31-05-2004, 21:49
Ladies and gentlemen:
I have submitted my revised "Act to Cure Arthritis" proposal to the UN.
I would sincerely appreciate any support you could give it.
Voting ends on Thursday, June 3.
Thank you.
To Cure Arthritis.
We, the Member states of the United Nations:
Do agree that Arthritis is a debilitating and destructive disease that plagues millions of people worldwide of all ethnic and social backgrounds, men, women, boys and girls of all ages.
Do agree to establish within the United Nations an agency committed to the discovery of a cure for Arthritis in it’s many forms. This agency, to be titled “The United Nations Agency for the Cure of Arthritis”, or “UNACA”, will be coordinated by a director and 5 sub-directors to be appointed by the Secretary General for 3 year terms. The director will coordinate research from a central base, with the 5 sub-directors heading 5 regional sites. The sites for the main base and 5 regional sites will be determined during initial program setup. UNACA will be comprised of 500-750 scientific and medical personnel as decided by the director and sub-directors, based on the submission of names from the Health Regulatory bodies of individual nations that wish to contribute resources and funds.
Do agree to share information accrued so far in regards to genetic, causal and empirical tests and discoveries in the pursuit of a cure for Arthritis. This includes the designs and trial study information of drugs developed in the race for a cure to this date. All patents currently in force shall be transferred to UNACA, with a one-time fee to be paid to the patent holder, to be decided by an unbiased arbiter, appointed by the Secretary General. All information concerning individuals will be kept in utmost confidence and under tight security.
Do agree that when a cure is found, UNACA will distribute to all UN member nations who contributed resources and/or funds to UNACA, the information to create and administer the cure. UN members, who did not contribute resources and non-UN nations, will be given access to the information upon a monetary contribution to UNACA to help offset the agency’s budget, to be negotiated between the individual nation and the director and sub-directors. In the case of other countries, a panel of 5 arbiters, made up of UN delegates of original contributing nations to UNACA, will decide if the countries can qualify for the cure under a “Faint Hope” clause. The “Faint Hope” clause stipulates that if a country is unable to contribute resources or money to UNACA due to lack of development, resources, medical knowledge or hardships suffered because of natural disasters, UNACA will use its resources to produce and deliver the drug(s) to the Health Regulatory bodies of those nations.
And lastly, do agree to implement UNACA within 18 months of the final approval of this proposal, as voted on by the member nations of the UN.
These measures are taken for the betterment of all mankind, as anyone at anytime may fall prey to this disease.
I have submitted my revised "Act to Cure Arthritis" proposal to the UN.
I would sincerely appreciate any support you could give it.
Voting ends on Thursday, June 3.
Thank you.
To Cure Arthritis.
We, the Member states of the United Nations:
Do agree that Arthritis is a debilitating and destructive disease that plagues millions of people worldwide of all ethnic and social backgrounds, men, women, boys and girls of all ages.
Do agree to establish within the United Nations an agency committed to the discovery of a cure for Arthritis in it’s many forms. This agency, to be titled “The United Nations Agency for the Cure of Arthritis”, or “UNACA”, will be coordinated by a director and 5 sub-directors to be appointed by the Secretary General for 3 year terms. The director will coordinate research from a central base, with the 5 sub-directors heading 5 regional sites. The sites for the main base and 5 regional sites will be determined during initial program setup. UNACA will be comprised of 500-750 scientific and medical personnel as decided by the director and sub-directors, based on the submission of names from the Health Regulatory bodies of individual nations that wish to contribute resources and funds.
Do agree to share information accrued so far in regards to genetic, causal and empirical tests and discoveries in the pursuit of a cure for Arthritis. This includes the designs and trial study information of drugs developed in the race for a cure to this date. All patents currently in force shall be transferred to UNACA, with a one-time fee to be paid to the patent holder, to be decided by an unbiased arbiter, appointed by the Secretary General. All information concerning individuals will be kept in utmost confidence and under tight security.
Do agree that when a cure is found, UNACA will distribute to all UN member nations who contributed resources and/or funds to UNACA, the information to create and administer the cure. UN members, who did not contribute resources and non-UN nations, will be given access to the information upon a monetary contribution to UNACA to help offset the agency’s budget, to be negotiated between the individual nation and the director and sub-directors. In the case of other countries, a panel of 5 arbiters, made up of UN delegates of original contributing nations to UNACA, will decide if the countries can qualify for the cure under a “Faint Hope” clause. The “Faint Hope” clause stipulates that if a country is unable to contribute resources or money to UNACA due to lack of development, resources, medical knowledge or hardships suffered because of natural disasters, UNACA will use its resources to produce and deliver the drug(s) to the Health Regulatory bodies of those nations.
And lastly, do agree to implement UNACA within 18 months of the final approval of this proposal, as voted on by the member nations of the UN.
These measures are taken for the betterment of all mankind, as anyone at anytime may fall prey to this disease.