NationStates Jolt Archive

United Nations Global Force

07-06-2004, 04:21
This is a public proposal open for endoresments:

To: United Nations council
From: Dominion of Zehtar

Throughout the past decade, terrorism has been a major concern of the enitre world, not just the UN. As a small nation itself, the dominion of zehtar humbly requests the creation of a United Nations force, with its primary mission to ensure stability in all nations, so that they may be given the chance to develop more effienctly and prosperley. The past few years, we've seen the annexation of Iraq by the U.S, the restoration of Afgahnistan, headed up by NATO. These are changing times for the world, a change were terrorism is meeting its end, and it is the hope of this force that peace and stabolity be given free reign.

Specifically, the Dominon of Zehtar would like to head up the creation of thie global force, as well as its training, and supplies. All UN members would contribute in some way to this. I make this first proposal to see if this issue holds any interest to any nation, and if there are any, that I wuold ask that nations's endoresment. Thank you for your time and consideration

Chancellor Loraine
Dominion of Zehtar