NationStates Jolt Archive

UN Proposal: Right to Life and Choice

16-01-2004, 07:07
After some careful revision, I have added clauses that will support both sides in this, I hope. It has clauses to support the anti-abortionists, as well as the pro-abortionists.


Whereas many anti-abortionists preach the right to life for the unborn fetus, who, in the mother's womb may or may not pose a risk to her well being, in turn support the death penalty is a direct case of hypocrisy;

Whereas many pro-abortionists preach the right for the woman to choose whether or not they will keep the fetus based on mitigating and aggrevating circumstances, in turn rally in throes for the banning of the barbaric capital and corporal punishment;


As a happy medium we hereby propose that, if a government is pro-life, then, they cannot have the death penalty if they don't allow abortion. Similarly, if you allow abortion, you can allow the death penalty.

Further, as an extension on this proposal, we hereby recommend that abortion not be outlawed, because it can affect a woman's health, if the existance of the unborn child in her womb will pose complication, leading and not limited to her death.

Also, in preventing further conflict, if the government should choose not to allow abortion, which includes not allowing the death penalty, an agency should be set up, to assist those women who need it. To judge their case for an abortion. Only if they receive a certificate of approval, shall they be permitted to abort the pregnancy.

If they are healthy and able to properly care for the child, or someone else is willing to, the women, unless her health is at severely at risk, shall be denied the right to abortion in the favour of life.


1 - Under no circumstance, if abortion is legal, should it be done unless the woman's case passes the Analytical Process, a method of determination with the following items to be considered:
i) The nature of her health, whether threatened or not
ii) Her needs as a human; if she can care for herself or not. If she can't care for herself, how can she care for another?
iii) The cause of her pregnancy. If it was because of lack of awareness, then her case is denied, unless her life is endangered, as is stated in the first item. If she, however, was intoxicated (drunk or drugged), raped or the victim of incest.

2 - The exception to the above rule is as follows: if the girl is underage the universal age for the country, then the fate of the unborn child rests on the parents. They still take it before the Case Analysts in order to get a certificate of approval.

3 - In order to legally receive an abortion, a doctor's note, in order to get the morning after pill, must be issued, or a certificate to the doctor who will be performing the abortion, stating that the woman, or girl, has permission for the process.

4 - If, the case above is not legal, and the abortion is performed, the parties involved will be charged as follows: the woman, as she is consenting to this, will receive, depending on at what stage of her pregnancy, the abortion is performed at, anywhere from a hefty fine to a five year jail sentence in a minimum security prision at the state level. The doctor, for willfully breaking the law and having knowledge of it, will have his or her medical license revoked and receive a two year probation period before they can go back for retraining to get recertified.

5 - If, your government has chosen to forego abortion, then any death sentences are null and consideration a violation of the UN. Because both involve the removal of life, having a death sentence and banning abortion is a sign of hypocrisy, if you wish to keep your death sentence, then an abortion program must be set-up.

6 - If in your region, non-UN Members give the option, then, if these women wish for an abortion, they must seek out a doctor in that country that will. However, they will face a fine when they return home for the act of killing. There is only a fine, but hefty because the illegal abortion didn't occur on national soil. Further, the country that does allow it, must take responsibilty for this and provide documentation supporting the abortion, if she was found to be pregnant while out of the country. If the reasons for her abortion are legal under the articles of this resolution, then the fine shall be light. Inclusive in this; if in the future she seeks an abortion in her native country, she will be denied the treatment because she has violated the laws of her country, unless it poses a severe risk to her life; the risk in this case is death, and only if she can prove her case with signicant medical evidence.

7 - Abortion shall be issued in all countries, under only this circumstance, and that is, if the woman or girl has been in an accident and is pregnant, with her life at risk because of internal bleeding or other injuries that affect both hers and the unborn child's well-being. If she is unable to be saved without removing the child from her womb, the child shall be removed and put on life support in order to save both. This is the only time after the first two months of the pregnancy wherein, the child is removed from her womb before she goes into labour. The only other exception, is medical reasons, such as she develops a kind of cancer and the treatment would endanger the life of the child, and the child can survive outside of the mother's womb.

8 - If legalised in the country, or, the presence of the death penalty exists and abortion is merely there for those women who really need it as a last resort, then, the abortion, if it must be done, is to be done within the first two months. The third month is permitted under only severe circumstances.

9 - The so-called 'morning after pill' can only be taken within the first week and with doctor's permission. If a women has sexual intercourse and believes that the protection didn't work, as preventative medicine, she can seek out her doctor, get the prescription and take the pill. The doctor can only give her the prescription if:
i) she requests it
ii) passes a test that proves that the fetus hasn't had a chance to begin to develop
iii) it has been 7 days or less

10 - Miscarriages, as a cause of nature, shall not be considered a violation of any law. The women should receive medical care, of course, but, the miscarriage shall not be treated as a violation of any law because she had no physical control over it.
16-01-2004, 08:47
I got as far as the passage that speaks of 'the hypocrisy' of supporting the death penalty while being against abortion-on if these two things were cut of the same cloth...before I felt COMPELLED to break in with a reply. What an outrage.
We execute the GUILTY...we should not murder the INNOCENT. We should not murder innocent lives just so that 'progressive' hedonists can indulge in sex as if it were a pastime, rather than a method for procreation. Procreation is a choice...killing innocent life so that irresponsible men & women can pleasure themselves is barbaric.
William Clarke Quantrill / UN Representative, Confederacy of Kelleysland
16-01-2004, 09:31
The Istahani support this proposal, provided that it will allow both abortions to be performed and the end of the death penalty.
16-01-2004, 15:59
Makes sense to us.

We provide abortion alternatives, health care, counseling and adoption services. We are also pacifist and execute no criminals.

Some of the worst ones get cleanup duty on our mastodon ranches however, which may in fact be cruel and unusual punishment. :P
16-01-2004, 16:09
The Rogue Nation of Greenspoint recognizes that life begins at conception. It follows that any form of abortion takes the life of a human being. Morning after pills, owing to the fact that they 'prevent pregnancy' after conception, are a form of abortion and take a human life.

The Rogue Nation of Greenspoint only allows the taking of a human life as the direct result of due process, in a court of law, and only at the behest of our criminal justice system for the commission of certain crimes.

Abortion is illegal, capital punishment is a requirement for certain crimes.

The Rogue Nation of Greenspoint does not see the banning of abortion or capital punishment as a U.N. issue, any more than we'd agree the mandating of either action would be.

We do not support and will actively oppose this proposal.

Vincent Salazar
Assistant Manager in charge of Health and Human Welfare
16-01-2004, 16:32
You're combining two different issues. This is too constricting, Nations should choose how they feel about Capital Punishment and Abortion instead of having to choose one depending on the other just because you think that somehow they are linked.

You sure as hell don't have my approval.
16-01-2004, 16:32
You're combining two different issues. This is too constricting, Nations should choose how they feel about Capital Punishment and Abortion instead of having to choose one depending on the other just because you think that somehow they are linked.

You sure as hell don't have my approval.
16-01-2004, 16:42
I looked throgh every proposal, and didn't see this one. :|
Catholic Europe
16-01-2004, 19:05
Catholic Europe does not support this proposal.