Will someone tell me who becomes the delegate if their is an equal number of endorsements? :twisted:
At this time I am unsure, though from my observations of my own region, its either who ever most recently got the endorsement, or its random. Then again, I am unsure, perhaps one of the moderators would be best to ask this, it is certainly interesting. Quite a few times its been raised in the region I run / co-habitate.
- The Rep of Komokom, RMoS.
this isn't a UN issue. Stop cluttering up the forum.
Free Soviets
09-05-2004, 05:14
Will someone tell me who becomes the delegate if their is an equal number of endorsements? :twisted:
the nation who has been in the region the longest, iirc.
Ah, well, sense that makes. :)
"Try not to become a player of success, but rather, try to become a player of value."
- The Rep of Komokom, RMoS.