NationStates Jolt Archive

The latest UN Resolution

18-02-2004, 03:47
You are all stupid fools! Does anyone here actually read the forum? The stinking person who made the latest piece of garbage has himself recanted on it saying that people should vote it down. And here we are with an almost two-to-one vote FOR IT! If the person who wrote it thinks that it stinks, then what does that say about it? I'll give you a hint, it sucks! Just use your foolish little minds and for God's sake vote against it! If you don't you are a retarded, idiotic sheep who deserves to be put out to pasture... with a shotgun!
-And Just remember that there is always plenty of... Booyah For All!
18-02-2004, 03:58
I voted against it, mostly but disorganization and vagueness. However, During your ranting you provide no reasons. What are your thoughts on teh proposal itself, as opposed to those who approve of it?
18-02-2004, 04:03
Hey someone voted yes. :lol:
18-02-2004, 06:55
Darkbladia remains strongly opposed to this resolution not because we disrespect the environment, but becuase we respect national soveirnty. The resolution does not specify just how tree cutting will be reduced. Quotas? Trade sanctions? Governmetn takeover? Furthermore, decisions such as these shouldnot be made by a global body, adn the proper balance between economic growth and protcetion of hte environment varies form country to country. This bill could literally force millions into poverty and collapse entire governmetns dependent upon lumber.
18-02-2004, 13:46
If Booyah For All can tell us what "Leagilized killing" is we might be interested, we understand a little bit about killing but...
18-02-2004, 13:56
I believe he means that the killing of those voting yes on the current resolution would be sanctioned.
18-02-2004, 14:04
You want me to shoot some tree-hugging hippie with a shotgun?! How lame.

*gets out his chainsaw*
18-02-2004, 14:27
Two men from Albion dressed in unkempt dinner jackets take to the podium to tell the gathered members what they think of 'Booyah's polemic:

Man. 1: My dog's got no nose!

Man 2.: How does it smell?

Man 1.: Terrible!

They leave the podium followed by John Marat who grins his sickly, toothy grin and says: 'and that was the official comment from the Supreme Soviet Of Albion'.

He then takes a large intake of breath, places his hands together in a prayer like gesture, and leaves the podium.
18-02-2004, 14:40
If Booyah For All can tell us what "Leagilized killing" is we might be interested, we understand a little bit about killing but...
A yes vote in the poll is a vote for the slaughter of all who voted yes in the poll.
18-02-2004, 15:41
So, if I vote yes in this poll, I am voting to have myself killed, yes? I mean no, err...well I mean...
18-02-2004, 18:01
Nippola is strongly opposed to this resolution not only because of it's terrible grammar and spelling errors, but also because our wood chip industry would suffer greatly.
18-02-2004, 18:06
So you want to kill people because they have a different opinion than you? How swell. Why don't we vote on whether or not we should be able to kill people for making fun of our mothers.
18-02-2004, 18:12
Killing these people would be too nice. I say that we have a world-wide rally when this bill passes. Then while they are all partying, using only recycled materials, we gas them all...................

I also want to know where this idiot went to school. I think that his school should be demolished and replaced by a shopping mall. It obviously isn't working at all as this guy is a dumbass.......... that cannot spell.
18-02-2004, 19:28
You want me to shoot some tree-hugging hippie with a shotgun?! How lame.

*gets out his chainsaw*

Chainsaw? Bah, *gets out a bulldozer*
*mows down some more trees... whoops there was a treehugger there... whoops, another one*

Would like to bring out a fleet of bombers equipped with N2 bombs just to flatten down entire sections of forests, but that'd cause serious health risks...

Hey, Everyday, that idea is interesting. :D

Seriously, though. Mandatory active involvement in forum discussions should be a requirement for UN members... (shouldn't be hard, just keep track weekly if the person checked the forums at least once)
That would get people to think more... or at least use more parts of their brain to go click an extra link, and just maybe read something in their lives.
18-02-2004, 20:04
So you want to kill people because they have a different opinion than you? How swell. Why don't we vote on whether or not we should be able to kill people for making fun of our mothers.

if you're making fun of my mother, i'll kill you.
yes, we need to nuke all countries who voted "yes" on this resolution.

18-02-2004, 21:29
Sorry about the delay that it took to get this up here, but I beleive that I do have answers for all of you. First off, if you vote yes for the leagleized killing of those who voted yes to the resolution, then you are allowing people to murder them without getting punished. I'm not really sure of how else that term could be used, but if you think up some examples... be sure to send them to the mother of the dude I just killed for making fun of MY mother (If you're dumb and don't get the reference, then read some other posts on the page). As per that same persons opinion on whether or not we should kill others for their opinion, I would advise you to look not only at the dictatorships of the world which happen to exist and use this principle, but also the Patriot Act of the grand ole' USA.While you might not die for your opinion, you can certainly suffer jail time. If that doesn't persuade you then how about looking up what happend to the Japenese on the West Coast during WW II? The fact of the matter is that jailing and the death penality has been used for many such minor offensives. Those who still disagree with the Entity of Booyah For All, will be happy that the sheep are still lining up to be shot by me for voting yes (or as some might want, to be chainsawed)
-And Just remember that there is always plenty of... Booyah For All!
18-02-2004, 22:49
I don't want nunya Booyah. Just give me a chainsaw. Those treehuggers are spreading like locusts, and they bring down the price of the timber.