I, the Holy Empire of Al Zabir, am the UN Delegate for the progressive Islamic Region of Mustafa Al Kabiria. I speak to you with the support of the region's President nation, the Republic of Shalalalalalalalalalab.
We have encounted much prejudice, intolerence in the world. We wish to put forward a resolution to reform our current Religious Freedom laws.
We want to outlaw bigotry, we want to show our suppoprt for all religions and even those who choose to not to be religious, atheists. We wish to support those who are pursecuted because of their religion.
However we do not have enough endorsements to push forward such a Resolution.
If you share in our values and vision of a better world then I ask you to endorse the nations of AL ZABIR and SHALALALALALALALALALAB.
Al Zabir
UN Delegate for Mustafa Al Kabira
Members, I consider this issue to be of real importance, please lend us your endorsements.
I, sacred President and Immam of Mustafa Al Kabiria feel this is of great importance and that nations who do not agree are merely turning their back and being neglegent. This matter is of great concern.
Hmmm, clarify what particular endorsements you mean. Do you mean endorsements from other nations to you so you can submit it? Or endorsements to the proposal in que? Because if you mean endorsements too you to submit it, then you require your fellow region inhabitants, other-wise you need delegates if its in que.
Make sense? Hope I helped in some way... Please do clarify. :)
- The Rep of Komokom.
His Holiness Pope Liam, Pontiff of the Church of Psychotropics and Founder of Shambhala refuses to endorse this proposal. While citizens of Psychotropics enjoy religious freedom, We, the most Holy Church of Psychotropics, do not feel it is in our place, or anyones for that matter, to dictate to another Nation what they should or shouldn't do in regards to religion.
On a side note.....
Our team of Scholars has found this passage in "The Table" chapter of the Koran...
"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. God does not guide the wrongdoers"
So it seems the prejudice is coming not from outside of Islam to Muslims... but from Muslims to other faiths. Therefore you might want to rethink your proposal.... else you will be sanctioning yourself for your own religion.
Bishop Strangelove, High Minister of Religious Relations for all of Psychotropics
The Holy Empire of Gethamane acknowledges the freedom of others to practice whatever religion they desire (or the lack of religion).
Gethamane would consider the support of a resolution regarding Religious Tolerance... provided that it added useful clauses in addition to those already in place by a previous resolution.
However, The Holy Empire of Gethamane refuses to outlaw bigotry or racism as concepts (hate crimes are obviously outlawed) as we have no police force that is qualified or willing to police the private (or public) thoughts of our citizens.
Were this proposal to be put forth, the wording would have to be suitably careful so as to prevent any "thought-policing" that could occur as a result.