NationStates Jolt Archive


Belarus 2
15-07-2004, 14:17
I just read an article about a marrige in Holland, between 2 men. This is something i have never heard of before which brought me to think of something: Should homosexuality be allowed, or even marry?

We were obviously made to breed with the opposite sex, so why do some peoplerefuse to do this and have intercourse with the same sex? for fun? to be different? or to love???
Belarus 2
15-07-2004, 14:22
*paintball* hee hee hee anyone there
15-07-2004, 14:28
It's the wrong forum to discuss RL debates.

In the NS UN, gay marriage is already legalised

Gay Rights implemented May 2003

"...We also resolve that gay marriages be protected and endorsed by law in the member nations."
16-07-2004, 05:44
I just read an article about a marrige in Holland, between 2 men. This is something i have never heard of before which brought me to think of something: Should homosexuality be allowed, or even marry?

We were obviously made to breed with the opposite sex, so why do some peoplerefuse to do this and have intercourse with the same sex? for fun? to be different? or to love???

Have you been living under a rock? How have you never heard of it before? It's quite a hot issue these days.

Homosexuality is naturally occuring, it is not a choice. It is related to hormone levels while a fetus is developing inside the womb. Two men or two women, if they are homosexual or bisexual, can love each other just as much as any heterosexual couple can. Is marriage about procreation or is it about love? I think people get married for the latter reason.

Oh, and in the Nationstates UN, gays have already been granted fully equal rights, including the right to marry.
16-07-2004, 08:50
I just read an article about a marrige in Holland, between 2 men. This is something i have never heard of before which brought me to think of something: Should homosexuality be allowed, or even marry?

We were obviously made to breed with the opposite sex, so why do some peoplerefuse to do this and have intercourse with the same sex? for fun? to be different? or to love???

Marriage is not just about reproducing. MArriage is, in our society, a form of contract, ensuring that both involved benefit some rights during and after brakingup such a contract. If someone chooses to live with one of his own gender, who are you to oppose that? Allowing someone else to do so, does not mean YOU HAVE TO.