NationStates Jolt Archive

abortion rights

01-06-2004, 22:20
I must ask, you say that a woman, as a right, to do what she wants with her body. A woman has, the right, to chose. I ask you this, who is the voice of the baby?
I find it disgusting, that there are people in this world, in Nation States, who are more concerned with protecting mannatees, elephants, whales and spotted owles, then they are concerned with protecting the very basic right to life for an unborn child. I am not going to sit here and scream bloody murder, and have a fit. But, tonight, I will incline my head in pity, and pray for those of you who don't respect the future generation. Woman's choice, ha! What choice, I don't see the person being killed getting much of a choice.
Vote this down, or you will wake up someday haunted by the voices of millions of innocent babies, killed, without a choice. Vote this down, or there will be no future generation. Vote this down, or suffer as so many young women, who have already had abortions have suffered from severe mental trauma.
Get a life, have a care, protect the innocent.

Gloria Eterno
01-06-2004, 23:13

Here is another argument:
Many "pro-choicers" say that an embryo isn't a baby because of several conditions.... HOWEVER:

Can a baby even on the outside of the womb take care of itself without the mother? NO
Can the newborn baby feed itself? NO
Is the baby totally reliant on it's mother? YES
Is the child still developing? Most certainly....
Just as it is in the womb.
So you tell me what the difference is... there is none.
Am I
You can bet your life.....

02-06-2004, 00:52
Its funny because on one hand it can be wrong to take the life of a child, but on the other hand one, it isnt a child, or its life doesnt begin untill it enters the world, and two as humans we make mistakes and women can be subject to becoming victims if you know what I mean. There are people who at certain times in their life are not prepared mentally or financialy to raise a child but are suddenly thrushed into this new responsibility. I believe that it shouldnt be the choice of the mother herself, but the combined choice of the mother, the father ( unless the woman is a victim) and their parents and family and then as a family collective decide wheather its the right time to bring in a new life. A couple or individual can not and dont raise a child on their own anyway, remember the African proverb: "Its take a village to raise a child"

words by The Allmighty X "commandor in chief of the U.S.S.A."
02-06-2004, 00:58
It seems to me that there is some confusion as to the nature of the resolution being voted on here. Its not a question of wether abortions should be legal or not, its a vote on wether nations should have the right to choose how they deal with their own citizens in respect to abortion rights. I intend to vote no simply because a nation of people should be allowed to choose what kind of laws they want to follow, not a different group of people from far away. If the resolution were to ban abortion i would also vote no. This is not an issue that the UN should be dealing with. There are other national, not personal, issues that the UN should be concerning itself with.
Todays Romans
02-06-2004, 01:41
I agree with you Anak. Abortion is wrong. I voted against Abortion Rights.
02-06-2004, 02:52
Life has a scientific definition and it is NOT "when somthing enters the world".. by the way, how is a baby entering into anything.. its merely coming out of somthing (a mother) its already in the world the entire time, it is sickening how members of the United Nations seek an agenda of death, and moreover attempt to force that agenda on myself and my people. If this resolution passes, which i hope it will not, i am prepared to withdraw from the United Nations!
02-06-2004, 02:55
We long refrained from joining the UN as we saw little point in it. We knew that the laws we deemed beneficial to our society we could employ on our own. We felt that the UN would offer us no tangible benefits, and at worst was likely to eventually infringe on our sovereignty. Today we realized that this was finally coming to fruition.

The issue of abortion is one of debate, though fundamentally we cannot understand why. Or perhaps we can, but do not wish to acknowledge the horror of what we see before us as a possible explanation.

The underlying question seems a simple one to us: Is a fetus a life? We certainly consider it one, and therefore have voted against this UN resolution as we see it to be an allowance for murder. Premeditated in most cases. We ask you to do the same. We certainly cannot vote for you, as that would infringe on your sovereign rights.

We have heard many arguments for the right of women to abort unwanted children. None of them seems justified to us ultimately. If anyone reading this believes they have a reasoning that is convincing, we implore you to message us so that we may better understand the reasoning of those who are "pro-choice."

We will acknowledge one exception to our anti-abortion stance. That is, should the delivery or pregnancy threaten the physical life of the mother at any point, then abortion is allowable. We cannot force someone to give their life up for another's.

For those who are willing to message us and try to convince us of their position, we welcome you. For those who are undecided or are willing to discuss the issue with us further in an attempt to understand our position, we welcome you as well.

02-06-2004, 02:56
o yea.. and no i do not remember the old african proverb and quite frankley i think it is crap
02-06-2004, 03:00
Should this resolution pass we Thoughtsmiths would be legally obligated to allow abortions. We are not concerned of this occuring within our borders as no Thoughtsmith would be willing to have an abortion. However, as we could not tolerate any organization that allows murder to be committed, we would resign our UN membership.
02-06-2004, 03:07
To those (usually very conservative) folks against right to choose:
1)What of incest and the girl's (and baby's) father does not want their child aborted..also rape and the mother's life being at stake?
2) For those who wish the religious argument against abortion--in the Bible (esp. Leviticus) a woman who has given birth is considered unfit to be part of the community 40 days if a boy is born and 80 days if a girl is born.
3) Children born into the world that were not wanted by their mothers are very likely to be abused,especially a "rape child".
4) If the baby is unlikely to be viable,or has a severe genetic defect, why force it live a short,unhappy,always in pain life?
02-06-2004, 03:08
The Cryptic Ones
02-06-2004, 03:22
Abortion is wrong. It is taking the God-given life of an innocent human being. I am sorry if the child was created because of a "mistake", but if you made the choice to "do it", you need to be responsible enough to accept the consequences.

The Cryptic Ones
02-06-2004, 03:22
Abortion is wrong. It is taking the God-given life of an innocent human being. I am sorry if the child was created because of a "mistake", but if you made the choice to "do it", you need to be responsible enough to accept the consequences.

02-06-2004, 03:35
I personally support a woman's right to choose, to a point. I can not vote for the resolution as it stands, however, of my own volition, and representing my region.
02-06-2004, 05:14
I am fully in agreeance with the idea of an abortion. If something is unwanted, it simply shouldn't be. Look at it this way, abortion is a way of population control. Abortion is also a way of keeping criminals off of the street by the most effective way possible, not letting them exist. Albeit, maybe an Einstein wont be born, but oh well, it's worth the risk. And don't bring this religious crap into this subject. God-given my tuckus. If god really wanted that baby to exist, then the mother wouldn't want an abortion, it's as simple as that. So to those of you who think abortion is an 'immoral' act, i say, shut up. I also find it interesting that those of you who are anti-abortion are most likely those of you who are pro-death penalty. Afterall, all abortions are are just pre-emptive strikes against crime ... :P
02-06-2004, 05:34
I must say that a life begins the moment the baby is conceived. When you talk to a pregnant woman they don't talk to the child inside of them as a fetus or embryo, they refer to it as their baby. Having a country or many countries decide the right of women is difficult becuase perhaps the people deciding have not been in the same position as to choose. I do believe though, that having an abortion is murder, making it legally wrong, but I believe it is also morally wrong. The women who must make this choice have other options such as:
***Adoption after the baby is born, there are plenty of people out there who want a child but are not able to conceive.
***Having someone help them with the financial and mental stress of raising a child.
***The woman could also hand over legal custody to another relative or the father of the baby.
Life doesn't begin when the baby is outside of the womb, it begins on the night of conception. If a person is pro-choice, they may not think about or realize that the child to be killed HAS NO CHOICE whether or not they die. Saying you are pro-choice is contradictory because while the woman may have a choice in the matter, the innocent child is killed. The Republic of Swasi is against this matter.
02-06-2004, 09:14
I'm pro-choice, but I don't like the way the resolution is written.
For example, the way it's worded, a woman could have an abortion right up until labor.

02-06-2004, 09:17
A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body as long as she doesn't hurt someone else. By aborting, a woman kills her unborn child.
Life begins at conception, and abortion is murder.

02-06-2004, 10:18
A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body as long as she doesn't hurt someone else. By aborting, a woman kills her unborn child.
Life begins at conception, and abortion is murder.


Consciousness begins at conception, too, then? I'd say that it couldn't and doesn't, and what happens to you before you achieve consciousness really shouldn't concern you, unless it disables you or whatever.

But yes; the wording does allow for some hideous abuses of human rights, as ElJefe notes.
02-06-2004, 10:32
The UN resolution is there for situations as Heian-Edo said:

1)What of incest and the girl's (and baby's) father does not want their child aborted..also rape and the mother's life being at stake?
2) For those who wish the religious argument against abortion--in the Bible (esp. Leviticus) a woman who has given birth is considered unfit to be part of the community 40 days if a boy is born and 80 days if a girl is born.
3) Children born into the world that were not wanted by their mothers are very likely to be abused,especially a "rape child".
4) If the baby is unlikely to be viable,or has a severe genetic defect, why force it live a short,unhappy,always in pain life?

The mother has the choice. Doesnt mean that she HAS to abort her child, it jus gives a mother a choice.

Sure its like "playing god" (if you believe in that crap), but isnt raising/educating a child the same? Puting ideas in their heads about things they possibly would never use or see?

I CHOOSE to vote for, because, You are you and you alone can decide what is it you want/need. Freedom of choice, freedom from having a bastard child of convicted rapist(s).

02-06-2004, 10:48
Consciousness begins at conception, too, then? I'd say that it couldn't and doesn't, and what happens to you before you achieve consciousness really shouldn't concern you, unless it disables you or whatever.

Death disables you. Totally and permanently.
02-06-2004, 11:04
There is already a thread discussing this.