Missuse of UN System
30-01-2004, 13:52
I don't know about anybody else but I've noticed that the civilized level of our once democratic, sensible United Nations system has dropped through the floor.
Case in point, over the last few weeks I have been told that in my nation my government must:
1. LEGALISE EUTHANAISIA - No debate, no logical thinking, just legalisation of one of the most controversial issues of our time.
2. CEASE VEGETATION CLEARING OF ANY TYPE - So now we're only allowed to expand onto our flat land and that’s it. Brilliant, lets all become Japanese.
It is my observation that:
1. The UN is AGAIN reaching beyond its mandate and control and instead of trying to pass legislation involving the interacting of nations is trying to meddle in our nations INTERNAL affairs.
2. The only people using the UN now apart from those good few who desperately try to stop these resolutions passing are meddlesome fools with brains the size of a Googlewooper Stink Beetle's ass.
3. The only people using the UN now apart from those good few who desperately try to stop these resolutions passing are SEX STARVED FREAKS with nothing better to do than imagine that in there country, it is illegal to wear clothes, mandatory to have multiple wives and now LEGAL TO PROSTITUTE!
It is my belief that these utter twits should:
1. Imagine by them selves and stop slapping their implications on to the rest of us
2. Get some brains BIGGER than a Googlewooper Stink Beetle's ass
3. Stop making a mockery of our UN system which we once used to use as a useful tool in our relationships with other nations.
I will soon be putting this into UN resolution format and passing it through what is left of the system. If it does not pass which I expect it won't and I am asked to comply to any more ridiculous resolutions, I'm packing it in and leaving and ask many of you to do the same.
Thank you for your attention.
Jonathan Hay
President, the Republic of Googlewoop
30-01-2004, 14:01
The UN is still democratic, the majority decides. If you disagree, just leave the UN. Simple as that.
The Protectorate of Windreaver stands by the noble nation of Googlewhop in this matter. UN meddling has gone far enough, this is griefing on a grand scale.
We aren't allowed to declare war on the UN, sadly, or I probably would do so just to prove a point.
30-01-2004, 14:01
The UN is still democratic, the majority decides. If you disagree, just leave the UN. Simple as that.
Although recent to the politics of the UN, we find this cynism infectious - we share your concerns that idiocy is stretching the UN mandate, and is rapidly reducing the credibility of the organisation to that of the League of Nations (infamously banned war after WW1, and then WW2 happened).
It's by eliminating foolish proposals lacking any sort of serious content that the UN can avoid becoming irrelevant and impotent.
30-01-2004, 14:22
The President of Googlewoop thanks the intuitive and just leaders of the 'non-crackpot' nations of Windreaver and Hirota!
30-01-2004, 14:24
The UN is still democratic, the majority decides. If you disagree, just leave the UN. Simple as that.
If I just wanted to leave for good, I would have done son a LOOOOOnG time ago. The point is that most of us enjoy and sometimes rely on a DECENTLY FUNCTIONING United Nations to help with our ties to other nations. Leaving does not solve the problem. Fixing the system does.
the legalisation of prostitution was the straw that broke the camels back in my opinion, it is filthy, immoral and corrupt and has no businnes being made legal. anyone who feels the same way or differently can send me a telegram.
30-01-2004, 14:27
the legalisation of prostitution was the straw that broke the camels back in my opinion, it is filthy, immoral and corrupt and has no businnes being made legal. anyone who feels the same way or differently can send me a telegram.
EXACTLY What I am talking about! HEAR, HEAR! This kind of support is what we need.
Another question - how do we eliminate this nonsense?
30-01-2004, 14:47
Our special committee into this dilemma (headed by our UN delegate, Mr Tea and Koffee Anan) will recess for some sleep and to consult with the delegations of some other powerful friends.
We should have a course of action to follow by around next weekend. Hopefully we aren’t signing many more resolutions until then.
Jonathan Hay
President, the Republic of Googlewoop
30-01-2004, 14:48
Meeting in plenum session, the people of Bobalubaland have consensed on a shared national state of disconcertion at the apparent state of affairs with respect to the UN.
We had applied for membership in that body under the misapprehension that this would facilitate international relations, particularly with respect to the sharing of recipes. Being required to euthanize Prostitutes on overgrown hillsides was never mentioned in the brochures.
The good people of the Serene Republic of Bobalubaland have declared the third Tuesday in February a "National Day of Contemplation of Things", a forceful step with little precedent in the modern age, but one that seems right considering the present situation.
The bad people of Bobalubaland have declared the third Tuesday in February "the 17th" in an act of cynicism protected under the Normalized Code of Bobalubaland, Volume 2 (hardcover edition).
The Blackguard
30-01-2004, 14:50
By imposing a new international law that requires all heads of state to have an iq over 90?
The UN really is losing touch with what it was designed for, what it really needs is a group of people willing to dredge through the legistation proposals and decide if they belong there or not.
West Lancashire
30-01-2004, 14:59
West Lancashire
30-01-2004, 15:09
West Lancashire is a new nation new to the UN and we have to say that motions like this one about prostitution and the one on euthanasia are not the business of an international body.
The UN should be dealing with issues of basic human rights, trade and international disputes not meddling with the internal affairs of its members on what are issues of conscience.
Also West Lancashire would like to know why no motion put to the UN has ever been defeated. Is it the case that the regional delegates who get to choose which motions come before the UN have too much power?
30-01-2004, 15:14
We had resigned from the UN following a massive vote in support of euthanasia and not because it goes agains out beliefs, but because this is one too many times when the UN has meddled in the domestic affairs of my country. It would be the same thing as my country meddling in the bedroom affairs of its people until something illegal was to happen.
FYI - ASLN is a region free of UN influence.
Memenias position in this question is that it's not the prostituts that we should be punishing. They are the victims of cruel societies. Our position is that it is the act of "bying" this kind of service that should be outlawed.
Let's hunt the sleezy buyers, not the poor sobs that have no other way of supporting themselves, or have been forced to it by traffiking or other cruel forms of slavery.
Hecate gone wild
30-01-2004, 15:22
:cry: Boo hoo hooo! :cry: The other kids aren't playing the way I want them to! :cry: Waah waaaahh wwwaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
It's called society. It means dealing with other people. So get a grip and deal with it. :roll: :roll:
:cry: Boo hoo hooo! :cry: The other kids aren't playing the way I want them to! :cry: Waah waaaahh wwwaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
It's called society. It means dealing with other people. So get a grip and deal with it. :roll: :roll:
Shame someone doesn't deal with you.
Power to you Googlewoop
We, the Oppressed Peoples of McMicroBucks, feel that the majority of UN resolutions are incompatible with world diplomatic relations. Firstly, such resolutions such as the legalization of euthanasia or prostitution cannot be carried out throughout every form of government. Secondly, the very mechanics of a theocracy, for example, might have built into the fundamental roots of its judicial system the exact opposite of such resolutions. The valuable time of the UN should be spent enforcing international laws regarding trade, human rights, natural disasters, and other such universal topics, and not the specific details of what those topics would entail. Only through generalized, openly universal resolutions will the UN be able to satisfy the needs of all its members.
Thank you for your time.
-The Oppressed People of McMicroBucks.
The Governmnet of Her Majesty's Loyal Dominion of Petrolium Springs is not and has no immediate plans to become a member of the United Nations. It is becoming increasingly clear that the United Nations is intent upon the establishment of a hegemony over all member nations with the goal of dictating to all members a series of laws and regulations that will limit the options of independent choice for each member nation.
The United Nations should not be in the business of dictating morality to it's members and it is clear that the establishment of many if not most United Nations initiatives is a poorly disguised attempt at extending the control of the many by the few.
Until such time as this august body returns to the contemplation of truly international affairs and refrains from medalling in the internal affairs of member nations, The government of Her Majesty's Loyal Dominion of Petrolium Springs will remain a proud and independent nation enjoying and honoured by the aquaintance of like minded peoples from around the world.
Pleas contact this nation by telegram should further discussion of this subject be desired.
It is the opinion of the leadership and people of the Holy Empire of Kokablel that mere talk is insufficient. Measures must be taken by those with sufficient endorsement to present votable resolutions. These resolutions should be very simple: Retractions of previous resolutions that are deemed to be invasions of the internal affairs of nation states.
It is high time to cease talking and move into action. We wait for our first endorsement, or we would already be presenting these. The UN has become the personal jumping point of delegate political views, and they have long ago stepped too far into nation state affairs.
The real UN would never stand for such high handed tactics, why should our member states? Majority rules is an invalid comment with the delegate system, as it grants far too much power to the hands of too few individuals, allowing the UN to be nothing more than an oligarchy of delegate enforcers browbeating their ideas of utopia into the world.
The Lone Star Republic Parliament declares its unfledging support for this resolution. It is along such lines that a new National Sovereignty Resolution is in committee.
We beseech Googlewoop to consider a joint venture in passing a Dignified UN/National Sovereignty Declaration. The following passages are from the National Sovereignty Resolution being prepared (and edited) by the Lone Star Republic Parliament. As you can see, we have adopted some of the ideas set forth in your proposal. Currently, the proposal reads as follows:
A Declaration of National Sovereignty
Proposed by the Ambassador of the Lone Star Republic Parliament
The United Nations represents the highest political form of international cooperation. Each member nation joins voluntarily for the sake of improving their peoples’ role in the world and relations with neighbors. It is this lofty goal that all nations participate in this great forum of international affairs.
However, resolutions passed in this United Nations Assembly have trampled upon national rights and made a mockery of this so-called “united” body. Forced euthanasia, mandatory vegetation preservation, legalized prostitution (currently in quorum), and talk of the cessation of religious practices threaten to nullify any right of national leaders to make decisions with or for their own peoples, cultures, and values. In the face of the loss of national identity, we do declare the following rights of UN member nations:
I. All UN Member nations have the inalienable right to protest resolutions they deem unfair and demonstrate disfavor, free from hindrance, as follows:
a. Open counter-resolution discussions in the United Nations forum, or
b. Leave the United Nations en masse (as an opposition group) until the resolution is annulled.
II. All UN Members have the undeniable right to take action against any resolution as follows:
a. Propose annulment of the unfavorable resolution in the form of a new proposal,
b. Declare non-compliance en masse (as an opposition group) until an acceptable compromise has been reached.
For all nations who honor the lofty establishment of the United Nations, the above rights of nations establish a procedure to uphold the dignity of the international forum.
The Lone Star Republic Parliament welcomes your thoughts and opinions. We would also like to propose a national sovereignty coalition. If any nation is interested, please join our cause.
Peace and prosperity!
The Holy Empire of Kokablel offers its unwavering support in this matter. The All Holy Light of Kokablel, may it shine forever, only makes mention that precise methodology is a necessary thing in all governance, making it wise that you codify the precise means of non-compliance, in order that a system might exist regarding such action.
Beyond that, your proposal is most pleasing to the Light.
31-01-2004, 04:17
I think that there should be a loose coalition made in Nationstates to oppose the UN. It seems to me that the UN has turned into a bunch of liberals telling us conservatives what to do. Maybe If there was somekind of executive power that was elected and could be replaced by vote at anytime, that would stop half of these crappy resolutions from passing. Give him a veto power. That would be good.
As per the recommendation of Lotrikan, The Lone Star Republic is taking a poll right now in the UN forum to see how many states will support their own sovereignty over national issues. Please read the details and vote under the post: "Support your own sovereignty! We must be 10,000 strong!". Get the word out! Encourage everyone to vote!
Peace and prosperity,
The Lone Star Republic Parliament
The UN really is losing touch with what it was designed for, what it really needs is a group of people willing to dredge through the legistation proposals and decide if they belong there or not.
that's what the UN delegates endorsement procedures are for. This is why it's required that proposals get a certain number of endorsements before it even comes to vote.
Also West Lancashire would like to know why no motion put to the UN has ever been defeated. Is it the case that the regional delegates who get to choose which motions come before the UN have too much power?
This is possible, however I don't think the game moderators will implement any change to this.
You agreed to abide by the UN when you signed up.
From the U.N. FAQ "The UN is your chance to mold the rest of the world to your vision" and that's exactly what people are doing.
No, I don't agree with every proposal that comes through. Legalise Euthanasia and the Fair treatment and the UCPL clauses all had very nasty loopholes and other things that made them undesirable. They still passed, and I have to live with them but I'm OK with that.
The current resoloution isn't as bad, since it's open ended enough for nations to issue regulations of their own.
However, the game mechanics are NOT likely to change, the moderators have said this many times, and there is no way to control what is proposed or endorsed, so it's either 'cope, or leave' there's no other option.
I personally, overall, AGREE with googlewoop, however you have to face facts.
Although googlewoop said 'the UN is overreaching it's mandate'... what mandate? Can you show me where the UNs mandate is written? And I'm not talking about 'real world' UN. I'm talking NationStates. The only 'mandate' is to 'shape the world to your vision' which is what people are doing.
I would personally also not like the UN to meddle in internal policies of individual NationStates, HOWEVER the fact that they ARE meddling IS A FACT and it's cope or leave the UN. I choose to cope with it.
31-01-2004, 16:33
Oh how cute, it's a n00b war.
Didn't take 'em long to get
(a)pompous and
(b) thin skinned, did it?