.
Wait a minute here... this as nothing to do with a francophonie. As I already stated in my first post in this topic, a francophonie is a mean for french speaking nations to basicaly interact between each other. The goal of imposing french as a language is pretty down the list of priorities. So the main goals of it shouldn't be to seek french as a second langauge in the UN.
09-12-2004, 00:33
Wait a minute here... this as nothing to do with a francophonie. As I already stated in my first post in this topic, a francophonie is a mean for french speaking nations to basicaly interact between each other. The goal of imposing french as a language is pretty down the list of priorities. So the main goals of it shouldn't be to seek french as a second langauge in the UN.
:) This is what Tek was suggesting yesterday, and while it might make for some roleplay sense, this is not likely (I won't say never ... we can godmode our way into anything using UFOs or zombies) to be a real game mechanics change.
I think the best thing would be for non-native English speakers to really feel free to speak in two languages. Add a bit of text in their native language to hopefully stir an interest from similar languaged based groups, but to put enough English content so that they can interact with others too.
New Tyrollia
09-12-2004, 09:03
Hmmmm, somebody demanding that French be recognized officially and forced upon all non-francaphones? Now, is this really a pro-french proposal, or is someone just trying to make all us Canadians feel more at home? ;)