24-06-2004, 03:03
My nation has voted in the current resolution concerning Capital Punishment, but this thread is not a place to discuss our votes.
Instead I've noticed that people are using "real" facts about how many nations have Capital Punishment. This is fine. I always encourage the use of facts.
But there is no way anybody can do a survey of NationStates nations that have capital punishment. We all have likely had the national issue about Capital Punishment.
I'd like use to form an informal statistic concerning the number of nations that have Capital Punishment. Those of you in your debates on the resolution can then use and quote this poll.
Instead I've noticed that people are using "real" facts about how many nations have Capital Punishment. This is fine. I always encourage the use of facts.
But there is no way anybody can do a survey of NationStates nations that have capital punishment. We all have likely had the national issue about Capital Punishment.
I'd like use to form an informal statistic concerning the number of nations that have Capital Punishment. Those of you in your debates on the resolution can then use and quote this poll.