(Sorry if I'm not posting this in the right forum.)
If any of you would post your 2-cents on how endorsements & earning the UN Delegate spot works I'd appreciate it. I've read the FAQs, and thought I had it figured out, but now I'm not so sure.
Thanks in advance.
okay, this all depends on your region for the most part.
YOu got a bunch of countries in your region, countries from the UN can give you endorsments, the country with the most endorsments becomes the regional delegate.
did I help simplify?
Yes I understand that part, I guess I should've been a bit more specific. I'll try and explain the situation that raised the question for me. Yesterday I recieved an endorsement, I notified the nation that I planned on voting the opposite way on the proposal. Today they have an endorsement for a different nation, but they are still listed as an endorsement for me, as well.
Two nations in our region both have the same number of endorsements now. Can the same nation endorse me every day? Do the endorsements accumulate?
Doylism I kind of gt what your saying, and kind of don't so I hope this helps you out regarding your question :
1) Endorsemnts can only come from or be given to nations in your region, that is, you and they must be in the same region.
2) Naturally, you also got to be in the U.N.
3) You can only endorse a nation once, while they have that endorsement. You can how-ever with-draw that endorsement from you to them if you so wish, as they can to you. For what-ever reason you / they wish.
4) So you cannot endorse the same nation mulitple times at once and vice-versa, :wink:
5) Also, in the event a pair of nations in a region hve the same number of endorsements, both having the highest number out of the region, some kind of mysterious black magic decideds who will be delegate. Which means, I don't know, but think its decided on who has had the endorsements longer, or is just random.
Conclusion : Provided you are both U.N. members, and in the same region, you can endorse as many nations as you wish, but can only endorse each nation once. Same applies for them.
Hope that helps.
- Le Représentant de Komokom.
Ministre Régional de Substance.
L'Ordre de Vaillant États.
http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/komokom.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/24401/page=display_nation)
Aspirez a la legalite avec l'egalite
<--- Not a Moderator, just a Know It All.
That helped. Thank you very much. :D