13-11-2004, 00:40
Just submitted repeal of #2 "Scientific freedom" and a new proposal "Scientific Security Act". FInd cited below the #2 to be repealed, the repeal argument, and the new proposal. Please comment. Delegates, please approve.
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Scientific Freedom
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.
Category: Free Trade
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Genius
Description: The people of Genius have long stood for Scientific freedom. By ensuring that peaceful and responsible scientists can research by their own accord, and in any nation they please, technology will move forward, and trade will increase.
Presented to the Assembly of the United Nations on twenty-second day of November in the year two thousand and two, Common Era. By the representative and leader of Genius:
Chris Meyers
The Aboolot
Protector of Genius
Defender of Freedom
Friend of the Free Realms
Votes For: 3,075
Votes Against: 1,336
Implemented: Thu Dec 26 2002
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Repeal "Scientific Freedom"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #2
Proposed by: Tarnak-talaan
Description: UN Resolution #2: Scientific Freedom (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: "Scientific Freedom" strives to eliminate all barriers, including moral and ethic ones, from the development and spread of science. In our opinion, there should be limitations to the forwarding of science, especially where sensitive matters such as nuclear technology, genetic manipulation, time travel and so on are concerned.
Furthermore, by establishing "Scientific Freedom" as law in all UN member states, the souvereignity of said member states, regarding intellectual property rights, are endangered.
Scientific Security Act
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Tarnak-talaan
Description: CONSIDERING the vast potential of scientific development
OBSERVING that in the past, said potential was frequently invoked to promote developments ultimately leading to desastreous consequences
RECOGNIZING the immense pressure of responsibility for all parties involved in the development of science that could potentially lead to said consequences
RECALLING equivalent concerns already adressed in UN resolution #75 "The Nuclear Terrorism Act" and in the repeal of UN resolution #2 "Scientific Freedom"
the United Nations resolve to impose sensible limitations to the spread of sensitive-matter scientific development.
The United Nations acknowledge the following subjects of scientific development to fall into the category of "sensitive-matter" developments:
- weapons and other means of mass destruction
- genetic manipulation, cloning and breeding of sencient species
- manipulation of and travelling in time
All member nations are encouraged to submit further subjects of scientific development they deem "sensitive-matter"
The United Nations impose the following restrictions upon the spread of sensitive-matter scientific developments as defined above:
1. To ensure transparency in current developments, relevant information shall be exchanged between nations exclusively at officially called professional conferences, fairs, congresses etc. under the chairmanship of the UN and with public access.
2. Nations involved in relevant developments report to a specialized UN commitee on a regular basis and under the warranty of non-disclosure to any third parties.
3. Exemptions from article 1 have to be sanctioned by said commitee.
4. Under no circumstances may relevant information or technology be transfered to a nation which by the UN has been defined as a "rogue nation"
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Scientific Freedom
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.
Category: Free Trade
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Genius
Description: The people of Genius have long stood for Scientific freedom. By ensuring that peaceful and responsible scientists can research by their own accord, and in any nation they please, technology will move forward, and trade will increase.
Presented to the Assembly of the United Nations on twenty-second day of November in the year two thousand and two, Common Era. By the representative and leader of Genius:
Chris Meyers
The Aboolot
Protector of Genius
Defender of Freedom
Friend of the Free Realms
Votes For: 3,075
Votes Against: 1,336
Implemented: Thu Dec 26 2002
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Repeal "Scientific Freedom"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #2
Proposed by: Tarnak-talaan
Description: UN Resolution #2: Scientific Freedom (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: "Scientific Freedom" strives to eliminate all barriers, including moral and ethic ones, from the development and spread of science. In our opinion, there should be limitations to the forwarding of science, especially where sensitive matters such as nuclear technology, genetic manipulation, time travel and so on are concerned.
Furthermore, by establishing "Scientific Freedom" as law in all UN member states, the souvereignity of said member states, regarding intellectual property rights, are endangered.
Scientific Security Act
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Tarnak-talaan
Description: CONSIDERING the vast potential of scientific development
OBSERVING that in the past, said potential was frequently invoked to promote developments ultimately leading to desastreous consequences
RECOGNIZING the immense pressure of responsibility for all parties involved in the development of science that could potentially lead to said consequences
RECALLING equivalent concerns already adressed in UN resolution #75 "The Nuclear Terrorism Act" and in the repeal of UN resolution #2 "Scientific Freedom"
the United Nations resolve to impose sensible limitations to the spread of sensitive-matter scientific development.
The United Nations acknowledge the following subjects of scientific development to fall into the category of "sensitive-matter" developments:
- weapons and other means of mass destruction
- genetic manipulation, cloning and breeding of sencient species
- manipulation of and travelling in time
All member nations are encouraged to submit further subjects of scientific development they deem "sensitive-matter"
The United Nations impose the following restrictions upon the spread of sensitive-matter scientific developments as defined above:
1. To ensure transparency in current developments, relevant information shall be exchanged between nations exclusively at officially called professional conferences, fairs, congresses etc. under the chairmanship of the UN and with public access.
2. Nations involved in relevant developments report to a specialized UN commitee on a regular basis and under the warranty of non-disclosure to any third parties.
3. Exemptions from article 1 have to be sanctioned by said commitee.
4. Under no circumstances may relevant information or technology be transfered to a nation which by the UN has been defined as a "rogue nation"