06-08-2004, 13:35
This is the second draft; I’m open to any criticism and comments. I’m wondering if my categorization is correct. Thank you. The largest difference between this one and the previous one, is that more specifics in the operative clauses. Thank you again.
Safe Water Access Act
Proposed by Epopolis
1st Draft
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Noticing, that water is essential to human life, and that a person both subsists of, and subsides upon water.
Realizing, that water is also fundamental to agriculture, which is in turn fundamental to human life.
Troubled by, the amounts of people who suffer and die, due to lack of water, either through dehydration, starvation or any of the other many maladies and diseases that are created by a lack of water.
Noting further, that some nations are abundant in water supply, while others have very little safe water.
We the sovereign nations of the United Nations are hereby:
Declaring that annual surveys shall be taken to find out sources of safe water in every nation, how this water is distributed, and how water effects the health of the population. Sources of water can come in any form that is readily usable. Still water, stagnant water, and infected waters are not counted as water sources. Saltwater can only be counted as a water source if it is determined that the UN Economic Strength Level in that nation is steadily at or above Thriving.
Resolving that the aforementioned survey shall be used to determine if the nation’s water supplies are supplying enough to sustain the population of that nation, and that based on that information nations be placed into three groups:
1) Substandard- Water supply is not sustaining life in the nation. In excess of 1% of the population die from dehydration during the last year; In excess of 2% of the population die of starvation directly related to the lack of water’s effects on agriculture, in the last year. However, a nation does not meet criteria for substandard status if:
- It is shown by the data that adequate or better water supplies are available in the nation at the present time.
- It is shown by the data that the deaths in dehydration were not caused by lack of water access, but instead due to other reasons (such as, an immobile elderly person cannot access water due to lack of help, not lack of access, and in the several cases of sports-related dehydration deaths. Cholera, and such other diseases, that come about due to lack of safe water, that cause dehydration deaths, are accepted as lack of water deaths.
-It is shown by the data that the deaths by starvation due to lack of water’s effects on agriculture are aided by excessive or forced growing of cash crops in the nation.
2) Adequate- Water supply is sustaining life in the nation. Less than 1% of the population dies of dehydration; less than 2% of the population dies from starvation directly related to lack of water. Definitions of dehydration and starvation due to lack of water are subject to the reasoning held in previous statements.
3) Abundant- Water supply is in excess of minimum life sustaining levels. Less than .01% of the population dies of dehydration or starvation due to lack of water’s effects upon agriculture. The nation has not had an extreme drought in the past 3 years. Definitions of dehydration and starvation due to lack of water are subject to the reasoning held in previous statements. The nation must also have various reservoirs and other back-up water supplies to qualify for abundant status.
Demanding that all UN nations follow the requirements placed upon the governments, based upon its placement.
Requiring nations with substandard water supplies apply for water assistance through the UN.
Requiring nations with adequate water supplies to distribute this water amongst its people, so that everyone has access to safe water.
Requiring nations with abundant water supplies to donate a portion of at least 50% of their excess safe water. This donation must be separated between 2 different nations who apply for water assistance through the UN.
Safe Water Access Act
Proposed by Epopolis
1st Draft
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Noticing, that water is essential to human life, and that a person both subsists of, and subsides upon water.
Realizing, that water is also fundamental to agriculture, which is in turn fundamental to human life.
Troubled by, the amounts of people who suffer and die, due to lack of water, either through dehydration, starvation or any of the other many maladies and diseases that are created by a lack of water.
Noting further, that some nations are abundant in water supply, while others have very little safe water.
We the sovereign nations of the United Nations are hereby:
Declaring that annual surveys shall be taken to find out sources of safe water in every nation, how this water is distributed, and how water effects the health of the population. Sources of water can come in any form that is readily usable. Still water, stagnant water, and infected waters are not counted as water sources. Saltwater can only be counted as a water source if it is determined that the UN Economic Strength Level in that nation is steadily at or above Thriving.
Resolving that the aforementioned survey shall be used to determine if the nation’s water supplies are supplying enough to sustain the population of that nation, and that based on that information nations be placed into three groups:
1) Substandard- Water supply is not sustaining life in the nation. In excess of 1% of the population die from dehydration during the last year; In excess of 2% of the population die of starvation directly related to the lack of water’s effects on agriculture, in the last year. However, a nation does not meet criteria for substandard status if:
- It is shown by the data that adequate or better water supplies are available in the nation at the present time.
- It is shown by the data that the deaths in dehydration were not caused by lack of water access, but instead due to other reasons (such as, an immobile elderly person cannot access water due to lack of help, not lack of access, and in the several cases of sports-related dehydration deaths. Cholera, and such other diseases, that come about due to lack of safe water, that cause dehydration deaths, are accepted as lack of water deaths.
-It is shown by the data that the deaths by starvation due to lack of water’s effects on agriculture are aided by excessive or forced growing of cash crops in the nation.
2) Adequate- Water supply is sustaining life in the nation. Less than 1% of the population dies of dehydration; less than 2% of the population dies from starvation directly related to lack of water. Definitions of dehydration and starvation due to lack of water are subject to the reasoning held in previous statements.
3) Abundant- Water supply is in excess of minimum life sustaining levels. Less than .01% of the population dies of dehydration or starvation due to lack of water’s effects upon agriculture. The nation has not had an extreme drought in the past 3 years. Definitions of dehydration and starvation due to lack of water are subject to the reasoning held in previous statements. The nation must also have various reservoirs and other back-up water supplies to qualify for abundant status.
Demanding that all UN nations follow the requirements placed upon the governments, based upon its placement.
Requiring nations with substandard water supplies apply for water assistance through the UN.
Requiring nations with adequate water supplies to distribute this water amongst its people, so that everyone has access to safe water.
Requiring nations with abundant water supplies to donate a portion of at least 50% of their excess safe water. This donation must be separated between 2 different nations who apply for water assistance through the UN.