New proposal: Adoption of the Tobin Tax
I posted a new proposal in the United Nations Proposals area.
The content of proposal is:
[Adoption of the Tobin Tax
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Governments around the world should immediately establish a Tobin-type
tax on speculative currency transactions and dedicate the revenues to
social and economic development for less developed countries. The tax
should be collected and redistributed in a fully transparent and
accountable manner through the United Nations.]
I kindly ask the Regional Delegates to consider the above proposal and,
in case of agreement, to give approval.
Thanks for your attention.
The Community of Kepleros
22-01-2004, 18:09
I am not aware of our regional delegate's position but you have the full support of our Community.
Vlad Taneev
Speaker for the Economy
Though your proposal is an ethical one- it is not practical.
1. The further taxing of citizens in all nations will not be supported by corrupt or economically centered nations- or in my case, a nation whose citizens who are already taxed 100% of their income.
2. What qualifies as a less developed country? This could mean a multitude of things. For example: My nation, though not rich, could be qualified under these terms however is not in need of this service.
3. Who will decide who gets money? To put through another bureaucratic method in the UN will be disasterous. Bureaucracy is ruled by red tape, and with so many variables this proposal will weigh down the system.
4. To redistribute a nations money removes their right to it. A body that taxes internationally sets thje stage for further attacks on the sovereignty of a nation. Furthermore, this redistribution cannot be guaranteed where this money within the countries will go. In a corrupt nation- to the coffers of the tyrant? There is no way to enforce this law as there is no international police force. And should there be one, it would be an infringement upon the sovereignty of individual states.
-If- you can fix all of these problems The State of Nature will support you.
- The People, of The Most Serene Republic of Iriya -
Mors Semper Tyrannis
22-01-2004, 18:24
I agree with many of Iriya's points. Also, you need to explain what a "Tobin-type tax" is.
22-01-2004, 18:45
The Rogue Nation of Greenspoint will not support any proposal which seeks to establish additional taxes on our nation's GDP or citizens.
James Moehlman
Asst. Manager ico U.N. Affairs
Emperor Matthuis
22-01-2004, 20:29
I don't support it as it doesn't tell you what the tax actually does, :?