NationStates Jolt Archive

Proposal on Abortion

30-04-2004, 06:03
For all interested, I just made a proposal entitled "Outlaw Abortion". The title obviously explains its intent, so throw in your support!
30-04-2004, 11:12
Moved :arrow: United Nations

Forum Moderatz0r
30-04-2004, 11:24
oh dear..... :roll:

has got less chance of passing than a snowball has of surviving in Hell...

no clear consensus can be made on this topic, and the UN should not be deciding such issues.
30-04-2004, 11:49
A delegate is found sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. They are clutching their knees to their chest, gently rocking back and forth, muttering to themselves.

"...but they never stop, no, they don't, they just keeping plaguing us with their stupidity. Back and forth, back and forth, always, always. Ban abortion, ban gay rights, show no awareness that the issue cannot be resolved. No, no, no, no, make it stop, make it STOP..."
30-04-2004, 11:50
How can anyone possibly be anti-choice on this planet? With birth control being only moderately effective in preventing pregnancy (between 70-99%, but still never perfect), not to mention being difficult to procure, expensive to buy, and not covered by health care, with the exception of the UK. Not to mention people being denied sterilization when they ask for it because they're under 35 and healthy. Also, the soaring overpopulation on this planet and the millions of kids born with fetal alcohol syndrome, down's symdrome, crack addiction, harlequin baby syndrome, hydrocephalus, mermaid baby syndrome, massive developmental or mental defects due to parental drug abuse, alcoholism or etc etc.

If this weren't enough, people with serious, life-threatening genetic disorders who decide to have children KNOWING that their children will grow up with serious defects. How can you NOT think people should abort?!

OK, let's say you're anti-choice because your "insert deity here" thinks it's bad. First of all, nowhere in the Bible does it mention abortion, nor does it mention that life begins at conception. There are people who try to stretch obscure passages of the Old Testament off as "anti-abortion," but let's be pretty honest here; you can find a Bible passage to support ANYTHING! I mean, all the "Christians" out there can be stoned to death for wearing a piece of clothing made of more than one type of material (Poly-Cotton blends are apparently a hell-worthy tresspass) according to their Bible. But the vast majority of religious types pick and choose passages that they decide to follow in order to feel sanctimonious, and then discard the rest conveniently because it doesn't suit their particular platform. If you want to be a Christian, fine, but walk the walk people! Besides, you can't take "an eye for an eye" while "turning the other cheek." Christianity is a walking oxymoron.

If you dislike abortion, peachy. Don't get one! Even if your genome is so incredibly messed up that your offspring would make the cast of "Deliverance" look as normal as the "Melrose Place" folk, I still don't have the right to tell you that you MUST abort (though sometimes, I'd just like to have that particular magic wand). Just as you don't have the right to tell me what to do with my body, one way or another.

People talk about facing the "reprecussions of your actions" in terms of having sex. Answer me this; if you had protected sex and contracted a curable STD (chlamydia, gonorhea etc.) despite your precautions, what would you do? If you went to the doctor and sought treatment, then you're not facing the "reprecussions of your actions." By the same logic, you should sit idly by and let the disease run its course, rendering you violently sick, and risking your life rather than undergoing a simple medical procedure to heal you.

Some logic.
30-04-2004, 12:01
Looks like I'm not the only one pissed off with these proposals...
30-04-2004, 12:43
you think? :wink:

I was not posting my main concerns about anti-choice (others might say pro-life) to start a debate on the whole subject, I was outlining my reasons why this cannot be voted for in good faith by any who are pro-choice.

Personally, I think pro-choice or anti-choice should be considered with the same freedoms of religon and sexuality rather than simply banned or permitted outright.
30-04-2004, 14:20
I hope that proposal wasn't serious.
30-04-2004, 14:24
I hope that proposal wasn't serious.

It's not the first time Asheboro has posted idiotic resolutions. Normally newbies get the message the first time on what they should or should not be submitting, but sadly Asheboro seems a little slower than most :lol:
30-04-2004, 14:25
I hope that proposal wasn't serious.

it's not the first time Asheboro has posted idiotic proposals. :roll: