Whaling ban exemption application
24-08-2004, 03:45
We wish to file for exemption from this law as for the following reasons:
We were having a economic boom in whaling before this anti-economy law was put in place
We will not allow anyone to impound our whaling boats (unless we get a substantial compensation in return)
Whale oil is a prized item for people who like to use old fashioned lamps in our country that require whale oil to burn
therefore, we are requesting an exempt from this law.
Draganovian Department of Economic Services.
24-08-2004, 04:00
Frisbeeterian Power and Electric would like an injunction against Draganovia, as they obviously desire to purchase less power in order to light their homes with whale oil.
Draganovia has been purchasing Frisbeeterian power (among with power from many other nations) from the Transnational Power Grid since the founding of their nation, and Frisbeeteria would doubtless see an impact to their bottom line from the discontinuation of said purchases.
Since UN law guarantees that no economic harm can come to any business or nation due to the passage of laws or resolutions, we wish to ... what's that you say? The UN doesn't guarantee against economic harm? Well, that's certainly silly.
Every business in existence ought to be protected from governmental intrusion of all sorts, regardless of customer needs, environmental impact or ... what's that you say? Business should succeed or fail under free markets or national economic models? What would be the point of that?
That's it. We're resigning from the UN. No, not Frisbeeteria - Just FP&E.
Draganovia, the Council of Enn wishes to ascertain whether you are serious in your words. You state that you have in the past, and intend to continue, slaughtering animals purely for the purposes of providing light.
Why not go our way? Avoid fossil fuels, and leave the whales in peace. Use olive oil - smells and tastes better too.
24-08-2004, 10:05
You have every right to continue whaling, just be warned that any UN members of good conscience will be forced to put in place economic sanctions against your nation.