NationStates Jolt Archive

Prop: International Games

Topless Polecats
13-02-2004, 22:57
I am not a delegate (I am relatively new and I can't seem to find a region where anyone is very active in the game, BTW could use some help there too), however, I would love to see a resolution proposed that implements a NS International Games.

Here is what I think would be the general provisions of said resolution:

1) Winter and Summer games will take place every other year. There will be a host for each.

2) A Games Committee is established by UN vote, consisting of 13 member nations, whose purpose will be:
a) identify the competitions to take place
b) field proposals from member nations for hosting rights
c) regulate the spirit of the games, including but not limited to:
i) ensuring amateur athlete status
ii) ensuring all rules for competition are abided by (example of such is a ban of performance enhancing substances)
iii) ensuring all participant nations have an equal right to compete

3) The Games Committee will dissolve at the completion of the Games in any given year and a new committee will be voted upon by the entire UN. No single member can serve consecutive terms.

4) Any Committee decision is subject to UN approval by simple majority and 10% quorum.

5) The only gain, aside from International prestige, is the money generated by tourism in the hosting nation.

6) "Shenanigans" can be reported by any nation who believes they have been wronged in a competitive endeavour. When "Shenanigans" are leveled, the leveling nation must provide proof and the Committee will hear arguments from both parties. A penalty will be decided by the Committee and the most severe result will be a lifetime ban from the Games.

7) The Committee can expel any nation that exploits the Games for national or corporate ends (this excludes the host nation advertising, and sponsoring the games. This should also exclude broadcasting as a corporation).

I don't know, just a thought. Would you vote for it? What would you change/add/strike?

Topless Polecats
13-02-2004, 23:55
This is a Frisbeeterian puppet

I think this is an excellent idea, and kudos to Topless Polecats for proposing it. I have no idea if it's been done before, but if not it's about time.

TP, there are major problems with this as a proposal, so let me just start by saying "scrap the whole thing and start over." First, articles 3 and 4 would get this deleted as a game mechanics issue, and there are other significant problems. That said, let's look, at some alternatives.

First, I've taken the liberty of creating this puppet nation, Olympic Ideal, and opened up a new Region called NationStates Olympics. I offer you this nation if you want it, and will telegram you the password if so desired.

Second, this can't be a UN run operation, but it can be UN sanctioned. We can use this thread to compose a new resolution authorizing a UN approved Olympic Games, but not requiring one be created.

Third, the Olympics themselves would need to role-played. It's going to take some organization to do so, and I set up the region for the purpose of getting the organizers all in one place. UN delegate powers have been turned off, so invaders shouldn't bother it. I'd use the Gameplay and/or NationStates forums to invite nations to either join your region directly or send a puppet nation to participate.

If you can gather at least two other UN nations who agree to endorse you for delegate of this region (I'd look for new arrivals in the various Pacifics), you can become delegate and present a proposal. (actually, the proposal part is easy. Go to any Pacific and you'll probably get two endorsements quickly. )

If anyone is interested in pursuing this, I'll be delighted to help out with some Proposal suggestions. I invite regular role-players (which I'm not) to make suggestions on how best to roleplay this.

This could be fun!
15-02-2004, 12:32
Bahgum likes this, it's refreshingly different to the usual topics. Can we suggest some events? How about:
Underwater Tiddlywinks
Flat Cap Discuss
Long Distance Pigeon Racing
Cream Cake Eating Relay Race

Any other nations have ideas?

Sir Albert Threllfall-Bahgum
(Well Eee Bah Gum-that's our 100th posting, sithee all down t'pub for a celebratory pint...By Eck..)
15-02-2004, 18:44
This sounds like an actual good proposal! The only issue that needs to be resolved is who pays for the games and the committee. The UN does not collect taxes and has no funds of its own, so I suggest that either

1) The host country pays, in exchange for the tourism and the increased international reputation of the nation.


2) Each nationstate involved in the games pays an equal share.
15-02-2004, 18:49
I like this, too!

Drop me a line when you're set up to receive endorsements and whatnot, for Olympic matters.
15-02-2004, 18:51
This sounds like an actual good proposal! The only issue that needs to be resolved is who pays for the games and the committee. The UN does not collect taxes and has no funds of its own, so I suggest that either

1) The host country pays, in exchange for the tourism and the increased international reputation of the nation.


2) Each nationstate involved in the games pays an equal share.

We also have to figure out:

How to choose the host country
What games will be played

And probably quite a few other things that I'm forgetting. It sounds like a great idea, though!
15-02-2004, 20:17
Well Bahgum has already made a start on which games to play and if we can include stuffing ferrets down your trousers as an event too, then Bahgum will gladly pay for and host the first UN games!!
15-02-2004, 23:23
then Bahgum will gladly pay for and host the first UN games!!
DING DING DING! I think we have a winner here!

Let each event be paid for by the host country that offers to do so. The more, the merrier. Keep UN funds and ideas out of it, and let the organizers set it up themselves.

Put Bahgum down as the Official Host of Ferret Legging!
16-02-2004, 11:08
Thank you Frisbeteeria. Our ferret training programme is in full flow, prepare to be in awe of our mighty baggy trousered athletes.
Our 200m clog dashers are unstoppable too!
Emperor Matthuis
16-02-2004, 11:52
Well Bahgum has already made a start on which games to play and if we can include stuffing ferrets down your trousers as an event too, then Bahgum will gladly pay for and host the first UN games!!

17-02-2004, 09:48
Bahgum is pleased to announce that we have started work on an international ferret trouser stuffing stadium. The stadium will be multi-purpose and will include facilities for a clog dashing track, pigeon loft, and flat cap discus field.
Topless Polecats
17-02-2004, 17:05
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to my initial post and responses, these are all very good.

Thank you, Frisbeeteria, for moving the discussion forward. I'll probably take you up on the Region/Nation for the "Olympics" discussion, but would really appreciate any assitance you can lend on this (seeing as if I am very new to the game).

My initial thoughts and proposal provisions were a suggestion, I like what I am hearing so far (perhaps other than sticking ferrets down trousers - ferrets are polecats and should remain free from possibly harmful activities). I agree, UN involvement should be tangental at best. Perhaps just setting up the Olympic Region and putting a resolution out there that broadly states that the UN recognizes the "Olympic Games" (or whatever they wind up being named) as an Internationally beneficial organization.

Please let's keep up the discourse/momentum here!
17-02-2004, 19:08
I am saddened to announce that our glorious leader was upset by the implied comment that ferrets are harmed in our national sport. Bahgums sporting almanacs can confirm that no ferret has ever been harmed and that, in fact, these ferrets live a life of luxury as only prize athletes should. Injury in ferret trouser filling is solely a risk to the human participant, which is as it should be in any olympic sport.

Sir Albert Threllfall (ambassador of Bahgum)
17-02-2004, 19:17
Injury in ferret trouser filling is solely a risk to the human participant, which is as it should be in any olympic sport.
As my good friend (and former Frisbeeterian National Ferret-Legging Champion) Travis "One-Ball" O'Neil once observed, "By damn, those little claws are sharp, aren't they? Vicious little buggers!"
17-02-2004, 19:19
Yeah, I er, don't do a lot o'public speaking like, but er, will there be a soccer 'ooligan contest? Me an' the lads here at Red Star Albion FC was 'oping to make friendly relations wiv the old foreign nations like, by er, sticking the boot in like. Know wot I mean?

Larry Fait,

Red Star Albion FC (manager)
17-02-2004, 19:20
We too would like to reassure Topless Polecats that ferrets are not in danger in the traditional sport of ferret trouser stuffing. The male contestant however is in serious danger of suffering the unpleasant condition known as 'nadger gnawing'. As for the female contestant...well, don't try this at home, kids.

The more robust of Ecopoeia's alcohol imbibing population have cultivated a highly developed 'downing' sport with numerous subtle variations. We hereby submit this for approval by the future international games committee.

Finally, hearty thanks to Bahgum for offering to host the inaugural games. We are hard pushed to think of a more appropriate and accommodating host.

Zo Boone
Speaker on Leisure
17-02-2004, 19:57
Here is a first draft of a UN proposal that might meet the criteria of the UN. Please review and offer suggestions and comments.

It is Frisbeeteria's contention that the honor of placing any such proposal should go to Topless Polecats or a puppet of his (he hasn't taken Olympic Ideal from me yet, but the offer is out there), regardless of the level of additional help provided by this committee.

I'm thinking this should be proposed under The Furtherance of Democracy, A resolution to increase democratic freedoms. Strength: As Mild as possible.

The achievments of individual human beings should not necessarily be confined by national borders. Recognizing that fact, the United Nations of NationStates stands fully behind the concept of International Sports as a platform to further the growth of the individual, and by extension, that individual's nation. Harmonious gatherings of many nations serve to reduce international conflicts, and further the concept of human excellence.

Let it be resolved that

1. The NationStates United Nations officially recognizes the concept of a NationStates Olymics (henceforth NSO).

2. An Olymics Organizing Committee (OOC) may be created, for each separate session of the NS Olympic Games, by any Member Nations who wish to participate.

3. Each NSO OOC shall be responsible for establish such rules, events, and occurences as may be required for the successful operation of the NSO. Non-UN members may be invited to participate at the sole discretion of the OOC.

4. Any member nation may volunteer to host an Olympic Event, said event to be held in, and funded by, that nation. All events will be played in the NationStates venue representing that nation or consortium of nations. No funding for these games will be provided by the NationStates UN.

5. No member nation may be denied the right to participate in the NSO. Individual atheletes or teams may be banned for infractions, but such infractions will not prevent said nation from participating in other events legally.

6. The United Nations of NationStates, as sanctioning body of these Games, offers the use of these halls on a periodic basis for the purposes of opening, closing, and awards ceremonies.
Topless Polecats
17-02-2004, 21:37
Dunno how to take control of the puppet government, other than by signing on under its password... I'll try to figure it out later this afternoon or tomorrow.

I imagine football (or soccer, or futbol, or futebol, or whatever your spelling) would be something the committee would evaluate as would ferret trousering (because of lag, I am afraid to check on the actual sporting name for this endeavor).

I suppose if the ferret gets stuck, you could cook a pot roast and play some soft music. That might entice him out.
17-02-2004, 22:02
Dunno how to take control of the puppet government, other than by signing on under its password
That is exactly how you do it. I believe I sent you the password, please telegram me if I forgot.

There are any number of ongoing sporting events going on here, as a quick scan of the NationStates Forum would show. Perhaps some of the NS Sports fans would like to tell us what is going on, so we don't step on any toes.

I believe the NS Olympics should concentrate on more of the individual sporting events that don't get as much coverage as the hugely popular team sports. Here are some of the thoughts we've been having.

Poll Vault - the fine art of election-rigging by sneaking out the back way and avoiding exit polls.
Pommel Horse - widely practiced here in the UN. Also known as 'beating a dead horse'.
Javelin Toss - a mean feat of strength, as the contestant tosses an older-model AMC car the furthest distance. Some nations take this further and toss a fighter aircraft.
Hammer Toss - How far can you throw the artist who "Can't Touch This"?
100 Meter Relay - carrying a large quantity of electrical devices back and forth across a field
Speed Skating - Slalom through the stacks of amphetemines

I could go on for hours, but you see the point. The events need to show the abilities of some individual or team, but aren't necessarily the major, popular team events.
Oppressed Possums
18-02-2004, 00:03
Full contact golf
18-02-2004, 00:38
I'd like to turn this topic back into a UN thread, so let me make a few suggestions to Topless Polecats and anyone else interested.

First thing would be to open up a Regional Recruiting topic in Gameplay, inviting folks to join the NationStates Olympics ( I've done that here ( Next would be to create puppet nations that fit the theme, and have them join the region. If anyone reading this is interested in setting up a regional forum, that could be fun (assuming anyone else is interested).

Then we could take this topic and try to make a decent proposal that's not very intrusive, but has clear purpose and a truly international flavor. I've started that above, and would really like some comments
Topless Polecats
18-02-2004, 16:50
I have set up Team TP and added them to the Region NationStates Olympics! Woo hoo! (I know, it's not such a big deal... but it's a start).

We can use the Gameplay forum set up by Frisbeeteria to discuss what we need initially and what rules by which we'll operate. And we can use the Regional forum to discuss finer points (i.e. when we run inot something in the larger forum that should be discussed in the smaller forum, we'll move the talk there).

Is this amenable to all involved thusfar?

I will post a message on the Gameplay forum tootsweet.
Topless Polecats
20-02-2004, 16:30
OK, posting first to move this back to the top.

Second, had a thought last night about mechanics...

Once we've determined the "sports" involved in each set of games, depending on the number of sports we had involved, we could then rank each nation based on their personal sports preferences. That reads funny, so how's about an example:

Nation1 really likes ferret trousering (gulp) and the carrot toss and cares somewhat about cold war gymnastics and doesn't really care too much about the rest of the sports. So, they would rank their interest as FT=3, CT = 2, CWG=1, All others = 0.

Nation2 really likes CWG, followed by the CT, then FT, and then all others. They wouild rank their interest as CWG=3, CT=2, CWG=1, All other=0.

What we do with these rankings is turn them into weights. Whenever there is a sporting competition these weights are used as a multiplier against some randomly generated number (we would have a moderator, looks like me for the first set of games, that doesn't compete and rolls and records the results on the regional forum everyday the games take place). So, in our above example, we would expect tight competition in Carrot Tossing.

Does any of this make sense?
20-02-2004, 16:33
I'm impressed! I think this could really work. Cheers for all the hard work - I'll try to spread the word in the ACA region and see if we can get a few competitors.

Zo Boone
Speaker for Leisure
Community of Ecopoeia
Topless Polecats
20-02-2004, 19:54
Here is a list of suggested sports we have so far for the competitions:

Poll Vault
Pommel Horse
Javelin Toss
Hammer Toss
100 Meter Relay
Speed Skating
Ferrett Trousering :shock:
Intl. Football
Full contact golf

I would like to see a few more suggestions... I think we've got to keep it light but also have some serious games thrown in there as well. I really like the where this is going. We might need descriptions and details of the lesser known sports, such as Ferrett Trousering and Full Contact Golf.

Any other thoughts on the "weights" v. randomly generated number system?

Also, remember, some sports will naturally be Nation1 v. Nation2; whereas, others will be all nations v. each other. In the end there must be a way to determine Gold, Silver, Bronze.