NationStates Jolt Archive

75 Percent Clear Majority proposal

28-05-2004, 18:24
My fellow UN nations,

I have come to address an issue that I believe is vitally important to the future of our United Nations.

The Confederacy of Undivulged Principles has made a proposal to the UN to set up a 3/4th's Majority vote to the United Nations. Though this goes agensts one of the rules, I believe that it will make the UN community a stronger union. Take the recently passed "The 40 Hour Workweek" this really upsets me, as other socialist, communist, or extream capitalist nations. The UN power behind this was passed it only a 50.4%, in other words all the democratic nations VS the socialist and extream capitalists.

This Resolution should no effect Resolution that have passed in the past, but should effect all resolutions in the future.

I believe the future of our strong world Union depends on this proposal.
28-05-2004, 18:33
Point of Order, Mr. Secretary - this proposal would change the mechanics of the game, requiring a coding change, and is therefore not in order.
28-05-2004, 19:14
Goobergunchia is correct - if you wish to make a suggestion, use the Technical Forum. Not the UN proposals.