NationStates Jolt Archive

Endorsement needed for environmental project

06-03-2004, 20:02
Hazatak needs at least two endorsements to send this project to the UN. It revolves around creating a global fund to help smaller and poor countries to keep their natural reserves, and to create international protected areas, the Global Parks, under the UN admnistration, that would involve more than one country, without interfering on those countries individuality. It aims to keep the climatic balance of the planet, to minimize the effects of the iminent overpopulation, and to develop underdeveloped countries.

This is what the project looks like so far. It was writen all at once, so if it loses sense sometimes, we apologize. Any imput (and endorsement) is welcome:

<b>Global Parks</b>

The world population increases continuously in geometric progression every day. This increase demands a crescent expansion of cultivated lands, which forces the natural ecossystems more and more to shrink into unsustainable land areas. Now, most forests, savannas, swamps, even deserts and tundras are in high risk of a permanent colapse, which would be a catastrophe of global proportions, influencing the temperatures, air quality, rainfall, water polution, sea level increase, and causing all sorts of climatic disasters such as floods, droughts and hurricanes.

In other words, the expansion of humanity is causing its own destruction. However, many countries took the initiative to protect their natural resources, with national parks and ecologic reserves, plus an environmentalist education on urban areas and implementation of new agricultural technologies to enhance the food production.

But, nothing is perfect. Some poor countires have also took this initiative to protect their environment. But, with lack of economical resources (in fact, some of them have already collapsed economically), social problems, civil war, and other internal issues of such, their plans have been ruined, and their natural resources, a significative part of the global natural balance, are running out. We are not even going to mention the countries that are just not putting any effort towards it and are virtually destroying everything they can put their hands on.

We propose that the United Nations create a fund to help the poorest countries to protect nature. This fund would come from a compulsory donation from wealthier nations, or any other nation that is willing to donate. This, of course, could cause a slight tax raise on those countries, but we believe they can deal with this minor issue. Massive economies would contribute a lot with a very little percentage of their national income. We would also like to make it clear that we propose the UN, as a whole, to be responsable over this fund, and that the donating countries can´t decide by themselves what to do with it.

The second proposal is the creation of Global Parks. Following the model of National Parks, land areas where wild life is protected from human activities withing a country´s territory, controled by national guards, we propose the creation of international protection areas that involves territories of more than one country. Ecossystems need a minimum area to sustain itself, and sometimes a country doesn´t have enough room to keep a forest alive by just protecting it from human activity. It is useles if the neighbour country won´t take care of their own portion of that same forest.

The creation of those parks won´t interfere on any country´s soberany, since only soldiers and guards of each nation will be able to inspect the portion of the parks on their territory. The only interference will be the UN admnistrators, that will be responsible for each Global Park, but will not have the powers to modify the pre-determined park areas.

To create these Global Parks, controled by UN agents and protected by national guards of each nation involved on each park, the special fund cited above will be used. It will be a financial stimulus for smaller countries to keep their efforts on environmentalist and educational programs, to develop their agriculture - on already cultivated areas - , and to keep safe the park area on their territories.

We hope this proposal gets voted. We believe that, this way, we can preserve the global natural resources, prevent climatic trouble, develop the economy of small and poor countries, and still be able to sustain the global population increase.
06-03-2004, 22:03
Hail to Hazatak!
08-03-2004, 19:16
I suggest running your proposal through a spell check. This is very difficult to read with all of the errors.
Over den Yssel
08-03-2004, 19:47
ask for endorsements in your region!!!