je cherche des personnes francais pour avoir des conseils...
bonjour est ce que vous connaissez des trucs importants a savoir ou ce genre de choses merci de vos reponses!!!!
29-12-2003, 14:04
Parlez-vous Anglais?
Sea and Air
29-12-2003, 14:52
What are you going on about?
29-12-2003, 15:07
I had both texts translated, subject heading reads I seek French people to have councils...second text says hello is what you know of the important tricks has to know or this kind of things thank you of your reponses!!!!
i think unless you are french you needn't replie
yes i speak english i understand everything in this website and in the things we have to do!!!!
but i want to meet people who speak french because it is easier for me!!
also if you have councils to give to french people i will enjoy if you give them to me!
thank you os answering!!
Catholic Europe
31-12-2003, 12:49
yes i speak english i understand everything in this website and in the things we have to do!!!!
but i want to meet people who speak french because it is easier for me!!
also if you have councils to give to french people i will enjoy if you give them to me!
thank you os answering!!
I've been learning French for 6 years and speaking to a French person would really help my learning. Perhaps we could talk in French.
BTW, Pentastar is a French nation.
Alors parlons en français.
Je vais essayer de parler bien, pour pouvoir être le mieux compris possible!
pourquoi as-tu voulu apprendre le français?
est ce qu'il y a des choses importantes à savoir sur ce jeu?
finalement, connais-tu des régions totalement française?
Je voudrais aider, mais je ne comprend pas quand vous disez "trucs importants" a savoir ou ce genre de choses.
Vous pouvez etre plus spécifique s'il vous plait?
Merci beaucoup. Bonne Chance!
quand je demande s il y a des trucs importants a savoir cela veut dire que j'aimerai savoir s'il y a des informations qui pourraient être oubliées par une personne connaissant mal l'anglais?